Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey
I have opened a can of worms here but my original post on the Ubuntu 
forum was to find out why there didn't appear to be a way to force VGA 
mode on the live CD if it got its video detection/drivers screwed up.  
Clearly my monitors showing out of range means Ubuntu is driving the 
video to resolutions or refresh rates beyond the capabilites of the 
monitors (various flat panels from 1024*768 to 1680*1050 depending on 

Can I dare ask of anyone in a position of influence if this could be an 

And by the way I never complained about the level, atitude of support 
for Ubuntu, I have never used it, I asked if a live CD was meant for the 
masses is it not easy to get it to work - an option for VGA mode like 
Windows would almost certainly have solved my problems.

Please close this thread It has gone in a direction I never intended



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey
No one is addressing my point of the live CD.

I dont doubt that once Ubuntu is working it may be less problem to 
maintain, and less problem to use, but if you have to edit files at the 
commandline to get there (read the answers to all the forum posts, this 
is required for a lot of solutions - I'm not imagining it) you cant do 
that on a live CD.

Is it not the live CD that is given out at events/public places trying 
to get to the masses.

I'm taking about the live CD, not having installed it,had it working 
then the driver getting stuffed up.  Cant repair Xorg on a live cd.

I've run the live cd on 4 differnet PCs, 3 gave me no usable desktop, 
one did.  I installed on the one that did and after the restart the 
installed copy didn't give me a usable desktop.

I agree some problems never get answers, but until it is accept there 
are problems they never will.

Clearly the regulars on here (I have been following this list for a 
while) will defend Ubuntu to the hilt, but if you want its use to expand 
someone need to accept there is a problem.  I agree people want 
something to work first time, but if it doesnt then it has to be easy to 
fix, they are not Linux experts like you.  If you still are giving live 
CDs out to the public then your wasting your time, first impression mean 
so much, and a bad one can set bad opinions for a long time.

I will probably get it to work on one of my PCs eventually when I can 
trawl the bug lists and forums for a solution, but my Win 7 on an Athlon 
XP2500+ and Nvidia 6800 that took less than an hour to setup is working 
it will have to wait for some free time, but I am certain the cost of 
the time taken to resolve it will exceed the cost of Win 7.

All I wanted was to see Ubuntu 10.10 working on a PC.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey
Just seen Alan Bell's post and he has mentioned something no one else 
has, there is meant to be a failsafe X in low res mode.  I didnt know 
that and have not in 4 years seen that mentioned before.  Has anyone 
else ever seen Ubuntu boot in this failsafe mode?  What is meant to 
trigger this mode?

If it just worked then my son could do it but 4 out of 4 failures meant 
for me it didnt just work.


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey
Your missing the point, the live CD is the way to anyone other than the 
computer experts, and if it does not work it ends up in the bin, 
together with the concept of Linux.

Why can it not start in a basic video mode, or at least have an option 
to, so the user can have a second attempt at booting it in a mode that 
is guaranteed to work.  Now IT does what IT wants, IT doesnt work, IT 
hits the bin. Forget giving them the highest resolution and best 3D 
accelerated video it can, just give them one they can see and an option 
to change the screen resolution when it has loaded.  Remember if the 
live CD fails to deliver a desktop they WILL NOT install.

I'm not looking for answers to my problems directly, I am trying to 
point out that every failure of a live CD is not just a user who wont 
install Ubuntu at that time, it is has an negative impact on Linux in 
general, as did the failure of the preinstalled netbooks.

Someone needs to take a business type view of this.  If we (as a 
business) have a problem, yes we sort it but that invariably cost money, 
but we also look a why we had the problem so we can try and prevent it 
happening again. If there is a problem in Ubuntu then people offer 
solutions but no one seem to be taking the wider view as to why they 
happen.  If the live CD does not work because it is trying to be too 
clever - simplfy it, dont say but if you do this, then that, then this, 
it will work.  If we did that in business we would go bust in no time.

If this was a one off with 10.10 I might not feel so strongly about 
this, but its always been like this, and its not doing Linux any favours.

I agree, dont just blame the user.  I have spent 22 year with PC users 
and there are a lot incompetants but there is an awful lot of competants 
as well.  You can not give them all substandard software then blame them 
all for it not working.  I know there not paying for it but dont blame 
them for its shortcommings.  "What do you expect - its free" will not 
win Linux any friends.

the alternate cd with commandline switch is not for your average end 
user trying to try Linux out.

when I get chance I will log the bugs, assuming the internet connection 
is working when I boot the live CD, I haven't got a screen to tell!

and to Tim
you may have had to mess with Window printer drivers but you could at 
least see the screen.

As I said above I am not looking for answers to my problem I am trying 
to point out that Ubuntu has a big problem which no one seems to have 
addressed, and it goes back years.



Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey
Thanks for replys

I want to use Linux.  I might use Windows, I might work with Windows, I 
have hated Windows since version 3 (I was there, it was good for its 
time), I have to admit I think they have finally got close with 7.  I 
dont like Microsoft as a company and its actions, but I have to feed my 
family so I deal with it.  Whilst this post might seem like I am anti 
Linux I am quite the opposite I am anti Windows and really want to use 
Linux. I have personally being trying to use Ubuntu since 7.04 but I 
don't have the time to faff to get a working machine when I can install 
XP or 7 fully loaded with drivers on virtually any machine in 3 hours or 

Maybe I wasn't clear about my points about the live CD trial.

Windows does work without loading drivers.  I have never yet had a PC 
that didnt give me a screen after installing Windows, as I said it might 
be 640*480 4 colour but at least I can work from there.  Ubuntu gives me 
a blank screen, either out of range of the monitor, with only a mouse 
pointer or in the case of previous versions psychedelic dots and 
stripes.  This means going to the commandline to install drivers - that 
just lost the majority of your audience.

How does the end user with a live CD in his hand disable kernel mode 

Do you not hand out live CDs at various events, if they give the trier a 
black screen then they WILL end up in the bin.  Whilst the masses might 
not install, a live cd is meant for the masses to try, is it not?

As a business we have to supply varying hardware, we cant even buy the 
same hardware we could 6 months ago.  We can get most PCs fully  setup 
ready to ship/deliver including  Windows OS install in half a day,  
There's no way that could be true of Ubuntu, so it would not be economic 
to supply even if the OS was free.

I'm not a PC novice but I am a Linux novice.  Not investigated how to 
log bugs yet, I can find out and might, but "the average enduser" wont.

If your Mum bought a blank PC she would ask someone who knew something 
about computers to install it,  the are many time more people who could 
install Windows to get a working (maybe not optimum) PC, than could get 
Ubuntu working.  My 10 year old son could get a working PC with XP or 7 
and he's never done it before or been show how to do it, no way would he 
get Ubuntu working.

Your point about the security issues in Windows are why I would like to 
move away for it, personally and in business but its not feasible at the 
moment.  But my point is none of those solutions will work for the live 
CD, you have to take the plunge and install then delve into commandline, 
by which time you have potentialy trashed you PC.  The point of the live 
CD is so you dont have to trash your PC.

I am not asking for everything to work perfectly I am asking for a 
visible desktop I can start from.

How do I install the NVidia driver on the live CD, and how do I install 
the driver on my Phenom which I did a HDD install on but get "out of 
range video" after the restart.  Sorry, I know the answer to the second 
but the average enduser doesnt (commandline and vi!).

I used the cd to see if my hardware will work and 3 out of 4 dont, the 
4th did until I installed it then it didn't.  This is on a 6 year old 
laptop to a 6 month old Phenom II.  I have access to many varied PCs so 
if I have time (whats that) will try a few more.

I suppose my point is from where i am standing Ubuntu is as difficult to 
get working now as it was over 3 years ago.  I can find answers and have 
had working(ish) copies of Ubuntu, I just cant afford the time is takes 
to get there.



[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu/Linux is still not an OS for the masses - discuss

2010-10-13 Thread Melv Bailey

My first post and its only as a result of frustration with Ubuntu.

I would like to post here a post I posted in the Ubuntu forums which got 
no repsonse other than "load the NVidia driver" (not the point of the 
original post, and how since I had a totally black screen with a mouse 

Sorry if this seems a bit of a rant but there is now another new version 
Of Ubuntu that STILL does not address the fundamentals of running on a 
range of hardware that is fine for Windows.

This has caused me a problem since 8.04 (7.10 is the last version I have 
run sort of successfully without having to jump through VGA driver hoops 
but I did have to jump through wireless drivers hoops and didnt solve them).

I know VGA drivers seem to be a massive problem for Linux, but there 
does not seem to be a way to solve it. How do you install other drivers 
when the default drivers dont work - why is there no VGA mode option at 
boot time like (dare I say it) Windows. Why does it load with VGA 
drivers it knows wont work (and if it does not know, why does it not 
know, Windows does). I have tried the live CD on a laptop (old ATI 
mobile graphics) and a PC with NVidia 6800 both give me black screens 
with a mouse pointer. Earlier versions of Ubuntu give me various results 
from tiny images multiple times to psycodelic stripes. The laptop runs 
WinXP fine, and Win7 in VGA mode. The PC runs WinXP and Win7 perfectly 
with Aero (incidentally Win7 is faster).

I am a Windows programmer/customer support technician with 22 years of 
PC experience (started as a hardware technician) all of it enduser 
facing so know their capabilities (or lack of). I keep trying to dabble 
in Linux but dont get very far in the little time I have (family) so I 
dont have hours of spare time to solve problems that should not exist). 
I know I can google and can find various commandline ways to force other 
drivers on (but only after I have installed it - and the live CD is 
meant to be a trial), what hope is there for the novice you are trying 
to encourage. It seems from the many blogs and forums my experiences are 
far from rare.

Maybe I am missing some startup option but Ubuntu has done its best to 
hide them. The funny little icon at the bottom meaning to press a key to 
get some startup options, and noapci, nomodeset, etc are of course terms 
that even the most novice of users would understand arent they!

Maybe if you have the latest dogs bo**ocks hardware Ubuntu will work (I 
and most of the people I know dont, especially not our business users) 
but Linux is "advertised" as being better than Windows because it is 
able to run on older and less able hardware, however I cant even get it 
to run on Harware that is more than able to run Windows 7. I have never 
yet failed to get a picture when installing Windows - any version, any 
PC of minimum spec for the version. It may only be 640*480 4 colour but 
at least I can see to sort it out, with Ubuntu you're truely "in the dark".

My years of enduser experience tells me that the CD will of hit the 
bottom of the bin before Windows has got back to the desktop, for people 
who fail to see a working (even if limited) desktop when trying the live CD.

Tell me I am doing it all wrong and simple by doing  it will work on 

Remember Ubuntu is aimed at the masses who have little computer 
experience. I know lots of people who could install any version of 
Windows and end up with a working desktop (maybe not optimum but 
working). Very few of those people could solve this one, and would not 
even install Ubuntu if the Live CD didnt "work".
End of Quotes

I have now tried the live CD on a Phenom X2 PC with integrated AMD 785G 
graphics and I did get to the desktop, so I installed.  However after 
the successful install when I restarted the monitor just showed "out of 
range" and that was that.  This is a current chipset, not an old machine.
I then tried the live CD on a NEC Powermate PC with SIS integrated 
graphics and just get "out of range" on the monitor.

This gives a 4 out of 4 failure rate.  Why does Ubuntu try the be clever 
and set some weird video mode - what wrong with 1024*768 16bit colour 
that all these machines can run.  Or if it insists on doing this why is 
there no boot option to force VGA mode like Windows for times when 
things go wrong.

In view of the amount of posts regarding problems installing and getting 
working, and with more than 90% of solutions requiring the commandline 
and editing files (with vi they have no chance!) Ubuntu and Linux will 
never reach the masses.  Also remember only very few will seek an 
answer, most will bin and forget.

I am not trolling here, I keep telling my bosses that any development 
changes with our software (small commercial EPOS systems) must keep the 
door open to produce a Linux version in the future, but I am beginning 
to think that Linux will never be ready for the masses.

I would like other peo

[ubuntu-uk] Is there a problem with digests

2009-09-10 Thread Melv Bailey

Not posted before just read the digests, to pick up any tips, as I am 
just messing with ubuntu at moment in any (none!) spare time I have.

However I have not received anything from ubuntu-uk since Vol 52, Issue 
30 on the 23/08/2009.  Is there a problem?
I receive to a googlemail account and am still getting other emails and 
mailing list digests to this account so I doubt its an account problem 
at my end.
