[Pw_forum] convergence of local magnetic moment

2016-10-31 Thread ilahi asma
Dear QE users, I try to calculate the local magnetic moment of LiF structure 
with Li vacancy, I found a value of 1.00µb but after relaxation this value 
augmented until 1.33µb.I can't understand the reason of this increase. can 
someone help me please. 
** **
 ILAHI ASMA, Phd.student,
 UR "Physical Properties of Heterostructures ",
 Physics Department,
 Faculty of SciencesTunis,
 Campus University, 2092 Manar, Tunis, Tunisia
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] Difference between LAYERS and SURFACES

2016-01-11 Thread ilahi asma
Dear QE-GPU developers,
what is the difference between layer and surface.
think you.
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[Pw_forum] convergence of slab

2016-01-11 Thread ilahi asma
for LiF(001) surface how can I choose the convergence of slab
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] lattice parameter

2016-01-11 Thread ilahi asma
 Hello all,I'm studing The LiF(001) fcc structure.how to choose the lattice 
parameter?? is it the same of the bulk  
Best regards.

 Ilahi Asma , Phd.student, UR "Physical Properties of Heterostructures ",
 PhysicsDepartment,Faculty of Sciences Tunis,
 Campus University, 2092 Manar, Tunis,Tunisia.
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2016-01-11 Thread ilahi asma
 Hello all,I'm studing The LiF(001) fcc structure.how to choose the lattice 
parameter?? is it the same of the bulk  
Best regards.

 Ilahi Asma , Phd.student, UR "Physical Properties of Heterostructures ",
 PhysicsDepartment,Faculty of Sciences Tunis,
 Campus University, 2092 Manar, Tunis,Tunisia.
Pw_forum mailing list

[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2016-01-06 Thread ilahi asma
Please can you be more clear because I don't understand your explanation.Think 

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[Pw_forum] (no subject)

2016-01-05 Thread ilahi asma
Hello all,I'm studing The LiF(001) fcc structure. I try to stabilize my system 
but my problem is always when I run a job to calculate the K-point 
{(441),(661),(881)} convergence, this  calcul does  not converge.In the scf 
output, I always found this sentence "convergence NOT achived after 100 
iterations : stoping"can you help me ???
Best regards.

 Ilahi Asma ,
 phone number:
 216 95 604 127
 UR "Physical Properties of Heterostructures ",
 PhysicsDepartment,Faculty of Sciences Tunis,
 Campus University, 2092 Manar, Tunis,Tunisia.
Pw_forum mailing list