Acessing button scripts in a HC stack ? - Closing Thread

2006-03-22 Thread Francis Nugent Dixon

Hi from Paris,

Thanks for all your responses (especially Sarah 

I was stupid enough to think that in Rev, the reference
bg was invalid, so I didn't even try it.

I now have several ways to get what I want.

On the comments about WHY I want to convert my
HC stacks :

1 - My HC stacks look so DRAB, compared to Rev,
2 - My HC field contents are badly displayed in Rev,
3 - My HC stacks lean heavily on XFCN's and XCMD's,
 and so they don't run successfully,
4 - I want to leave the HC world (with regrets), before
 Apple pulls the plug on OS9, and all the applications
 that go with it,
5 - I want to run some of my stacks on the PC, to be able to
 distribute them to my family (Family Tree), or my music
 collegues (Song Catalogue). There are still a few people
 in this world who insist on using PC's ..
6 - I have unlimited time and patience on my 3 computers, and
 even after 40 years of programming, I love using Rev.

and finally :

I belong to that strange group of people who would rather
spend 10 days programming a solution to convert my HC
scripts, than spending 30 minutes doing it manually !

I will now return to the complex task of parsing HC scripts to
convert them to Rev format, PURELY for the joy of succeeding !

When I don't program for   48 hours, I get withdrawal symptoms !


Learning is living
Progress is simply a succession of monumental -ups !

.. but nevertheless 

Nothing should ever be done for the first time !

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Re: Acessing button scripts in a HC stack ? - Closing Thread

2006-03-22 Thread Stephen Barncard
Remember to convert the XCMDs  XFCNs to revolution equivalents or no 
operation  FIRST. Name the replacements with the same name of the 
XFCN. Then getting it all to work together will be a lot easier.

Hi from Paris,

Thanks for all your responses (especially Sarah 

I was stupid enough to think that in Rev, the reference
bg was invalid, so I didn't even try it.

I now have several ways to get what I want.

On the comments about WHY I want to convert my
HC stacks :

1 - My HC stacks look so DRAB, compared to Rev,
2 - My HC field contents are badly displayed in Rev,
3 - My HC stacks lean heavily on XFCN's and XCMD's,
 and so they don't run successfully,
4 - I want to leave the HC world (with regrets), before
 Apple pulls the plug on OS9, and all the applications
 that go with it,
5 - I want to run some of my stacks on the PC, to be able to
 distribute them to my family (Family Tree), or my music
 collegues (Song Catalogue). There are still a few people
 in this world who insist on using PC's ..
6 - I have unlimited time and patience on my 3 computers, and
 even after 40 years of programming, I love using Rev.

stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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