Re: Problems with frequent Nifi core dumping

2016-11-16 Thread Joe Witt
Hello Cheryl

Nope - not something that I've seen.  But could you try doing what it
shows in that log

"Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable
core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again"

There *might* be some useful data in the core dump itself.


On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 10:12 PM, Cheryl Jennings  wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm running Nifi 0.7.0 and I have started to see problems where nifi will
> crash repeatedly and often won't be stable until I've restarted the machine.
> Here's a relevant part from nifi-bootstrap.log:
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0033ada09470, pid=27979, tid=140067910633216
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_74-b02) (build
> 1.8.0_74-b02)
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.74-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64
> compressed oops)
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,273 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> Problematic frame:
> 2016-11-15 14:55:54,273 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
> C  []  pthread_mutex_lock+0x0
> A bit more detail can be found here:
> Has anyone seen something like this before?
> Thanks!
> -Cheryl

Problems with frequent Nifi core dumping

2016-11-16 Thread Cheryl Jennings
Hi Everyone,

I'm running Nifi 0.7.0 and I have started to see problems where nifi will
crash repeatedly and often won't be stable until I've restarted the
machine.  Here's a relevant part from nifi-bootstrap.log:

2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut # A fatal error has been detected by the Java
Runtime Environment:
2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut #  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x0033ada09470,
pid=27979, tid=140067910633216
2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler] org.apache.nifi.StdOut #
2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment
(8.0_74-b02) (build 1.8.0_74-b02)
2016-11-15 14:55:54,272 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
(25.74-b02 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
2016-11-15 14:55:54,273 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut # Problematic frame:
2016-11-15 14:55:54,273 INFO [NiFi logging handler]
org.apache.nifi.StdOut # C  []

A bit more detail can be found here:

Has anyone seen something like this before?
