Quantal Quetzal Alpha 2 target images

2012-06-25 Thread Kate Stewart
Dear testers,

   We've started off the Quantal Alpha 2 milestone now on the ISO
tracker, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/222/builds.
Tonight's image builds will be the ones to start testing in earnest as
candidates for Alpha 2. 

Images we hope to be able to ship out with Alpha 2 are:

Ubuntu Desktop amd64/i386 livecd+alternate
Ubuntu Desktop armhf+omap4
Ubuntu Server  amd64/armhf+omap4
Ubuntu Cloud   amd64/i386
Ubuntu Coreamd64/i386/armhf

Kubuntu Desktop amd64/i386 livecd+alternate
Kubuntu Active  i386

Edubuntuamd64/i386 DVD

Lubuntu amd64/i386/powerpc livecd+alternate

Xubuntu amd64/386 livecd+alternate

Ubuntu Studio   amd64/i386 DVD

Images still TBD:

Please monitor the iso tracker for the latest though.

If any questions #ubuntu-release on Freenode for discussion attn: Daviey
or skaet.

Thanks, Kate

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Release Team meeting - 2011/09/02 cancelled.

2011-09-02 Thread Kate Stewart
A very big THANK YOU all the developers, testers, and release team
members who helped get Beta 1 released today!!

We'll be canceling tomorrow's release team meeting, but fear not, a nice
summary of the bugs found during the beta testing will be mailed out
tomorrow to give you interesting new problems to figure out. ;)

Next meeting will be on Sept. 9, 2011.

Cheers,  Kate

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Natty Beta 2 Freeze, now in effect, and up coming dates...

2011-04-12 Thread Kate Stewart
   Some questions have been coming up as to what the
Natty release schedule looks like for the remainder of
the month.   

   Here's what was discussed on ubuntu-release mail list and 
referenced in the weekly meetings over the last month, 

Beta 2 freeze - 4/11 (0900 UTC) - hard freeze today
Beta 2 release - 4/14

Main/Seeded Final Freeze 4/14 
   (basically archive stays frozen,  
only important bug fixes from this point forward)

Last bug fix 4/21 (0900 UTC)- hard freeze 
   (only release blocking bug fixes, requested by release team)

Unseeded Universe/Multiverse Final Freeze - 4/26 (1200 UTC)

Natty release 4/28

If you've got any questions or concerns, please send an email to the
ubuntu-release mail list or join us on #ubuntu-release, on Freenode.

Thanks, Kate
on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team. 

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11.10 Ubuntu Release - Call for Topics

2011-04-12 Thread Kate Stewart
Hi all,

   As we go into the last phases of releasing Natty, please keep a set
of side notes on things you would like to see improved in our release
processes for Oneiric (and beyond).

   We will have a release feedback session again, early in UDS, to go
over what worked well, and what can be improved for Oneiric. 
However there may be some topics that are wider in scope than that
one feedback session. 

Looking at what some of the other teams are doing, a revised version of
their process should work: 

1. Send a call for topics the Ubuntu community (this is it)

2. Have an exchange over irc and email to discuss the requirements in

3. Produce a resulting UDS plan which summarizes the topics going
into UDS, and feeds into blueprints

4. Provide a final roadmap post-UDS

Here is the schedule with some details.

= April 12th: Request for Topics =
This email is the request for topics. Please send topics that you would
like the Ubuntu Release team to consider for this cycle to the
**ubuntu-release** mailing list [1] with
"[Oneiric-Release-Topic]" in the subject line. 

These are not specific requirements, but high-level ideas or concepts.

Some areas to consider:
 * Development Release Processes (freezes, testing, etc.)
 * Stable Release Updates (proposed, updates, testing, etc.)
 * Long Term Support Release Processes (testing, freezes, etc.)
 * Inter team dependencies ( Toolchain freeze, etc. ;) )
 * End of Life Processes (advance notice, transitions )
 * Release support infrastructure (archive, builders, etc.)

= April 12th through April 19th - Requirements discussions held =
We will discuss topics in the ubuntu-release irc channel and
ubuntu-release mailing list. The goal will be to identify and
document specific requirements.

= April 19th through April 28th - Getty Natty out! =

= May 2nd - UDS Oneiric Topics Review =
A couple of days before UDS Oneiric we will present a plan. This is
essentially a review of what topics we have planned for further
discussion at UDS.

= May 9th through May 13th - UDS =

= Approximately two weeks post UDS - Oneiric Plan Review =
About two weeks after UDS, we will revise the UDS Oneiric Plan to
capture what was actually decided as the plan of record at UDS, and
present that information. This info will feed into the Ubuntu Release
planning for Oneiric and beyond


[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-release

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Request for help... want to see a specific image in Ubuntu's Natty Release?

2011-03-23 Thread Kate Stewart
Dear Developers, Testers and Passionate Hardware Platform Enthusiasts, 

   One of the decisions from UDS last October was that we wouldn't be
releasing any unverified images in Natty.   

   In working through all the daily builds we do, there are some release
images without folks signed up to verify that the images created are
ready to ship and make a go/no go decision on them.

   If you have the necessary hardware for a specific release image and
an interest in seeing that a specific product is available with the
Natty release,  we need some volunteers to sign up to do the sanity
testing for the product images without contacts listed in:

   What's involved you ask?  

- A commitment to test the specific image on the following days:
3/29-30 (Beta 1),  4/12-13 (Beta 2)  and 4/26-27 (Proposed final image).

- Work with the Ubuntu testing team to make sure the results of tests
for that image (and any bugs found) are recorded on the ISO tracker for
that image.

- Notify the Ubuntu release team of any issues that should be documented
in the release notes.

   If you're able to help out,  feel free to go onto the wiki and edit
it to add your name as the contact for a specific product and send a
note to the specific product manager and myself letting us know you're
willing to help.

   Please feel free to contact me directly via email or IRC
(#ubuntu-release on freenode) if you have further questions.

Thanks for your help with this!

Kate Stewart
on behalf of the Ubuntu Release Team

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Natty Alpha 3 Released!

2011-03-03 Thread Kate Stewart
Welcome to Natty Narwhal Alpha 3, which will in time become Ubuntu

Pre-releases of Natty are *not* encouraged for anyone needing a stable
system or anyone who is not comfortable running into occasional, even
frequent breakage.  They are, however, recommended for Ubuntu developers and
those who want to help in testing, reporting, and fixing bugs.

Alpha 3 is the third in a series of milestone CD images that will be
released throughout the Natty development cycle.  

New packages showing up in this release include:
 * LibreOffice 3.3.1
 * Unity 3.6.0
 * Linux Kernel 2.6.38-rc6. 
 * Upstart 0.9
 * Dpkg 1.16.0-pre + multi-arch snapshot

The Alpha images are known to be reasonably free of show stopper CD build 
or installer bugs, while representing a very recent snapshot of Natty. 
You can download it here:

  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Ubuntu Desktop and Server)
  http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Ubuntu Server for UEC 
and EC2)
(Ubuntu ARM)
  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Kubuntu)
  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Xubuntu)
  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/natty/alpha-3 (Edubuntu)
  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Ubuntu Studio)
  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/mythbuntu/releases/natty/alpha-3/ (Mythbuntu)

Alpha 3 includes a number of software updates that are ready for wider
testing.  Please refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha3 for
information on changes in Ubuntu.

This is quite an early set of images, so you should expect some bugs.  For a
list of known bugs (that you don't need to report if you encounter), please


If you're interested in following the changes as we further develop
Natty, have a look at the natty-changes mailing list:


We also suggest that you subscribe to the ubuntu-devel-announce list
if you're interested in following Ubuntu development. This is a
low-traffic list (a few posts a week) carrying announcements of
approved specifications, policy changes, alpha releases, and other
interesting events.


Bug reports should go to the Ubuntu bug tracker:



Kate Stewart
on behalf of the Ubuntu release team

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Natty Feature Freeze now in effect; Alpha 3 freeze 2/27 2300 UTC

2011-02-24 Thread Kate Stewart
Hello Ubuntu developers,

The Feature Freeze is now in effect for Natty.  The focus from here until
release is on fixing bugs and polishing.

If you believe that a new package, a new upstream version of a package, or a
new feature is needed for the release and will not introduce more problems
than it fixes, please follow the Freeze Exception Process by filing bugs and
subscribing ubuntu-release or motu-release as appropriate.


Please also make sure that specs assigned to you for Natty are updated
to their current status (which should be at least Beta Available if
not Deferred, or unless granted a freeze exception).


Our next testing milestone, Lucid Alpha 3, is scheduled for Thursday,
March 3rd.  Natty Alpha 3 will go into a "soft freeze" for main[1] on 
Feb 27th at 2300UTC.  This means that developers are asked to refrain 
from uploading packages between Tuesday and Thursday which don't 
bring us closer to releasing the alpha, so that these days can be 
used for settling the archive, testing the imags and fixing any 
remaining showstoppers.

The list of bugs targeted for alpha-3 can be found at:


Per the policy[2], this list is used for tracking bugs that are blockers 
for the alpha 3 milestone.  If you know of other bugs that should be 
considered as potential blockers, please target them to the release and 
set the milestone target for those bugs.  If you have questions about 
whether a bug should be considered a blocker, please contact
a member of the release team[3].

And of course, please also consider helping with the bugs already listed
there if you have the time.

Beyond the bugs that are blockers for Alpha 3, we have those bugs that are
listed as release-critical for Lucid as a whole:


If you aren't among the group of people who have milestoned bugs
assigned to you, please consider helping with those release-targeted bugs,
using your best judgment with regard to the alpha freeze when uploading

Please also help us to get the archive in a consistent state again for the
alpha, as described on

Finally, if you know of new features in Natty that you think should be
highlighted for Alpha 3, please let me or another member of the release 
team know so that they can be added to the technical overview at


Kate Stewart
On behalf of the Ubuntu release team

[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RCBugTargetting
[3] https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/+members

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2011-02-11 Ubuntu Release Meating Minutes

2011-02-15 Thread Kate Stewart
Overall: Teams are starting into the A3 feature groove :), bug backlog
is still a bit high in some areas. 

Team Summaries:
  * QA: Linux, LibreOffice, and Unity are toping the list of incoming
bugs over last week. 
  * HW Cert: All servers for 11.04 except 1 are now reporting results,
desktop runs not done this week due to hardware relocation. 
  * Bugs under focus: 714829, 695842, 715871 
  * Security: Making progress on work items for Natty, nothing A3
  * Bugs under focus: bug:344878, bug:712662 (pending doko input),
bug:714908, bug:714958, bug:715874. 
  * Kernel: uploaded two kernels with the latest v2.6.38-3.30
(v2.6.38-rc4 based) with lots of fixes for graphics, now mostly
watching mainline 
  * Bugs under focus: see Kernel team report. 
  * Foundations: btrfs installs now confirmed to work properly again,
Upstart visualisation and interactive boot work 
  * Bugs under focus: made progress this week, switching back to
features for A3 
  * Server: working on awstrial, new openstack snapshot, working on LXC
on openstack, and new packages including Handbreak plugin for mysql.
Eucalyptus still remains to be a problem in Natty. 
  * Bugs under focus: regression showing up with bug:590201, will
provide feedback on above list post meeting. 
  * Desktop: cleanup of A3 WI's in progress, annoying compiz bug about
invisible windows should be fixed now, python-gobject ABI breakage
has been hotfixed, so pygtk apps are running normally again 
  * Bugs under focus: 638827 is blocked on mozilla. 
  * UbuntuOne: shotwell not looking likely for Natty, unity integration
has started, and banshee still needs some work. 
  * Kubuntu: kubuntu mobile mostly working again, libindicate-qt updated
for new API, Qt being built with gcc 4.4 to work around issues with
gcc 4.5 on ARM 
  * Thorny areas that need some focus and/or decisions: 
  * plymouth timing interactions with vesab (kernel, foundations) 
  * Eucalyptus (server) 
  * X - rolling back, or working around? (desktop, arm, kernel) 
  * python 2.6/2.7 vs. 2.7 only? (motu, foundations) 
  * picking up Linaro recent toolchain drop? (arm, foundations,
linaro, kubuntu) 

Action Items:
* [release team] to revisit release freeze date, and its relation to
beta 2 
  * [zul] to provide update on status of server bugs highlighted in
  * [wendar] to post resolution on the Python 2.6/2.7 vs Python 2.7
inclusion in Natty 
  * [skaet] follow up with doko after he returns on Linaro toolchain

Full summary and links to logs can be found:


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2011-01-17 Ubuntu LTS and SRU bi-weekly - minutes

2011-01-18 Thread Kate Stewart
Thanks to those of you who were able to attend the meeting earlier
today.  For those of you on holiday, please scan the minutes.


- targetted for release on 2/17
- freeze is 1/20 (this Thursday)... get your bug fixes in now.
- QA and HW cert testing between 10.04.2 and Natty Alpha 2 will be
consuming most of the testing cycles.  Will be defering an SRU cycle
until after 10.04.2 goes out. 

-  -proposed candidate Maverick(Bug:697948) and Lucid(Bug:699885)
kernels released on 1/11. 
- Lucid -proposed candidate is likely to be 10.04.2 kernel 

The meetings will be shifting from bi-weekly to weekly for next few
weeks until after 10.04.2 is released.   

Victor Pilau will host the next SRU/LTS meeting on 1/24.

Agenda & Minutes can be found:

Thanks, Kate

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2011-01-03 Ubuntu SRU and LTS bi-weekly - minutes

2011-01-06 Thread Kate Stewart
Happy New Year!  I hope that everyone had a good holiday break, and 
has caught up with their inbox now.  :)

Thank you to all who were around and able to attend the 1/3 SRU and
10.04.2 LTS bi-weekly meeting earlier this week. 


- targetted for release on 2/17.   
- feature freeze is set for 1/20, based on existing process[1]. 
  (Note. process for setting didn't have new SRU cadence factored in
  so this date is being reviewed and may change.)

SRU updates
- kernel update life cycle we're settling into for lucid/maverick is:
  (friday of prior week) - kernel uploaded to -proposed
  verification week - using built kernel, backing out failures
  testing week - hardware cert and regression testing
  (end of testing week) - kernel moved to -update
  see [2] for current prediction of SRU for rest of Natty.
- next cycle will have extra week in verification to avoid conflict 
  with platform team rally.

Details (logs, links, actions, etc.) from the meeting can be found in
Cheers,  Kate

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PointReleaseProcess
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseInterlock
[3] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2011-01-03-SR

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