Strange node fail

2018-04-09 Thread Ray
I'm running two cluster on the same 8 nodes, one cluster with native
persistence enabled and the other one is memory only.
The only difference between these two cluster is that the cluster with
native persistence enabled has larger JVM heap than the other one.
The two nodes in the cluster with native persistence enabled failed today, I
looked at the log and GC log and found nothing strange.
I suspect because of the larger JVM heap, the GC takes a lot of time and
then the node is kicked out.
But I found nothing special in the GC log.
Please see the attachment for detailed log information.


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Strange node fail

2018-04-09 Thread Ray
I'm running two cluster on the same 8 nodes, one cluster with native
persistence enabled and the other one is memory only.
The only difference between these two cluster is that the cluster with
native persistence enabled has larger JVM heap than the other one.
The two nodes in the cluster with native persistence enabled failed today, I
looked at the log and GC log and found nothing strange.
I suspect because of the larger JVM heap, the GC takes a lot of time and
then the node is kicked out.
But I found nothing special in the GC log.
Please see the attachment for detailed log information.


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Re: Strange node fail

2018-04-10 Thread dkarachentsev
Hi Ray,

If your JVM process consumes more memory, then started swapping may cause
JVM freeze, and as a consequence, throwing it out from the cluster. Check
your free memory, disable swapping, if possible, or increase

To check that guess you may use dstat and add
-XX:+PrintGCApplicationStoppedTime property, it will log additional process
stop times.


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Re: Strange node fail

2018-04-10 Thread dkarachentsev

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