[UC] Threat of lawsuit from FOCP

2010-01-23 Thread Glenn moyer
Dear neighbors,

I've received what might be a letter of intent to sue me for libel because of 
my recent letter exposing FOCP.  I had been ordered to a coffee meeting 
yesterday and I disobeyed.  What do you think, it's strangely worded:  

 "I am preparing a line-by-line refutation of your letter to the UCReview, and 
I hope you are prepared to defend yourself against libel.  I am ready to call 
you on your lies about the Friends of Clark Park, though of course I would 
prefer a non-confrontational approach."

I always thought the bogus trash tickets would be my demise or that I'd end up 
with one of those orange suits in the chain gang-hahaha.  Since I mentioned no 
names in my letter except the organizations FOCP and UCD, I assume that it will 
be the organizations, and not the individual suing me. (Pay your dues!)

If I go up against the powerful institutional lawyers; however, it doesn't 
matter how frivolous the lawsuit is to attempt to destroy me.  It's a technique 
called attrition. 

Since my defense will require a thorough public review of several points in 
neighborhood history, I will need to prepare by making a public record and 
discussion of the issues about several FOCP surveys, and the conclusions which 
can be drawn from the patterns. The first was from 2002 and led to new Dept. of 
Recreation regulations against festivals.  It was reported in the City Paper, 
but I decided not to sue for libel.  (My profession had long been health care 
research and my character and integrity, as a research professional, was 
attacked by the FOCP president, using my name, when she couldn't possibly 
justify using their survey as they had.) 

The records of the first UCD master plan steering committee will be requested 
during discovery, as will the records of the UCD/FOCP Quality of Life task 
force.  (I think you will find the truth fascinating.)  

The minutes of FOCP meetings and motions for many years will also see the 
sunshine.  (It was 2003 when the FOCP members ordered FOCP leaders to publish 
board meeting notices in the local paper.  It was then that the FOCP members 
also approved a motion to hear a proposal from an ad hoc committee to be formed 
by me:
to propose a method to include park stakeholders and the general public in 
important meetings relevant to the entire park and community.)  People were 
still very angry at the secret back room process, and hand picked 
representatives on the closed secret master plan steering committee.   

The current plan to redesign Clark Park this spring is just such an issue that 
is public community business, and not the private business of a closed FOCP 
planning committee.  

(Please note: I once again asked today for permission to deliver a "community 
engagement" proposal to the FOCP members for their consideration.  This needs 
to be done before action on the original UCD park plan can move forward.  The 
FOCP members have been waiting for seven years.  The proposal is largely based 
on a community partnership process developed and researched at the University 
of Pennsylvania.)

I will also need to subpoena many past FOCP board members, survey researchers, 
and witnesses.  My letter covered the FOCP patterns of the past decade, so I 
expect the case will get lengthy in order to prove my innocence.

I will need to subpoena several of you, who attended the FOCP dog park vote and 
witnessed the votes added after the public vote.  The dog park survey data that 
was misplaced that night will be required, (findings: 80% of the community 
wanted a dog park in Clark Park.)  Of course, the public vote showed that only 
17 people wanted a dog park while nearly 100 angry neighbors paid a lot of 
money to FOCP to vote against it. (Six extra votes were added to the 17 when 
the official tally was reported the next day.) (Does anyone know the name of 
the survey respondent, who publicly disclosed that she felt tricked by the dog 
park survey?)  

I'm sorry if this confuses many people, but I will need to defend myself and 
many of you are going to be involved. I know the FOCP leaders will be called as 
hostile witnesses, but I expect to get a lot of support from the people who 
have paid FOCP, out of fear, over the years.  The documentation, which has not 
been shredded, will support my innocence.  But the testimony about those 
documents and occurrences will be required under oath.

  I will be counter suing for the damages caused by a frivolous lawsuit.  (I 
think the FOCP members should carefully consider this lawsuit!)

Thanks in advance and stay tuned,

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Re: [UC] letter in UC Review, Clark Park closure

2010-01-23 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Glenn moyer wrote:

Dear neighbors,

You probably read about the latest FOCP survey victims in
the UC Review last week.  The report also uncovered that
the FOCP/UCD partnership plans to close A park in March.
The editor published my response this week.  (Sorry for
not providing a link.  For some reason, my message
bounces back when I include a UC Review link. Just type
in "Weekly Press" or "University City review")

here's the link to the article about the clark park meeting:


the most revealing line from that article:

"The best way to have a say in Clark Park," said [Tony]
West, "is to become a member."

the most revealing comment so far about that article:

Frank L. Chance | chanc...@gmail.com JAN 15 | I would
also like to thank the UCR for covering *our* meeting. It
is very important to get the word out to *our* community
about *our* activities, and especially about the upcoming
revitalization construction in Park A.

and here's glenn's letter about that article:


Re: Mistrust Generated Over Results of the Large Events
Survey at Friends of Clark Park UC Review | 20.JAN.10

Eight years ago, I reported in this paper that the Clark
Park Music and Arts festival and Woodland Ave. Reunion
were targeted by one of these dishonest FOCP surveys.
These surveys have always been an attempt to manufacture
a crisis, and bully individual Clark Park stakeholder
groups. Dog owners, festival organizers, drummers, and
immigrant soccer players have all been targeted by the
leadership of FOCP over the years. The People?s flea
market organizers are only the latest victims.

Corroborated by the current article, the FOCP and their
UCD partners have instituted a pay to play power
structure over a public Clark Park. At this point, your
readers probably laughed at the reassurances about the
survey and justifications by the civic association
leaders. But the ridiculous survey is not the important
information Ms. Contosta uncovered.

Since the planned UCD redesign of Clark Park was first
announced, the leadership of FOCP has maintained a secret
exclusive back room process over all park plans, and does
not allow the public or stakeholders to participate.
Their public meetings are tightly controlled dog and pony
shows at which they sell their plans formed in back
rooms. Throughout the years, this redesign process has
been repeatedly rejected by the larger community as well
as the members of the FOCP. A so called "planning
committee" decides where to put fountains, etc. Have the
public or stakeholder representatives ever been invited
to participate in those meetings?

The park is about to be closed between Baltimore and
Chester. The three month timetable reported is no more
believable than any survey conclusions. This park
redesign has always been designed as the physical support
for the Penn myth so often in the news, that UCD/Penn
recreated a ghetto wasteland into an upscale paradise.
Control over "public space" is a well studied technique
used in the community destruction and corporate
gentrification process. The old Clark Park and the rights
of the public must be redesigned to support the myth,
even though the community likes the park and its
wonderful culture.

How many times will the community stand helplessly and
ignore the truth about this partnership between UCD and
the insular civic association leadership gang? The
surveys and park closure are both intended to wipe out
the park groups who currently use park A. The flea market
and capture the flag will be banned by fiat because a pay
to play FOCP exclusive activity has a monopoly on the use
of park B most Saturday?s when these activities will be
locked out of their normal space. When the rights of some
are so easily destroyed, it?s foolish to think that any
rights will be preserved under the new order. We either
need to fight the UCD park conversion plan or lose our
rights to a public park.

Thanks for the coverage,

Glenn Moyer


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