[UC] The Praxis 100 point game

2009-02-18 Thread Glenn moyer

I want to give you details of the Penn Praxis budget game designed as a 
pretense for civic engagement.  Tonight and tomorrow, Praxis will hold two more 
of these games to cover-up the Mayor’s big business budget agenda and increase 
of corporate welfare.  No crisis should ever be wasted in crisis capitalism.

Phase 1:  Either Chris Satullo or Tom Ferrick asks the panel of Deputy Mayor’s 
carefully rehearsed questions.Expert graphs and pie charts have been placed 
on all the children’s seats.  These are frightening graphs without proper 
information, and the experts refer to them during the pretend questions to 
insure confusion and fear among the class.

Phase 2 breaks the assembled kids into small groups.  Pupils are assigned 
groups when they arrive.  A long list of predetermined and onerous service cuts 
and regressive tax proposals are also provided on the seats with various point 
values associated with each.  Each small group is focused on the same game.  

Children are told to focus on scoring a total of 100 points.  Four categories 
are set-up to assign the points for the predetermined and outrageous list of 
cuts, “low hanging fruit” and “No way, no how” are the first two.  

The game is designed so that children never get to level 3 and 4 of the game.  
“Low hanging fruit” gets the argument going.  For example, some kids say “close 
the libraries because the police must not be cut.”  For “no way, no how” other 
kids shout out that “no way can the fire stations be cut.”  Moderators pretend 
that the game is an exercise in democracy, as they ask for a vote each time and 
need 75% to award the points.

Moderators keep children focused on the points of the game.  By setting up an 
impossible goal, Praxis moderators achieve assistance from the game design in 
two main ways.

>From the beginning, all children have a visceral awareness that they must 
>focus on various well known sound bites.  Moderators keep them moving to get 
>to the impossible 100 points, which is the primary goal.  They can end any 
>attempt to discuss important policies by indicating that the group must keep 
>“working” toward the point total.  

If children stick to sound bites, they have a greater chance of getting quick 
points.  If a child suggests that these are not the appropriate policy 
questions or priorities, he is seen as a troubled child holding the group’s 
point total down.  For example, if someone wants to discuss ending the tax 
abatement, which is not included, he is keeping the other children from getting 

In any group where children indicate a desire to actually deal with real budget 
priorities and policies, the group will finish with an abysmal total.  For 
example, WHYY reported that group 7 only received 26 points at the first game.  
The conclusion is that Philadelphia children are so disruptive and scatter 
brained that they would make the city bankrupt.

I observed the larger group which received 60 points under the control of 
Sokoloff and Satullo.  Some children would divisively and emotionally shout out 
that “police must not be cut” and others that “the need for homeless services 
would increase.”

At the end, some children appear angry and most appear exhausted.  There is no 
conclusion of the class as exhausted children simply start leaving.  Some 
“journalists” are observed joking around with city officials. 

The Penn conclusion is that city budget decisions must be made secretively by 
Penn experts.  No group of Philadelphia children are able to score 100 points 
and keep the city from collapsing.  But Praxis is highly successful because 
children need an opportunity to shout at each other and blow off steam.  

Children are exhausted by the 100 point game and are to stop bellowing at the 
Penn experts who need to make the important city decisions.  Penn believes that 
the children are now in awe of the difficulty faced by Penn budget experts, and 
they expect the angry exhausted kids to go home helpless and frightened and 
refocused on their play stations. 

That is an overview of what will occur tonight in Germantown and tomorrow in 
South Philly.  If consumer children plan to attend, practice your sound bites 
so that you can break the 60 point record!

Glenn, a citizen
PS:  If you check the literature on civic engagement and deliberative 
democracy, you will see that this Praxis game design is an almost perfect 
design against citizenshp and participatory democracy.  Well done Praxis!  

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Re: [UC] The Praxis 100 point game

2009-02-21 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Glenn moyer wrote:

Four categories are set-up to assign the points for the predetermined and 
outrageous list of cuts, “low hanging fruit� and “No way, no how� are 
the first two.

"gut-wrenching" and "shared pain" are the other two buckets.

but notice how these 4 buckets evaluate the game-playing 
itself, and not the items in the budget.


In small working groups, citizens reviewed list of budget
cuts and revenue options the PPCE [Penn Project for Civic Engagement]  
constructed from the
city’s budget scenarios. Working first as individuals, then
as a group, citizens prioritized ways to close the budget
gap by placing them into four "buckets" — Low-Hanging Fruit,
No Ways No Hows, Shared Pain, and Gut Wrenchers.
“Low-Hanging Fruit” means those options that are immediate
"winners", that generate a quick consensus. “No Ways No
Hows” represent the immediate "losers", or those choices
citizens believe to be off the table. “The Shared Pain”
bucket contains those options that are unpleasant and
unpopular, but that they feel would be acceptable. “Gut
Wrenchers” are those choices that no one wants to make but
they recognize as what needs to be done to help the city as
a whole.

- - - -

there has been feedback about how this process 
pre-determines outcomes [feedback that doesn't appear on 
penn's site]:


Take Northeast resident Jim Curran who started his work
session with a friendly grilling of City Councilman Bill
GreenBut it wasn’t long before Curran was up and out.
“This is all putting us down a cattle shoot - the questions
have already been prepared,” he said of the workshop design.
“It’s too pat, it’s all too pat. You should put this in the
paper or something so we can study ahead of time.”

And Curran wasn’t alone. I saw others leave their workshops
in similar frustration. One was Stan Strez, 65, of
Bridesburg His gripe? “This is ridiculous. Cutting jobs
on the police force? There’s gonna be so much crime its
ridiculous.” Later he explained a bit more, “They’re not
including everything [in the budget scenarios]. And not just
that, they’re not addressing what the real problem is coming

Like Jack Morley, 46, of South Philadelphia. “They defined
the format and the structure on how the public was giving
input, and that hamstrung us,” he said of his group, which
only made it half way to its goal

[online post by Jeannine]: There may also be serious
consequences for cutting instead of taking deeper
consideration of alternatives. Putting a mostly same-old,
same-old, cut-til-it-bleeds scenario to a largely naive but
motivated public felt like a bloody disservice to us all.



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Re: [UC] The Praxis 100 point game

2009-02-21 Thread Glenn moyer
"but notice how these 4 buckets evaluate the game-playing 
itself, and not the items in the budget."

The moderators focus the group on the game-playing and not any serious 
discussion.  If citizens engage in any discussion, they get a very low point 
total and prove that budget decisions and priorities must be determined by 
highly paid consultants and experts. 

As WHYY reported from the first night, group 7 only got 26 points, and so those 
citizens let the city go bankrupt.

To get a higher point total, citizens must focus on dumbed down emotional sound 
bites.  Individuals need to deliver a zinger and then the trained moderators 
call a vote.  To score points, 75% of the group must vote to put the points in 
a bucket.  

So the data for individual service cuts and regressive taxes gained from this 
game, measures the effectivness of excited game players and popular sound 
bites. (Praxis provided only frightening choices for common citizens, as the 
only possible options.  Corporate welfare, of course, is to be increased during 
this financial crisis.)

It is a disgraceful condescending exercise to put serious citizens through when 
they show up in good faith!  WHYY broadcast part of my interview.  I said that 
we were being "treated like third graders."  We were supposed to make those 
noices, oh-oh, when we wanted the moderator to call on us for a sound bite 

Penn/Nutter need to be shamed for engaging this game to silence the massive 
public dissent of their grab for power using crisis capitalism!  How low has 
the graduate school of education sunk to allow this charade of civic engagement 
to be done in their name?

Glenn, a citizen 

-Original Message-
>Sent: Feb 21, 2009 10:48 AM
>To: univcity 
>Subject: Re: [UC] The Praxis 100 point game
>Glenn moyer wrote:
>> Four categories are set-up to assign the points for the predetermined and 
>> outrageous list of cuts, “low hanging fruit� and “No way, no how� 
>> are the first two.
>"gut-wrenching" and "shared pain" are the other two buckets.
>but notice how these 4 buckets evaluate the game-playing 
>itself, and not the items in the budget.
>> In small working groups, citizens reviewed list of budget
>> cuts and revenue options the PPCE [Penn Project for Civic Engagement]  
>> constructed from the
>> city’s budget scenarios. Working first as individuals, then
>> as a group, citizens prioritized ways to close the budget
>> gap by placing them into four "buckets" — Low-Hanging Fruit,
>> No Ways No Hows, Shared Pain, and Gut Wrenchers.
>> “Low-Hanging Fruit” means those options that are immediate
>> "winners", that generate a quick consensus. “No Ways No
>> Hows” represent the immediate "losers", or those choices
>> citizens believe to be off the table. “The Shared Pain”
>> bucket contains those options that are unpleasant and
>> unpopular, but that they feel would be acceptable. “Gut
>> Wrenchers” are those choices that no one wants to make but
>> they recognize as what needs to be done to help the city as
>> a whole.
>- - - -
>there has been feedback about how this process 
>pre-determines outcomes [feedback that doesn't appear on 
>penn's site]:
>> Take Northeast resident Jim Curran who started his work
>> session with a friendly grilling of City Councilman Bill
>> GreenBut it wasn’t long before Curran was up and out.
>> “This is all putting us down a cattle shoot - the questions
>> have already been prepared,” he said of the workshop design.
>> “It’s too pat, it’s all too pat. You should put this in the
>> paper or something so we can study ahead of time.”
>> And Curran wasn’t alone. I saw others leave their workshops
>> in similar frustration. One was Stan Strez, 65, of
>> Bridesburg His gripe? “This is ridiculous. Cutting jobs
>> on the police force? There’s gonna be so much crime its
>> ridiculous.” Later he explained a bit more, “They’re not
>> including everything [in the budget scenarios]. And not just
>> that, they’re not addressing what the real problem is coming
>> from.”...
>> Like Jack Morley, 46, of South Philadelphia. “They defined
>> the format and the structure on how the public was giving
>> input, and that hamstrung us,” he said of his group, which
>> only made it half way to its goal
>> [online post by Jeannine]: There may also be serious
>> consequences for cutting instea

Re: [UC] The Praxis 100 point game

2009-02-26 Thread UNIVERSITY*CITOYEN

Glenn moyer wrote:

I said that we were being "treated like third graders."

3 more forums, on 3 consecutive days -- interesting to 
compare penn's technique of engagement with temple's:

- - - -

feb 23:
  "the essence of leadership" preceptorials hosted by
  wharton's michael useem and penn's president gutmann


For part of the session, students were divided into
groups and asked to pick a historical or contemporary
figure they all agreed was a good leader. Each group then
presented its choice along with two to four qualities
that defined its chosen leader to the rest of the room.

Students presented on leaders as diverse as Mahatma
Gandhi, Mohammed Ali, Steve Jobs and Penn's own Ira
Harkavy - founder of Penn's Center for Community
Partnerships. Perseverance, good communication skills and
the ability to lead by example came up frequently in
different groups' leadership templates.

This exercise demonstrated the inductive way in which the
preceptorial was designed to work. Useem told students to
"take example and experience and extract the underlying
principles of leadership."

Gutmann said she was impressed by how well the students
completed the assignment and by their level of

- - - - -

feb 24:
  seven community forums to get input for citywide mural
  project, led by ppce's sokoloff and whyy's satullo


Two teams of artists will incorporate the beliefs of
participants of all seven forums into proposed murals,
and later, residents will pick the mural that most
represents the theme.

"Murals are about what is possible," said Harris
Sokoloff, director of the Penn Project for Civic
Engagement, which is running the forums with WHYY.

"And these forums are an opportunity for people to come
out and talk about their beliefs and what's possible for
the city, rather than focusing on the negatives."

Tonight will represent a different kind of civic
engagement for Sokoloff

"We're going to ask people to share a story with someone
else," Sokoloff said.

People will sit in pairs and "interview each other and
ask what it's like to live where they live, what it feels
like, tastes like, smells like, sounds like," Sokoloff

"Out of that, we will talk about what they believe -- what
beliefs or values are implied in that story."

- - - -

feb 25:
  temple's spin forum about the local effects and responses
  to the economic crisis, hosted by temple's student public
  interest network


The Temple SPIN Forum will address the local effects of,
and responses to, the global economic crisis. The global
economic crisis has hit Philadelphia hard, impacting the
city in a number of ways. The city is faced with an
enormous budget deficit. Health centers are closing and
access to affordable healthcare is down. Unemployment and
foreclosures are rising. The purpose of the forum is to
engage with members of the community, politicians,
researchers, students, and advocates, to inform the
policy debate about how to deal with the economic crisis
here in Philadelphia. Panelists will speak about housing,
jobs, and healthcare issues, how the budget cuts have
affected their work and their clients, and solutions they
have devised.

- - - - -


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