missing Administration tasks in daily build

2006-09-27 Thread Mohni, Daniel

after I have a nice looking WebApp, going thru the first steps
(eg. registered the administrator, repository and index)

now i can login, and get redirected to the browse window,
but i miss the administrator menu on the left.

Looking at the tomcat log, tells that the admin logged in 
succesfully, but there must be a problem with detecting
the login in the menu tree...

Any hints ?


RE: [solved] missing Administration tasks in daily build

2006-09-27 Thread Mohni, Daniel
just for the records, this is a stupid error of my configuration
behind a Apache webserver using a vhost

working vhost-config:

NameVirtualHost archiva.your-domain:*

VirtualHost archiva.your-domain:*
   ServerName archiva.your-domain
   ServerAlias archiva

   RewriteEngine On
   RewriteRule ^/archiva/(.*) http://your-server:8080/archiva/$1 [P,L]
   RewriteRule ^/(.*) http://your-server:8080/archiva/$1 [P,L]

   ProxyPreserveHost On
   ProxyPassReverse / http://your-server:8080/archiva/

   ErrorLog logs/archiva.your-domain-error.log
   CustomLog logs/archiva.your-domain-access.log common

if you disable 'ProxyPreserveHost On' the cookie can
not be identified.

- Daniel

 -Original Message-
 From: Mohni, Daniel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 10:07 AM
 To: archiva-users@maven.apache.org
 Subject: missing Administration tasks in daily build
 after I have a nice looking WebApp, going thru the first steps
 (eg. registered the administrator, repository and index)
 now i can login, and get redirected to the browse window,
 but i miss the administrator menu on the left.
 Looking at the tomcat log, tells that the admin logged in 
 succesfully, but there must be a problem with detecting
 the login in the menu tree...
 Any hints ?