[Pw_forum] k point generation

2012-06-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting MMS :

> a) Some sort of check that ensures that k points fall within the
> Wigner-Seitz Cell (first Brillouin Zone).

> b) During the generation of the k point mesh, the sampling seems to not
> extend in all quadrants of the crystal space

it doesn't matter which k-point in the star we take as representative
of the entire star (with weight proportional to the no. of k-points in 
the star). k and k+G are equivalent. Also note that k and -k are
equivalent (by time reversal symmetry)


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[Pw_forum] Charge Density of Each State

2012-06-28 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Gulcin Tetiker :

> Thanks Duy. I changed it to 25 but it still gives error.

of course it does: your input produces 17 bands


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[Pw_forum] problem with soc+electric field calculations

2012-06-28 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Thaneshwor Kaloni :

> I am trying to calculate the electronic structure of silicene with
> soc+electric field

I do not think electric fields (Berry) are implemented in the
noncolinear and spin-orbit case


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[Pw_forum] How to convince QE from local lapack/blas?

2011-07-22 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Guntram Schmidt :

> FCFLAGS="-qfree=f90 -C -g -qnosmp"

options -C -g and no optimization? You have a big cpu grant.

> Or is the priority the other way round?

it is: libraries are loaded in the order they are listed

> Also I wonder, why BLAS_LIBS is empty

BLAS (and part of LAPACK) are contained in essl. ON IBM machines
you should use essl as much as you can


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[Pw_forum] "xspectra.x" crashed with segmentation fault

2011-07-22 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Abdulrafiu Raji :

> However, the program stopped abruptly. I write below,
> respectively, the output and the accompanying error messages.

you should verify if this error is still present in a more recent version
of the code, if it is reproducible on other architectures or with other
compilers, if it happens in serial or in parallel or both, etc...

Paolo Giannozzi, Dept of Chemistry&Physics&Environment,
Univ. Udine, via delle Scienze 208, 33100 Udine, Italy
Phone +39-0432-558216, fax +39-0432-558222

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[Pw_forum] How to convince QE from local lapack/blas?

2011-07-21 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Guntram Schmidt :

> DSYGV : 2538-2015
> The number of elements (ARG NO. 11) in a work array must be greater than
> or equal to (2048).

Verify a) if -D__ESSL present in your DFLAGS and FDFLAGS, and b ) if 
essl is loaded before lapack. If a).and.b), you may try to replace 
-D__ESSL with -D__LINUX_ESSL in DFLAGS and FDFLAGS, or to edit 
PW/rdiaghg.f90 .
See comments there, in make.sys, and in include/defs/h.README

> I tried:
>  ./configure MPIF90=mpfort LIBDIRS="/gpfs/usrurz/lapack/lapack-3.2.1"
> [...] But QE insists on its own libraries.

not all environment variables are treated in the same way by configure.
I think that a check for libraries is still performed in LIBDIRS. If
there is no liblapack.a there, nothing will be found.


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[Pw_forum] QHA and monoclinic/orthorhombic structures

2011-07-20 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Guntram Schmidt :

> Is there a way to get the gibb energy of a monoclinic structure at room
> temperature, anyway?

there is a simple code, PH/fqha.f90, that calculates the vibrational
contribution to the free energy in the quasi-harmonic approximation,
given the phonon DOS. It is far from sophisticated but works for all


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[Pw_forum] dE0s is positive which should never happen

2011-07-08 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Lorenzo Paulatto :

> It could be a small bug in the BFGS algorithm, or a compiler error or a
> bug in some algebra library...

or another job running in the same directory


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[Pw_forum] Bug in version 4.3.1

2011-06-16 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Ludovic Briquet :

> All tests are running fine except for the scf-ncpp test[...] I was 
> not able to
> reproduce that error with version 4.3 or lower (same compilation options -
> same architecture). I therefore strongly suspect a bug in version 4.3.1.

you are right: the code doesn't recognize any longer the simplified 
form 'PZ' for exchange-correlation. This is a problem only for 
pseudopotentials in the
old 'norm-conserving' formats. If you need to use them, pending a better fix,
check what you get as exchange-correlation functional, modify the XC 
field in the file, or explicitly specify "input_dft".

Paolo Giannozzi, UniUdine and IOM-Democritos

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[Pw_forum] Fourier interpolation

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting HaoPan :

> On each q point I got, the phone frequencies are positive. But after 
> the Fourier interpolation process, There exist negative frequencies.

hard to say what is happening. When you re-generate phonon from
the force constant matrix, you should find exactly the same phonon
frequencies for the wave-vector grid used to generate force constants
in real space. If not, something has gone wrong in the generation
of interatomic force constants


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[Pw_forum] Units of Raman Tensor

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting "S. Sanchez" :

> My question arises given the fact that the dchi/dr tensor can be obtained as
> the third order derivative of the Energy (in units of Ry or Ha) with respect
> to the atomic displacement (bohr) and two times the electric field (e/bohr).
> dchi/dr=d^3E/(dr*de1*de2)
> where E is the Energy; r the displacement, e1 and e2 the electric fields.

I don't have here my notes, but e^2/8\pi (e=electric field)
is an energy density, i.e. energy per unit volume, so 
dchi/dr=d^3E/(dr*de1*de2) has the dimension of r^2.


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[Pw_forum] Is there a tutorial for generating a PAW pseudopotential

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Haowei Peng :

> I am looking for a tutorial about generating a PAW pseudopotential, any
> comments?

if you find one, please let us know!


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[Pw_forum] Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF: one pseudopotential for two oxidation states?

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Merlin Meheut :

> Said otherwise, I would be very interested in a pseudopotential 
> transferable from Ni metal to compounds where Ni is ionic. I will 
> give a try at generating it, but would be very interested in some 
> hints on this matter.

good luck. In my opinion, you should put 3s and 3p semicore states in 
valence. Ni.pbe-sp-mt_gipaw.UPF does that, by the way, if the
naming is correct; Ni.pbe-nd-rrkjus.UPF doesn't


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[Pw_forum] EXX error

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Amene Nouri :

> : warning #5117: Bad # preprocessor line

not sure why this message is issued, but it is harmless

> iotk_stream.spp(54): warning #6843: A dummy argument with an explicit 
> INTENT(OUT) declaration is not given an explicit value.?? [VAL]
> subroutine

as above

>  from? read_namelists? : error #??? 19
> ? reading namelist system

I don't see the message


You are likely running the non-EXX version with EXX input data.

> Another problem is that I want to use openmp.

you need to compile with openmp enabled. For recent versions:
   ./configure --enable-openmp
should do the job


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[Pw_forum] input for d3.x

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Martin Andersson :

> I was trying to find information on how to use the d3.x program

see examples/example14. There isn't much more than this available


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[Pw_forum] Temperature and Pressure control in FPMD simulation

2010-07-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Lily Anh :
> ??? calculation ='fpmd'

this is old and has been replaced by 'cp'.


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[Pw_forum] K_POINTS, tpiba or crystal

2008-12-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting "Paul M. Grant" :

> Frankly, I don't understand what "crystal" means wrt to reciprocal space

it means "in units of the reciprocal lattice primitive vectors"


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[Pw_forum] dynmat.x

2008-12-29 Thread giann...@democritos.it
Quoting Adam Jacobsson :

> My first thought was that the program wanted the direction from where 
> to approach the gamma point as a limit. Is that the case?

yes. If you specify a direction for q, dynmat.x will calculate the 
LO-TO splitting; if you specify q=0, it will not calculate it.

Paolo Giannozzi, Democritos and Udine University

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