[OpenSIPS-Users] SIP Over TLS using OpenSIPS

2011-03-28 Thread David Chedid

Any one can help on this?




I am trying to use OpenSIPS with TLS but didn't work till now :(

I am getting the following error:

Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:print_ip: tcpconn_new: new tcp connection
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tcpconn_new: on port 4034, type 3
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_tcpconn_init: entered: Creating a whole
new ssl connection
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_tcpconn_init: looking up socket based
TLS server domain []
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_find_server_domain: virtual TLS server
domain found
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_tcpconn_init: found socket based TLS
server domain []
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_tcpconn_init: Setting in ACCEPT mode
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tcpconn_add: hashes: 770, 1
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:handle_new_connect: new connection:
0xafc4f7c8 25 flags: 0002
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:send2child: to tcp child 0 0(16847),
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:handle_io: received n=4 con=0xafc4f7c8,
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:io_watch_add: io_watch_add(0x81b6ec0, 12,
2, 0xafc4f7c8), fd_no=1
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:tls_update_fd: New fd is 12
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:tls_update_fd: New fd is 12
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] ERROR:core:tls_accept: some error in SSL (ret=0,
err=1, errno=0/Success):
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] ERROR:core:tls_print_errstack: error:14094418:SSL
routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:io_watch_del: io_watch_del (0x81b6ec0, 12,
-1, 0x10) fd_no=2 called
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:release_tcpconn:  releasing con 0xafc4f7c8,
state -2, fd=12, id=1
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16847] DBG:core:release_tcpconn:  extra_data 0xafc5f8e4
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:handle_tcp_child: reader response=
afc4f7c8, -2 from 0 
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tcpconn_destroy: destroying connection
0xafc4f7c8, flags 0002
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_close: closing SSL connection
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_update_fd: New fd is 25
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_shutdown: shutdown successful
Mar 25 14:09:49 [16855] DBG:core:tls_tcpconn_clean: entered

Below the configuration file for the debug and TLS Section:


disable_tls = no
listen = tls:
tls_verify_server = 1
tls_verify_client = 1
tls_require_client_certificate = 1
tls_method = TLSv1
tls_certificate = "/usr/local/etc/opensips//tls/user/user-cert.pem"
tls_private_key = "/usr/local/etc/opensips//tls/user/user-privkey.pem"
tls_ca_list = "/usr/local/etc/opensips//tls/user/user-calist.pem"
tls_server_domain []
tls_certificate = "/usr/local/etc/opensips//tls/user/user-cert.pem"
tls_private_key = "/usr/local/etc/opensips//tls/user/user-privkey.pem"
tls_ca_list = "/usr/local/etc/opensips/tls//user/user-calist.pem"
tls_method = TLSv1

Below you can find also info regarding my OpenSIPS server

version: opensips 1.6.4-2-tls (i386/linux)
poll method support: poll, epoll_lt, epoll_et, sigio_rt, select.
svnrevision: unknown
@(#) $Id: main.c 7530 2010-12-13 19:07:53Z bogdan_iancu $
main.c compiled on 13:57:04 Jan 31 2011 with gcc 4.2.4

Linux 2.6.24-23-server #1 SMP Thu Nov 27 19:19:15 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux

Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS \n \l

Inform me if how can I fix this issue, and if you need more info don't
hesitate to contact me.


Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] dialog db_mode

2011-03-28 Thread Brett Nemeroff
on dialog db_mode 2 - DELAYED, does it *also* write at shutdown? Or *only*
on timer events?


Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] media-relay exception

2011-03-28 Thread nick

Yes, ip_tables loaded: 

ip_tables 57440 3

But media-relay exception
still present on every calls. 

Is it possible that error because of
python 2.4? 

Thanks in advance. 

On Mon, 28 Mar 2011 16:57:00 +0200,
Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote: 

> On 28/3/11 12:55 PM, n...@uni-petrol.com
[1] wrote:
>> Dear All. I'm running mediaproxy inside ovz container.
During establishing audio+video call media-relay caught exception but
after that media stream established and work well. Is it know bug /
feature? OS: CentOS 5.5 x86_64 MediaProxy Relay 2.4.4 opensips 1.6.4-tls
(x86_64/linux) Kernel: Linux mediaproxy-0-0
2.6.18-238.5.1.el5.028stab085.3 #1 SMP Mon Mar 21 20:05:12 MSK 2011
x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux # cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack | wc -l 6
Do you have the ip_tables module loaded? That would be the reason for
your failure. If you start the relay with the init file provided in the
debian directory the module is automatically loaded, else you'll need to
load it manually. Also, I noticed you are using Python 2.4, which is no
longer supported in MediaProxy 2.4.x, so you'll probably have other
exceptions (not related to the problem you described) because of this as
well. Regards,

[1] mailto:n...@uni-petrol.com
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] db_mysql segfault

2011-03-28 Thread Mark Carbonaro


I have an issue when when starting opensips where it immediately 
segfaults in db_mysql.so.  This happens with in Centos 5.5 (plus all 
patches) when running VirtualBox and on a Rackspace cloud server, but 
works fine on an Amazon EC2 server setup in the same way (same config 
file, patches, package versions etc), which I find a little odd.

I was originally running off the opensips-1.6.4-2-tls_src.tar.gz tar 
ball, but due to this issue I thought I would change to the latest 
revision of the 1.6 branch in subversion, but the problem remained.

I build using the following command "make include_modules="db_mysql" all".

This config is setup just as a load balancer and does work on one 
server, just segfaults on others.

Please let me know if you need any more information.

Any help would be greatly appreciated


Here is the output from syslog when opensips starts with debug=3:
Mar 28 23:33:18 server opensips: INFO:core:init_tcp: using epoll_lt as 
the TCP io watch method (auto detected)
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
NOTICE:core:main: version: opensips 1.6.4-2-notls (x86_64/linux)
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: INFO:core:main: 
using 32 Mb shared memory
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: INFO:core:main: 
using 1 Mb private memory per process
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
NOTICE:signaling:mod_init: initializing module ...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:sl:mod_init: Initializing StateLess engine
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:tm:mod_init: TM - initializing...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:rr:mod_init: rr - initializing
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:maxfwd:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:usrloc:ul_init_locks: locks array size 512
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:registrar:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:textops:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:acc:mod_init: initializing...
Mar 28 23:33:18 server /usr/local/sbin/opensips[27923]: 
INFO:dialog:mod_init: Dialog module - initializing
Mar 28 23:33:18 server kernel: [38083.726989] opensips[27923]: segfault 
at 0 ip 7f0c1167ee57 sp 7fffd03f7050 error 4 in 

And just in case it helps with debug=6 (just the last part):
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: opening 
connection: mysql://:@localhost/opensips
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: connection type 
is Localhost via UNIX socket
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: protocol version 
is 10
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: server version is 
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_do_init: connection 0x796340 
inserted in pool as 0x796430
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_new_result: allocate 48 bytes for 
result set at 0x796490
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: 1 columns 
returned from the query
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_allocate_columns: allocate 28 bytes 
for result columns at 0x7964d8
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: 
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: use DB_INT 
result type
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_allocate_rows: allocate 48 bytes for 
result rows and values at 0x796510

Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_str2val: converting INT [4]
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_free_columns: freeing result columns 
at 0x7964d8

Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_free_rows: freeing 1 rows
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_free_row: freeing row values at 0x796520
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_free_rows: freeing rows at 0x796510
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_free_result: freeing result set at 
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_new_result: allocate 48 bytes for 
result set at 0x796490
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: 21 columns 
returned from the query
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:core:db_allocate_columns: allocate 588 bytes 
for result columns at 0x79e448
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: 
Mar 28 23:35:39 [27944] DBG:db_mysql:db_mysql_get_columns: use DB_INT 
result type

Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Finally here is my config down to the route section, this is the same 
config that works on the EC2 server.

loadmodule "db_mysql.so"
loadmodule "signaling.so"
loadmodule "sl.so"
loadmodule "tm.so"
loadmodule "rr.so"
loadmodule "maxfwd.so"
loadmodule "usrloc.so"
loadmodule "registrar.so

[OpenSIPS-Users] drouting module with append_branch() and q-values

2011-03-28 Thread thrillerbee
I'm trying to get OpenSIPS to act as a REDIRECT server and have run into a
couple issues. I'm using the drouting module to do lookups. Essentially, a
dialed number could have potentially several routes, I want to return a 300
with these routes in the Contact header. Please tell me if this is foolish
and/or there are better methods.

I'm running release version 1.6.4-2-notls.

With that, I've configured the following in my script:
if (do_routing("1","2"))
if ($avp(s:dr_rules_attrs) == "2")
xlog("L_INFO","After 1, ds is $ds\n");
$var(x) = 2;
while (use_next_gw())
xlog("L_INFO","After $var(x), ds is $ds\n");
$var(x) = $var(x) + 1;
xlog("L_INFO","Destination set is $ds\n");

My relevant debug output is:
After 1, ds is Contact: sip:15552345678@
After 2, ds is Contact: *sip:2215552345678@,
After 3, ds is Contact: *sip:5552345678@*, sip:2215552345678@,
After 4, ds is Contact: *sip:15552345678@*, sip:2215552345678@,
sip:5552345678@, *sip:15552345678@*
After 5, ds is Contact: *sip:4415552345678@*,
sip:2215552345678@, sip:5552345678@, sip:15552345678@,

It seems that append_branch() deletes the first entry in the destination set
before adding the current RURI to the beginning and end. Is there an easier
or more predictable way to write to the destination set?

Also, it seems the append_branch() function will not take variables or avps
as parameters. Is there a known way of setting different q-values as a
destination set is generated?  The below obviously doesn't work but should
explain what I'm looking for:

var(q) = 90;
while (use_next_branch())
$var(q) = $var(q) - 10;

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] media-relay exception

2011-03-28 Thread Saúl Ibarra Corretgé

On 28/3/11 12:55 PM, n...@uni-petrol.com wrote:

Dear All.

I'm running mediaproxy inside ovz container.
During establishing audio+video call media-relay caught exception but
after that media stream established and work well.
Is it know bug / feature?

OS: CentOS 5.5 x86_64
MediaProxy Relay 2.4.4
opensips 1.6.4-tls (x86_64/linux)
Kernel: Linux mediaproxy-0-0 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5.028stab085.3 #1 SMP Mon
Mar 21 20:05:12 MSK 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack | wc -l

Do you have the ip_tables module loaded? That would be the reason for 
your failure. If you start the relay with the init file provided in the 
debian directory the module is automatically loaded, else you'll need to 
load it manually.

Also, I noticed you are using Python 2.4, which is no longer supported 
in MediaProxy 2.4.x, so you'll probably have other exceptions (not 
related to the problem you described) because of this as well.


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

Users mailing list

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] SMS using opensips

2011-03-28 Thread Jayesh Nambiar
Hi Dan,
I tried using PHP-SIP package and was successful in sending and receiving
SMS between SIP Endpoints and Kannel. While sending the MESSAGE from
Opensips to PHP-Sip I am facing some glitches but I think I'll be able to
figure it out.
One question: While googling, I found a module called xHttp in kamailio
which can actually act as Web-Server generating http response directly. Is
there something similar available in Opensips or is there something similar
in the roadmap?? This can actually elminate one element from my setup which
is the php-sip package !!

Thanks in advance !!!

--- Jayesh

On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Jayesh Nambiar wrote:

> Thank you very much Dan.
> I will check on the possibilities and update.
> --- Jayesh
> Hi Jayesh,
>> Another recipe would be using external application server for
>> gateway-ing between SIP and other protocols SMS providers are using
>> (eg: HTTP or SMPP) and have opensips as authenticator, registration
>> and load balancer. Offline messages can be handled also on OpenSIPS
>> side using msilo module.
>> I personally have used Twisted and Divmod/Sine. In this way you get
>> two way SMS without involving any database to keep up with speed and
>> be able to failover between providers.
>> DanB
>> On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 6:38 AM, Jayesh Nambiar 
>> wrote:
>> > Hi All,
>> > I am trying to implement the SMS feature for my SIP clients, outgoing as
>> > well as incoming. I am planning to use Kannel SMS gateway to interface
>> with
>> > the gsm networks.
>> > After googling a little on this topic i found a few approaches for
>> sending
>> > out SMSs, like the following:
>> > Sending SMS from the SIP Client:
>> > 1) Inserting the messages into a database and let Kannel periodically
>> check
>> > and send it out.
>> > 2) Use PHP-SIP package. Send a SIP Message from Opensips to the
>> webserver
>> > address and web-server sends an http request to the Kannel server to
>> take it
>> > ahead.
>> > Receiving SMS on SIP-Client
>> > 1) Kannel sending an http request to the web-server supporting PHP-SIP
>> and
>> > web server sending a message using the XMLRPC method, then opensips can
>> use
>> > t_uac_slg to send the message to the SIP endpoint.
>> > Please do let me know if the above approaches are doable or if anyone
>> else
>> > have got a better idea to implement SMS over SIP.
>> > Thanks a lot in advance.
>> > --- Jayesh
>> > ___
>> > Users mailing list
>> > Users@lists.opensips.org
>> > http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
>> >
>> >
Users mailing list

[OpenSIPS-Users] media-relay exception

2011-03-28 Thread nick

Dear All.

I'm running mediaproxy inside ovz container.
During establishing audio+video call media-relay caught exception but 
after that media stream established and work well.

Is it know bug / feature?

OS: CentOS 5.5 x86_64
MediaProxy Relay 2.4.4
opensips 1.6.4-tls (x86_64/linux)
Kernel: Linux mediaproxy-0-0 2.6.18-238.5.1.el5.028stab085.3 #1 SMP Mon 
Mar 21 20:05:12 MSK 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack | wc -l

Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10016
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10017
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10018
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10019
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10020
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10021
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10022
Mar 28 14:40:59 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.mediacontrol.StreamListenerProtocol starting on 10023
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: Traceback (most 
recent call last):
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/log.py", line 69, in 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
context.call({ILogContext: newCtx}, func, *args, **kw)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 59, 
in callWithContext
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 37, 
in callWithContext
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
line 231, in _doReadOrWrite
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: why = 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: --- caught here> ---
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/internet/udp.py", line 126, 
in doRead
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
self.protocol.datagramReceived(data, addr)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py", line 
130, in datagramReceived
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
self.cb_func(host, port, data)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py", line 
246, in got_data
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/mediaproxy/mediacontrol.py", line 
297, in check_create_conntrack
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
self.forwarding_rule = _conntrack.ForwardingRule(self.caller.remote, 
self.caller.local, self.callee.remote, self.callee.local, 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: 
mediaproxy.interfaces.system._conntrack.Error: Table does not exist (do 
you need to insmod?)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: Traceback (most 
recent call last):
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/log.py", line 69, in 
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
context.call({ILogContext: newCtx}, func, *args, **kw)
Mar 28 14:41:22 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 59, 
in callWithContext
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
self.currentContext().callWithContext(ctx, func, *args, **kw)
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
"/usr/lib64/python2.4/site-packages/twisted/python/context.py", line 37, 
in callWithContext
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: return 
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]:   File 
line 231, in _doReadOrWrite
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: why = 
Mar 28 14:41:23 mediaproxy-0-0 media-relay[23930]: --- caught here> ---
Mar 28 14:

Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] when engage_media_proxy() doesn't

2011-03-28 Thread Mike O'Connor
Hi Jeff, Dan

My problem is the same but different, opensips 1.6.1
engage_media_proxy() works perfectly. Any version above that it does
not. Nothing in the logs even with full debug turned on.

Dan asked me to do a number of tests but I can not do them as the system
is in full production do a number of thousand calls an hour.


On 24/03/11 12:58 AM, Jeff Pyle wrote:
> Ok, Dan.  Great info.  All Opensips and Mediaproxy packages were installed
> from their respective apt repositories.  The opportunity for code
> modification is minimal.  Regardless I'll run it through some test
> scenarios to see if I can make it fail along the lines of how you would
> expect it to.
> - Jeff
> On 3/23/11 9:09 AM, "Dan Pascu"  wrote:
>> On 17 Mar 2011, at 18:17, Jeff Pyle wrote:
>>> Dan, I understand what you're saying.  engage_media_proxy() needs to
>>> create the dialog so it can get its bit in to facilitate the media
>>> relaying.
>>> In my case, on my functional machine, the routing logic is like this:
>>>if (is_method("INVITE")) {
>>>send_reply("100", "Trying");
>>>setflag(21);# non-missed calls
>>>setflag(22);# missed calls
>>>if (isflagset(24)) set_dlg_flag("24");
>>>if (isflagset(6)) {
>>> As you can see it has a create_dialog() before the engage_media_proxy().
>>> And it seems to work okay.  Any thoughts on why that might be?
>> I don't know why this works. I can only assume it's either the dialog
>> gets crated later, not when you call create_dialog(), or that someone
>> modified the code in the late versions to allow late comers to a dialog
>> (like engage_media_proxy) to be able to register their callbacks even
>> when the dialog was already started.
>> But then again, I can't tell why it works on a system but not another.
>>> Regarding the manual functions, does one need to use end_media_session()
>>> in loose_route to handle a reinvite scenario like T.38?  Or is the old
>>> media session some how automatically torn down in this case?
>> No, it's not automatically ended and you do not need to manually end it
>> either. For each SDP offer/answer you need to call use_media_proxy() to
>> update the list of streams.
>>>  Does one
>>> need to end_media_session() in onreply_route in the case of CANCEL/BYE?
>> No. You only need to call end_media_session() on CANCEL and BYE, not
>> their replies.
>> --
>> Dan
>> ___
>> Users mailing list
>> Users@lists.opensips.org
>> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users
> ___
> Users mailing list
> Users@lists.opensips.org
> http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users

Users mailing list