Call for translations

2010-01-22 Thread David Planella
Hi all,

== Loco Team Reapproval ==

As part of the awesome job the LoCo council are doing on this cycle,
they've completed the document which defines how approved LoCo teams
will be assessed for re approval after 2 years [1].

While we use English as a means of communication in our global
community, LoCos use a multitude of languages according to their region
or cultural background. As such, we'd like that every LoCo member could
know about this process in his or her own language, so I'd like to ask
you to translate the document to your own:

Here's how it goes: simply copy the original English text of the page to
a subpage named as your language code (*) and translate it. Then add a
link to the translation on the table on top of the original English page
and you're done!

Have a look at the comments in the wiki page for more information, or
also at the current Catalan translation in there.

== Translations Test Cases ==

The Translations and QA team are working on a set of test cases to
improve the quality of translations [1].

One of these test cases deals with input methods to type complex
characters with a conventional keyboard, and in particular it focuses on
the Chinese, Japanese and Korean languages (CJK).

We'd like the test case to be easy and general, so that everyone can run
it, not only those who speak the language. Therefore, we'd like to
provide translations for the button/textbox/option descriptions
mentioned in the test case, so that non CJK speakers can recognise them
as well.

At this point, I'd like to call for Chinese, Japanese and Korean
speakers to translate those actions marked in bold in the same way they
are translated during the install at:

You can see how it goes by looking at the Simplified Chinese
translations, which have already been done, but it works like this.

For example:

Select your timezone and click Forward.
* In Simplified Chinese "前进" 
  * In Traditional Chinese "" 
  * In Japanese ""
  * In Korean ""

I'd also encourage you to review them or to propose new translations
test cases, since I'm sure they'll also be quite good for testing jams
during the incoming Ubuntu Global Jam. 



(*) For example, in Italian it would be


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

Description: Això és una part d'un missatge signada digitalment
ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Template priorities in Launchpad set up for Karmic

2010-01-22 Thread David Planella
Hey Adi,

El dj 21 de 01 de 2010 a les 21:52 +0200, en/na Adi Roiban va escriure:
> În data de Jo, 21-01-2010 la 10:36 +0100, David Planella a scris:
> > Hi all,
> > 
> > I'd like to announce that the priorities of translation templates in
> > Launchpad have now been set for Karmic according to the classification
> > below:
> > 
> >
> --
> Here is my list of templates I think could have their priority
> decreased:
>  * gimp* - I think gimp and all its plugins are used by technical person
> who know english. I don't see my mother/grandmother using gimp.  

I think for Karmic we can move it a bit further down, yes, but I would
not put as further down as the end of the 'GUI, default, GNOME'
category, since there it is still installed by default, and even if it
is used by advanced users, it is a very popular app.

>  * compiz-plugins-* , while all the plugins are great, from the point of
> view of translations, I think they have little impact on the usability.
> The main compiz package could stay as it is enabled by default.

The compiz-plugins-* seem to be installed by default, that's why I put
them there to keep them together with the compiz main package, but I
agree that they have less impact than other packages to the user
experience, so, yes, we could move them at the end of the 'GUI, default,
GNOME' category.

That said, I'll have to review how I calculated the packages installed
by default. What I've used so far are the source packages present in the
LiveCD, but some of them, such as tracker, do not seem to be installed.

>  * not sure about GGZ Gamin Zone template... but maybe people do play a
> lot of online games supporting ggz.
>   Put them together with ggz-gtk-client

Sounds good to me.

>  * tracker - as far as I know it is no longer installed by default

Yes, I think it can go further down.

> I will move them just above the bulk (around 600) KDE templates.

Sounds good to me, taking into account the comment on GIMP.

> --
> Here is my list of templates I think could have their priority increades
> above the KDE bulk:
> * ubuntu-docs - they are installed by default and now they are around
> position 800.

That's because of the classification on
20policy. Summarizing it:

GUI, default, installer
GUI, default, Ubuntu
GUI, default, Kubuntu
docs, default, Ubuntu
docs, default, Kubuntu

For consistence's sake, I kept all documentation in one block and after
the GUI applications (Ubuntu first, and then Kubuntu), but if
translators think it would be better to move the block before Kubuntu,
we can consider doing it. What do other people think?

GUI, default, installer
GUI, default, Ubuntu
=> docs, default, Ubuntu
GUI, default, Kubuntu
docs, default, Kubuntu

>  Except ubuntu-doc-serverguide (not sure if it still maintained)

I was not sure, either, but I kept it with the other docs for
consistence. Matthew, do you know what the status of the Server Guide

> * cheese
> * pidgin, pidgin-libnotify - even if epiphany is the new client, I know
> many person still using pidgin
> * nautilus-cd-burner - a simple alternative to brasero

It sounds good to me, to move them further up the 'GUI, non-default'
block, but I'd like to keep them inside the block to tell them apart
from GUI apps installed by default, since I'll be using the priorities
to generate the distro translation statistics.

> * not sure about pessulus and sabayon - they are port of the main Gnome

Yes, altough not generally used by the normal user. They can perhaps go
further up in the 'GUI, non-default' block.

> * pppconfig and pppoeconf - when NetworkManager have problems, this
> tools are often used.

I'm not too sure, since I'd still prefer to prioritise the GUI
applications over the command-line ones. They are not mentioned in the
Ubuntu documentation, either. We can definitely put them at the top of
the 'CLI, default' block for now, though.

> * gtk+ gtk+-properties ... don't know why it is at position 1200

Well spotted. The template name in the list (and the source package) did
not seem to match those in Launchpad. I've set the priorites manually
and should now appear further up the list.

> * ibus-pinyin ... should this template be near the other ibus stuff?
> (Just asking)

Perhaps some of the translators using this package can tell us more on
this one?

> This should be a good start :)

Thanks a lot for the detailed feedback, this is very useful!


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

Description: Això és una part d'un missatge signada digitalment
ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: Template priorities in Launchpad set up for Karmic

2010-01-22 Thread Sveinn í Felli

Þann fös 22.jan 2010 01:37, Arne Goetje skrifaði:
> Adi Roiban wrote:
>> Right now I don't know exactly how the grouping feature should look like
>> (from UI point of view) and what should be the logic for grouping
>> templates (how can you tell if a template is in Ubuntu and not Kubuntu,
>> beside Ubuntu, Kubuntu, etc... what other groups can we have...)
> If it helps, I can point you to the code which classifies the
> translations into the respective language-packs (gnome, kde, base).
> Cheers
> Arne
I'd like to see classification according to distributed 
media, e.g. Ubuntu-X.xx-Live-CD, Kubuntu-X.xx-Live-CD, 
Ubuntu-X.xx-Server-netinstall, etc.

I think that small translation teams would appreciate such a 
list, so they could focus on finishing a certain product.

Best regards

Sveinn í Felli
Icelandic translator

ubuntu-translators mailing list

Re: kubuntu-doc templates in Karmic updated

2010-01-22 Thread David Planella
El dv 22 de 01 de 2010 a les 13:13 +0800, en/na Aron Xu va escriure:
> Hi everyone,
> kubuntu-doc templates in Karmic have been updated, please consider
> updating it, :)
> Here is the link:
> Regards,
> Aron Xu

Just a couple of quick notes on this:

  * In the same way we did with ubuntu-docs, now the kubuntu-docs
templates have got a 'kubuntu-docs-' prefix in order to tell
them apart from ubuntu-docs in the global templates list.

  * For those interested in comparing the changes between this new
templates and the previous ones, some time ago I exported all
translations here:

I think it might be worth doing a stable release update for this. For
the teams wanting to complete these translations, would perhaps two
weeks time be enough for you?


David Planella
Ubuntu Translations Coordinator

Description: Això és una part d'un missatge signada digitalment
ubuntu-translators mailing list