Do a post with Tapestry and Link

2010-11-08 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
I need to do POST in Tapestry for example :

form method=*POST* Action=**MyURL** name=*name*

input type=*HIDDEN* name=*FirstParam* id=*IdFirstParam*value=

input type=*HIDDEN* name=*SndParam* id=*IdSndParam* value=*


When I try :

String data = URLEncoder.encode(*FirstParam*, UTF-8) + = +
URLEncoder.encode(*FirstParam*, UTF-8);
data +=  + URLEncoder.encode(*SndParam*, UTF-8) +
= + URLEncoder.encode(*SndParam*, UTF-8);
// Send data
URL url = new URL(*MyURL*);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

But Tapestry tell me that I must use :, org.apache.tapestry5.Link, org.apache.tapestry5.

Any one know how to do ?

Thanks in advance


Re: Do a post with Tapestry and Link

2010-11-08 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
Thank you Joost and Thiago,
May be may question wasn't clear. So what I need that a method return an
object that make a post with the previous params.

I hope that is more clear now.


Re: Do a post with Tapestry and Link

2010-11-08 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
Thank you
I'll try that.

Do a POST with Tapestry and Link

2010-11-08 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
I need to do POST in Tapestry for example :

form method=*POST* Action=**MyURL** name=*name*

input type=*HIDDEN* name=*FirstParam* id=*IdFirstParam*value=

input type=*HIDDEN* name=*SndParam* id=*IdSndParam* value=*


When I try :

String data = URLEncoder.encode(*FirstParam*, UTF-8) + = +
URLEncoder.encode(*FirstParam*, UTF-8);
data +=  + URLEncoder.encode(*SndParam*, UTF-8) +
= + URLEncoder.encode(*SndParam*, UTF-8);
// Send data
URL url = new URL(*MyURL*);
URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
OutputStreamWriter wr = new OutputStreamWriter(conn.getOutputStream());

But Tapestry tell me that I must use :, org.apache.tapestry5.Link, org.apache.tapestry5.StreamResponse

Any one know how to do ?

Thanks in advance


Re: Problem with context

2010-06-07 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
Thanks for your response. Sorry my question wasn't clair. What I want to ask
for is :
This redirection is done with a return class in my java file. The
correspondig tml file is empty (just html/html ).
In my Junit test file I create a Document who gets my page but it return
an application exception:
Document myIndexPage = pageTester.renderPage(Index).

index.tml is the redirection page.

Problem with context

2010-06-04 Thread Khalid EL BOUKHARI
I'm developing some unit tests. In my application I have a fake (not to be
displayed) page that redirect me to a page with some form.
The problem is that Tapestry returns an error page :

Page Error did not generate any markup when rendered. This could be because
its template file could not be located, or because a render phase method in
the page prevented rendering.
Hide uninteresting stack frames Stack trace






Before that a was a problem with the context, so my solution was :

TestableRequest request =
request.loadParameter(DATA, tutu);

Assert.assertEquals(request.getParameter(DATA), tutu);

In this URL ( found
a solution :

Object[] context = new Object[]{ abc, 123 };

Document doc = tester.invoke(new ComponentInvocation(new
PageLinkTarget(MyPage), context));

But invoke method and ComonentInvocation are not recorgnized by Eclipse.

Any Idea please?