Filtered destinations

2015-03-27 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Hi, I have a question about filter destinantions.

I have de next configuration:






But my problems is that if a producer send a message with the VERSION 
different to 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT or 1.5.0-SNAPSHOT this message is lost.

This is the correct behavior? How can avoid that?

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Configure a Master/Slave with JDBC

2015-03-10 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Hi, I'm with a doubt about how configure fine my system.
I'm tryng to start a master/slave broker and using
createTablesOnStartup="true" in jdbcPersistenceAdapter I watched that this
create 3 tables 


But too this create a register with ID 1 in the table ACTIVEMQ_LOCK.
My question is, I need to create this register in this table if I use
createTablesOnStartup="false"? This is the only register that i need to


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Re: Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-19 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Yes for the moment I'm using this 





And each consumer is using each queue C1 -> Q1 and C2 -> Q2, and this is
working fine.


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Re: Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-19 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
I did a few test and this work when I have a lot of message of Version2 and
And the first test I send 5000 messages of each versions, and the consumer
starting process normal, and when process 500 messages stop, and start to
process again when all the messages was in the queue.

In other test, this the consumer stop to process and not start again.

If I start the consumer 2, all the messages are processed.

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Re: Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-18 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
I'm using version 5.10.0 

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Re: Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-18 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Sorry, I know that my English is not good.

Consumer with selector Version=1 - ON
Consumer  with selector Version 2 - OFF

I sent message of Version 1, and Version 2.

The messages of Version 2 are storage in the queue this is OK, because the
consumer is OFF.
The messages of Version 1, some are consumed and other no and stay in the
queue. This is a problem with selector, because I expected that all the
messages of Version 1  are consumed, because this consumer is ON.

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Re: Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-18 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
No, this is OK. The problems is that when the consumer VERSION 2 is off and
the consumer VERSION 2 is on, and I send messages of the 2 VERSION the
messages of VERSION 1 stay in the queue and are not consumed by the consumer
or sometimes are consumed a little part and the other stay in the queue.
And I want that if the consumer is on, consume all the messages.

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Message Selector or Composite Destinations

2014-11-17 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio

I'm in a trouble in my system. I have a lot of clients that send message
with differente VERSION and I have one consumer per version that recibe this
message, I'm using message selector on a only queue to do that, but I found
a problem when I sent for exmple message of 2 versions and I had only one
consumer up, the message that are of the version of consumer up, are not
consumed and still like pending.

I found a link that describe that

Then I saw the idea of Composite Destinations, this works, but this has a
limitation. When I need add a new consumer I need change the activemq.xml of
broker, and this mean stop and start the broker.

What's is the best solution?

Juan Manuel

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Re: Problem with embedded broker

2014-11-13 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Perfect! This works that I expected.

Juan Manuel

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Re: Problem with embedded broker

2014-11-13 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
This is by default? Can I change that?
What's the best architecture for a system that need send message to a remote
broker all the time and if the remote broker is offline, need to save this
message in a local queue and send when the connection is established again ?

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Problem with embedded broker

2014-11-12 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Hi, I'm having a problem in my system. 

In my producer, I have the next configuration. 

And the problem that I found is that if my consumer is not running, when I
send a message to the remoteBroker this message is showed in the Apache
ActiveMQ Console of the remoteBroker, but when I start the consumer the
message appear and is consumed. 

Why this occur? The message is storage in my localBroker and is not sended
if the consumer is not running? 

Juan Manuel 

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Re: Question about Network Brokers

2014-10-02 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Thanks for the reply,

I have a doubt, I in my client define a broker that have a netwotk connector
to my activeMQServer (is a name).

In my activeMQServer, Would I need define a broker that listen this message?
I could define a broker to listen and then then other that have netwotk
connector to send the message to other cluster?

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Question about Network Brokers

2014-10-01 Thread juanmanuel.romeraferrio
Hi, I'm new with ActiveMQ. I'm starting to use for resolve a problem in my
system. I have 1000 clients that send message to different servers. For
resolve that I thougth in an architecture with the next.

- In the clients configure a Broker with network connector to a master/slave
- In the master/slave broker, I need read a property of the message
"version", and according this value I need redirect the message to a
remote cluster.

Example version 1 -Cluster 1, version2 -> Cluster 2.

I don't know how resolve that, I thougt that I can configure a broker in
each cluster, and send the message to the master/slave cluster to the other,
but I can't configure that, I can't start up 2 brokers in a vm, this is

I would need something like this

Client 1 (Version 1) message->   Cluster master/slave broker
--message> Server 1
Client 2 (Version 2) message->   Cluster master/slave broker
--message> Server 2

How could it?

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