Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) Beta 2 Released

2011-04-14 Thread Kate Stewart
The Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 11.04 Beta

Codenamed "Natty Narwhal", 11.04 continues Ubuntu's proud tradition of
integrating the latest and greatest open source technologies into a
high-quality, easy-to-use Linux distribution.  The team has been hard at
work since Beta 1, fixing bugs and getting things all nice and natty.

For PC users, Ubuntu 11.04 now supports laptops, desktops and netbooks
with a unified look and feel based on Unity.  

A special Ubuntu Netbook version is provided for platforms based on ARM
technology, such as the Panda and Beagle boards.

Ubuntu Server 11.04 has made it easier to provision servers, and reduce
power consumption.   

Ubuntu Server 11.04 for UEC and EC2 is available as well, with a new
kernel and improved initialization and configuration options. 

The Ubuntu 11.04 family of Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Edubuntu, Mythbuntu, and
Ubuntu Studio, also reach Beta 2 status today.

Ubuntu Changes

Some of the new features now available are:

Unity is now the default Ubuntu desktop session. The Unity launcher has
many new features, including drag and drop re-ordering of launcher
icons, full keyboard navigation support, launcher activation through
keyboard shortcuts, right-click context menu quick-list and switching
between running applications.  

The Ubuntu One control panel now allows selective syncing, and the
launcher icon now displays sync progress.  File syncing speed has been
improved as well. 

The Ubuntu Software Center now allows users to  "rate & review"
installed applications, share reviews via integration with social
networking services added into Gwibber,  and has other usability

Key applications have been updated to newer versions:

Ubuntu 11.04 comes with the latest Firefox 4.0 as standard web browser.

LibreOffice 3.3.2 has been included in 11.04 as the default office

Banshee 2.0 is the standard music player now and has been integrated
into the sound menu.

And we continue to improve the underlying infrastructure: 

11.04 Beta 2 has a kernel based on 2.6.38. 

X.org 1.10.0 and Mesa 7.10.1 are the new versions included with 11.04.

GNU toolchain has transitioned to be based off of gcc 4.5 for i386,
amd64, and ARM omap3/omap4 architectures.

All main packages have now been built and and are installable with
Python 2.7.

dpkg 1.16.0-pre brings us up-to-date with staged changes for the
upcoming Debian 1.16.0 dpkg release, as well as pulling in the current
version of the in-progress multiarch work

Upstart has been updated to 0.9.4-1. There are a lot of new features: 
its now "chroot-aware", there is support for basic job/event
visualization, there are two new initctrl commands (show-config,
check-config), a socket bridge is now provided, the latest D-Bus version
now allows D-Bus services to be activated via Upstart, a manual job
configuration stanza, and override file support is now available

Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta for details.

Ubuntu Netbook on ARM

The ARM version is the first one to ship with our new Unity 2D interface
by default.

The 2.6.38 kernel for OMAP4 has had many driver improvements, most
notably the display driver was switched to use the HDMI port by default
and auto detect the monitor resolution. 

For developers, an Ubuntu Headless image is available for omap3 and
omap4 hardware.  Headless is fully set up for the serial port and
contains a minimal command line install. 

Ubuntu Server

cobbler and mcollective have been included, which will make provisioning
servers easier.

Powernap 2.0 uses a new method to reduce power consumption and can now
monitor user activity (Console, Mouse, Keyboard), system activity (load,
processors, process IO), and network activity (wake-on-lan, udp ports
tcp ports) 

Default dhcpd server updated from dhcp3 to isc-dhcp (version 4). 

Eucalyptus is now the latest stable point release (2.0.2) with security
and efficiency fixes. (Known bug against the dhcpd server) 

OpenStack (nova) in Universe is a technology preview, with a recent
snapshot of 2011.2 (Cactus) release. 

libvirt is updated to 0.8.8 with new features and bug fixes (see
upstream change log for full information 0.8.3->0.8.8)  

Ubuntu Server for UEC and EC2 

cloud-init has been updated to 0.60. This feature includes support
resizing of the root file system at first boot, adds minimal OVF 
transport (iso) support and allow setting of hostname when first 
booting. Rightscale support has been added to cloud-config and 

Some of the supporting technologies that have been packaged and included
are, Cassandra 0.7.0, ZeroMQ, Membase, and XtraBackup. 


Kubuntu 11.04 Beta 2 sports the latest KDE software including KDE
Platform 4.6.1. 

Kubuntu now provides a working Samba file sharing module that lets you
add and manage shares from the folder's Properties dialogs. 

The new

Announcing a Bonus Ubuntu Bug Day this week ! - April 15th 2011

2011-04-14 Thread Jean-Baptiste Lallement
Fellow Ubuntu Triagers!

This week, there is a special Bonus Bug Day.
I announce *drum roll please* - Natty ISO Testing Bugs !
 * 100 New bugs need a hug
 * 51 Incomplete bugs need a status check
 * 100 Confirmed bugs need a review

Natty Beta 2 candidates have been tested, many bugs have been reported
and are waiting to be triaged to make a final release full of awesomeness.

Bookmark it, add it to your calendars, turn over those egg-timers!
 * April 15th, 2011
 * http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20110415

Are you looking for a way to start giving some love back to your
adorable Ubuntu Project?

Did you ever wonder what Triage is? Want to learn about that?
This is a perfect time!, Everybody can help in a Bug Day!
open your IRC Client and go to #ubuntu-bugs (FreeNode) the BugSquad will
be happy to help you to start contributing!

Wanna be famous? Is easy! remember to use 5-A-day so if you do a good
work your name could be listed at the top 5-A-Day Contributors in the
Ubuntu Hall of Fame page!

We are always looking for new tasks or ideas for the Bug Days, if you
have one add it to the Planning page

If you're new to all this, head to

Have a nice day,

irc: jibel

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