Re: SpamAssassin & MX Gateway Server

2006-09-30 Thread Russ B.
Fix to above post's last lines:

MX server scores it as spam score 200 --> MX server just nukes it

MX server scores it as spam score 16 - MX tags it as spam --> sendmail
farm just files it in the user's \Caught-Spam folder.

MX server scores it as score 7, which is below questionable which is set
to 15, so it doesn't score it (nor gives it any spam headers) --->
sendmail then runs spamass on it, rescores it and then files it to user's

SpamAssassin & MX Gateway Server

2006-09-30 Thread Russ B.
I have a unique but interesting problem:

I have a farm of servers that use Sendmail/ProcMail/SpamAssassin.

Due to their very heavy loads and my custom rules, I have built a
dual-proc-dual-core FBSD AMD64 bit OS server to do nothing but my major
spam knockdowns and processing to send back to the
Sendmail/Procmail/SpamAssassin server farm.

On my gateway MX server, I'm using Postfix/AmavisD and Spamassassin, and
it works great. It's flat out rejecting spam scored over "150" spam score,
it tags spam as spam if it's over "15" size, and it just puts in the spam
headers over "15" size as well. If it scores UNDER 15, it neither get's
scored nor given headers.

Then, on the Sendmail farm, I use this recipe, which works great:

* ! ^X-Spam-Status: YES
* < 256000
|/usr/local/bin/spamc -f

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes

Basically, anything that arrives over 15 in score, will have that
SPAM-STATUS header embedded, so it does NOT run SpamAssassin on this
server, and just puts it in the Caught-Spam. If it has LOWER than a score
of 15 from the MX, then the MX server didn't put a header on it, so it's
processed here and filed here.

Why do that? Because my users on the sendmail server farm have a whole
variety of score choices they are using, so I want their specfic score to
be utilized - but by making the score on the MX 15, I'm saving the 
sendmail server from a WHOLE LOT of processing, and nobody's going to have
a default score over 15... so that's a safe number?

Make sense? This works great. The MX get's the mail, knocks down the
really bad spam, tags the medium spam and let's the end servers re-score
the questionable stuff to the user preferences.

Ok - my question/problem is this:

Is there a way I can run spamc (or spamassassin) so that it doesn't
actually RESCORE/REPROCESS the mail (the large amount of work), but
instead just looks at the users required score (required_score  6.0) and
only re-tags the "X-Spam-Status" flag to YES or No??

See, in my current setup (as explained above):

MX server scores it as spam score 205 --> sendmail farm nukes it

MX server scores it as spam score 16 - MX tags it as spam --> sendmail
farm just files it in the user's Caught-Spam folder.

MX server scores it as score 7, which is below questionable as 15, so it
doesn't score it ---> sendmail then runs spamass on it, rescores it and
then files it to user's settings.

RBL Lists in SA 3.1

2006-02-28 Thread Russ B.
I'm using the latest SpamAssassin, and I was wondering if there was a list
of all the RBL's that SpamAssassin checks if you have "skip_rbl_checks 0"


Well, my servers are darn busy and my scantimes are high causing my load
averages to sometimes get over 25 (my stop-receiving mail load point) when
they get blasted and I've got them beefed with some serious ram and

I've noticed that if RBL *or* bayes is disabled, my servers get much happier.

Yes, I have BL timeouts set at 10 seconds...

So I'd like a list of RBL's and know which ones I can keep it from
checking, like SPAMCOP which I stop/block at the sendmail MTA level

Thanks in advance!

FYI : My personal-built spamass .cf file is 175k, making my
memory-resident perl ram sizes around ~70 megs per child. I've got it trim
as much as I can, but boy what a difference my own custom rulesets make
and I really can't trim it too much.

Re: Spam count down today

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
For what it's worth, our spam counts are also significantly down.

I think the main spammer that's been doing the Rolex and Mitigating drugs
went on vacation with the stock spamer for a few days.


Re: Bayes Help! Stopped working 3.0.x --> 3.1.0

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
> Did you check v310.pre and init.pre config files?
> Jonn

Those are in /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin and I'm not using those

So since my config directory is defined as /etc/mail/spamassassin... it
should ignore those, yes?

But if it WASN'T ignoring those, why does sa-learn still go after
/usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes as the config dir - which definately isn't in
the /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/v310.pre and init.pre files..?

Appreciate the help!


Re: Bayes Help! Stopped working 3.0.x --> 3.1.0

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
> Russ.. did you run sa-learn --sync after you did your upgrade?

I did, and I ran it again and noticed something odd...

My config dir is /etc/mail/spamassassin

My USED to have /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes as the bayes_path, but
I have since changed it to /tmp/bayes/bayes and /tmp/bayes for testing
purposes. It currently has the /tmp/bayes/bayes setting.

However with /tmp/bayes/bayes in the .cf file - when I run "sa-learn
--siteconfigpath=/etc/mail/spamassassin --sync", it updates the datestamp
on the bayes files in my old bayes location - /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes

> ls -altr /usr/local/etc/bayes
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  65536 Feb 12 15:09 bayes_toks
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  65536 Feb 12 15:09 bayes_seen

... and that's AFTER I've restarted spamd multiple times - even gettting
confirmation with this in my log file:

spamd[96453]: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line,
"/tmp/bayes/bayes" is not valid for "bayes_path", skipping:

So my original question was:

1. What's wrong with "bayes_path /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes" where it was
working before in 3.0.x and now not in 3.1.x..." ADD a new find.. using "sa-learn" obviously is messing with the
files in my old location at /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes when my config file
says /tmp/bayes/bayes

... and yes, I've done a word search on my /etc/mail/spamassassin
directory and there is absolutely no other instance of "bayes_path" or
"/usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes" anywhere other than that once instance in my


Re: Bayes Help! Stopped working 3.0.x --> 3.1.0

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
> According to the docs these two options where removed.
>   bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.8
>   bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 12.0
> Check your log to see if you have any errors.
> Jonn

I don't know how I missed this, but  found this in the log...

config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, "/usr/local/etc/bayes" is not
valid for "bayes_path", skipping: bayes_path /usr/local/etc/bayes

(Along with the fails on the threshholds, as you're correct - they were

I've tried both /usr/local/etc/bayes and /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes.. to
no avail.

And once again the :

bayes_path /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes

... works GREAT in 2.x and 3.0.x.. but in 3.1.0?

UG.. what am I missing?

The "Docs" for Spamass 3.1.x say:

bayes_path /path/filename (default: ~/.spamassassin/bayes)

This is the directory and filename for Bayes databases. Several databases
will be created, with this as the base directory and filename, with _toks,
_seen, etc. appended to the base. The default setting results in files
called ~/.spamassassin/bayes_seen, ~/.spamassassin/bayes_toks, etc.
By default, each user has their own in their ~/.spamassassin directory
with mode 0700/0600. For system-wide SpamAssassin use, you may want to
reduce disk space usage by sharing this across all users. However, Bayes
appears to be more effective with individual user databases.

Bayes Help! Stopped working 3.0.x --> 3.1.0

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
I'm upgrading my existing server farm from SpamAss 3.0.x to 3.1.0... all
is fine except Bayes. Identical setup, no pathing changes, same
file - everything... but bayes isn't working.

Here are my bayes setups in my

use_bayes 1
use_bayes_rules 1

bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam 0.8
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 12.0
bayes_auto_expire 1
bayes_expiry_max_db_size 15
bayes_journal_max_size 102400
bayes_learn_to_journal  1
bayes_path /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes
bayes_file_mode 0777
lock_method flock
score BAYES_00 -3.5
score BAYES_50 -1.0
score BAYES_60 0.3
score BAYES_70 0.7
score BAYES_80 1.0
score BAYES_90 1.5
score BAYES_95 2.0
score BAYES_99 3.5

Now... I've been using a server-side bayes where everyone uses the same
bayes files which has been working GREAT, and it's easier for me to push
known spam updates via a distribution script to all our servers at once,
making it so ALL users get our bayes changes...

The bayes files live in /usr/local/etc/bayes/bayes just like the config

The permissions are correct, as you can see below:

drwxr-xr-x  8 root   wheel   1024 Feb 12 01:44 ../
drwxrwxrwx  3 root   wheel   3072 Feb 12 03:43 ./
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root   wheel 30 Feb 12 03:05 bayes.mutex
-rw-rw-rw-  1 loria  wheel 58 Feb  2 00:20 bayes.lock
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root   wheel  65536 Feb 12 13:05 bayes_toks
-rw-rw-rw-  1 root   wheel  65536 Feb 12 13:05 bayes_seen

And in the user accounts, inside ~user/.spamassassin, I have:
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  techs56 Feb 12 03:12 user_prefs@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  techs31 Feb 12 04:45 bayes_toks@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  techs31 Feb 12 04:45 bayes_seen@ ->
lrwxr-xr-x   1 root  techs34 Feb 12 04:45 bayes_journal@ ->
(where username_goes_here is the name of the user who's account it is)

... and all that works GREAT on 3.0.x, but broke on 3.1.0...

"Broke" as in no bayes scoring is going on in logs, no activity going on
in the bayes directory of /usr/local/etc/bayes as shown above.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Re: Using Inet to launch spamd

2006-02-12 Thread Russ B.
> Anyone using inetd to launch spamd? I've had my process die a couple of
> times and it would be nice to have inetd around to make sure it's allways
> running. If you have, what did you put in inetd.conf?
> Thanks!

I use FreeBSD, so mine starts with my rc.d startup. You could always start
the daemon with /etc/rc.local I guess...

You want spamd to deamonize, not run per-instance. Inetd is a bad choice.

Run it as a daemon at startup, and then make a script like below which you
use crontab to run every 5-10 minutes to make sure spamd's still

Here's mine, and it has some other stuff like how I log it, and my paths
which are going to be different than yours.


today=`date +"%b.%d.%Y"`
time=`date +"%H:%M.%S"`

if [ -f /var/log/monitor.log ] ; then
touch /var/log/monitor.log

count=`cat /var/log/maillog | tail -50 | grep -c "to spamd at

if test "$count" = "0"; then
echo "$today.$time  SPAMD : Down : RESTARTED" >> /var/log/monitor.log
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ restart

Re: lots of new spam

2006-02-11 Thread Russ B.
I wrote these rules last week that stop em fast, even before the URIBL's
kick in.

# This will fire if 2 or more are found
rawbody __DRUGS268A /^V$/i
rawbody __DRUGS268B /^I$/i
rawbody __DRUGS268C /^C$/i
rawbody __DRUGS268D /^E$/i
rawbody __DRUGS268E /^33$/i
rawbody __DRUGS268F /^\=20$/i
meta DRUGS268 (( __DRUGS268A + __DRUGS268B + __DRUGS268C + __DRUGS268D +
__DRUGS268E + __DRUGS268F) > 1)
score DRUGS268 105.5
describe DRUGS268 Disguised Drug Message

rawbody URL52 /\.\.org\/(?:..|...)\//i
score URL52 6.5
describe URL52 Short Drug URL

rawbody URL52a /\..\.org\/(?:..|...)\//i
score URL52a 6.5
describe URL52a Short Drug URL

rawbody URL52b /\...\.org\/(?:..|...)\//i
score URL52b 6.5
describe URL52b Short Drug URL

rawbody URL52c /\\.org\/(?:..|...)\//i
score URL52c 6.5
describe URL52c Short Drug URL