[Pw_forum] Problem with high accuracy and parallel ph.x (Mohammad Saghayezhian)

2011-07-01 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian
Dear Andrea,

Thanks for reply.

The nkp in my calculation is far less than 4. As I know, the symmetry
reduces nkp,
therefore for a mesh of 30*30*28 the max nkp is 25200, So if the problem
rooted in max nkp parameter,
above mesh should not make any problem, there are some
tests that I did for checking the valid nkp and cut-off energy:
Cut-off(Ry) , Kpoints: 33, 22*22*18 (OK)
35, 25*25*22 (OK)
35, 30*30*26 ()
38, 22*22*18 (OK)
38, 30*30*26 (Failed)
40, 30*30*26 (Failed)
All of above number kpoints are lower that nkp max (4). I also run the
without npool option to provide higher memory for large cut-off. but still I
wonder why
the last two calculation did not worked!

Could it be due to optimization deficiency in compilation of ph.x files?
Please take a look at this links:
Thanks a lot

On Thu, Fri, 01 Jul 2011 10:01:48 +0200,  Andrea Dal Corso wrote:
>Please note that the maximum number of k points is still a parameter in
>QE (presently set to 4), so to make phonon calculations with a very
>large mesh of k points you have to increase the value of npk in



On Thu, 2011-06-30 at 11:58 +0330, Mohammad Saghayezhian wrote:
> Dear All,
> When I perform the scf calculation with high kp (45 45 45) and cut-off
> (42 Ry), the parallel execution ph.x fails and stops (q-points in
> ph.in: 4 4 3). but lowering the kp (15 15 15) and cut-off (22 Ry)
> solves the problem and the parallel ph.x goes on without any problem.
> Does this mean that I can not calculate phonon spectra with this
> accuracy?
> Also, the calculations are for metals.
Mohammad Saghayezhian
Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731 Fax Office: +98311 391 3746
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[Pw_forum] Problem with high accuracy and parallel ph.x

2011-06-30 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian
Dear All,

When I perform the scf calculation with high kp (45 45 45) and cut-off (42
Ry), the parallel execution ph.x fails and stops (q-points in ph.in: 4 4 3).
but lowering the kp (15 15 15) and cut-off (22 Ry) solves the problem and
the parallel ph.x goes on without any problem. Does this mean that I can not
calculate phonon spectra with this accuracy?
Also, the calculations are for metals.

> Dear PWscf users,
> I have encountered a problem during parallel execution of ph,x
> Actually the parallel pw,x performs good and without any error, but ph.x
does not work,
> I lowered the kpoints and kinetic-energy cut-off and the problem solved
and ph.x works properly.
> I need high accuracy in my calculation, so I cannot lower the kpoints and
> How can I perform parallel ph.x without lowering the computational
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks.
> --
> Mohammad Saghayezhian
> ___
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Stefano Baroni - SISSA  &  DEMOCRITOS National Simulation Center - Trieste
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Mohammad Saghayezhian
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[Pw_forum] Problem with high accuracy and parallel ph.x

2011-06-29 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian
Dear PWscf users,

I have encountered a problem during parallel execution of ph,x

Actually the parallel pw,x performs good and without any error, but ph.x
does not work,
I lowered the kpoints and kinetic-energy cut-off and the problem solved and
ph.x works properly.
I need high accuracy in my calculation, so I cannot lower the kpoints and
How can I perform parallel ph.x without lowering the computational

Any help would be appreciated.

Mohammad Saghayezhian
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[Pw_forum] phonon calculation

2011-06-28 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian

I want to perform a phonon calculation using QE 4.1.2. The scf calculation
runs properly, but when I run ph.x
it does not go forward and stuck in this step;

 Program PHONONv.4.1.2  starts ...
 Today is 28Jun2011 at 10: 0:21

 Parallel version (MPI)

 Number of processors in use:  16
 K-points division: npool =2
 R & G space division:  proc/pool =8

 Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials

The ph,in file is fine and runs well on other computres, here is the ph,in:


  nq1=4 , nq2=4 , nq3=4,

Do you have any idea why this happens?

any help would be appreciated.
thanks a lot

Mohammad Saghayezhian
Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731 Fax Office: +98311 391 3746
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[Pw_forum] -rsh error in phonon calculation

2011-06-26 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian
Hello everybody,

I have a job file that perform a scf calculation (pw.x)
and phonon calculation (ph.x).

the script runs good for pw.x but when It reaches to run ph.x it gives me
this error:

Unable to read script file because of error: ERROR! invalid option argument

mpi is fine and the espresso version is 4.1.2 and it does good for any other
but for phonon calculation that error appears

here is the script:

#!/bin/csh -f

#$ -N Auphon
#$ -S /bin/csh
#$ -pe mpi_o_* 16
#$ -M  m.saghayezhian at gmail.com
#$ -m baes
#$ -o $JOB_NAME.$JOB_ID.out
#$ -notify
#$ -cwd
#$ -l h_rt=200:00:00

set mpi="/home-fs4/sp0088/mpi/xeon/mvapich-1.1/bin/mpirun_rsh"
set pwx="/home-fs4/hp0070/softs/espresso-4.1.2/bin/pw.x"
set phx="/home-fs4/hp0070/softs/espresso-4.1.2/bin/ph.x"

set case=aup
set wdir=`pwd`
set scratchfile="/scratch/hp0070/$case"
#set makdir="mkdir -p $scratchfile"
#set deldir="rm -rf $scratchfile"

set HOSTFILE="$TMPDIR/machines"
cat $HOSTFILE > $wdir/$case.host
set nodes=16

mkdir -p $scratchfile

@ i=1
while ( $i <= $nodes )
set node=` head -$i $wdir/$case.host | tail -1 `
rsh $node $makdir
@ i= $i + 4

# cat $PE_HOSTFILE | cut -c 1-6 > .hostfile

echo $NSLOTS

### Here we have a real running command

$mpi -rsh -np 16 -legacy -hostfile $wdir/$case.host $pwx -npool 2 <
$wdir/au-a3.90108 > $wdir/scf.out

cat << end2 > $wdir/ph.in

  nq1=4 , nq2=4 , nq3=4,

$mpi -rsh -np 16 -legacy -hostfile $wdir/$case.host $phx -npool 2 < $wdir/
ph.in > $wdir/ph.out

rm -rf $scratchfile
#./job1 #/homes/hp0070/bin/killpwx ./$case.host

rm -rf $scratchfile

@ i=1
while ( $i <= $nodes )
set node=` head -$i $wdir/$case.host | tail -1 `
rsh $node $deldir
@ i= $i + 4

echo finished

Mohammad Saghayezhian
Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731 Fax Office: +98311 391 3746
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[Pw_forum] constraint vc-relax

2010-08-26 Thread Mohammad Saghayezhian
Dear All,
I want to relax the lattice parameters of a orthorhombic lattice, but one of
parameters should be hold fixed and the remaining 2 are free to relax.
how can i perform this task in PWscf?

Any help would be appreciated.


Mohammad Saghayezhian
Computational Condensed Matter Research Lab
Physics Department, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran

Tel lab: +98 311 391 3731 Fax Office: +98311 391 3746
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