Re: Re: Questions about the HTTP connector config

2015-07-08 Thread jingych

Thanks for your patience!

Your explanation is quite clearly.
Now I know what i'm going to do.

Thanks again!


From: Christopher Schultz
Date: 2015-07-09 03:50
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Questions about the HTTP connector config
Hash: SHA256


On 7/8/15 4:09 AM, jingych wrote:
> I desire for using tomcat as the websocket server. But I'm now
> wondering about the tomcat performance. Does anyone know the max
> connections that tomcat could  held? the concurrent number
> requests?

You'll definitely want to use the NIO or NIO2 connectors. For both of
those, the default maximum number of total (and thus concurrent)
connections is 1. You may want to raise that if you expect lots of
long-running Websocket conversations.

The number of concurrent threads you think you can handle is more
related to your hardware and your application than anything else.

> And I don't quite understand the configurations: acceptCount &
> maxConnections & maxThreads

acceptCount = TCP backlog (c.f. Google)
maxConnections = maximum number of connections Tomcat will maintain at
maxThreads = maximum number of threads Tomcat will use to process
incoming data

I wouldn't change acceptCount unless you have a very good reason. The
only thing you are likely to accomplish by increasing the acceptCount
is causing more connections to time out and masking any underlying
problems -- like that you are trying to accept more traffic than you
can reasonably service.

Tomcat can handle 10k connections with many fewer threads (the default
is 200) as long as those 10k connections aren't trying to all talk at
once. If they are all trying to communicate at once, the 200 threads
are unlikely to be able to keep up with them, and your users will
experience slow performance or possibly read/write timeouts.

> There must be some relationship between the three params.
> if I set [ accpetCount=200, maxConnections=1, maxThreads=100] 
> dose it means: 1, the max connections that tomcat maintain with the
> client is 1. and if the 10001 client's connect request is
> coming, the client will timeout.

No, the 10001 client's request will go into the TCP backlog queue.
When it comes out depends upon when one of the other 1 connections
disconnects and so Tomcat will call accept() on the socket for another

> 2, the max request is 200, and the 201 request will be refused.

There is no maximum number of requests.

> 3, the max concurrent request is 100.

This is pretty much correct. If your transactions are short, then 100
threads can probably comfortably service 10k connections.

The best thing for you to do is work-up a realistic load test and run
it against Tomcat in various configurations with your actual
application doing actual work.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread André Warnier

Alex Soto wrote:

no they are always the same, I simply go to browser do
https://localhost/hello/hello and I only push refresh button several times,
until the id appears. Then after some pushes it disappears again and
appears after some time again. So I think I am not changing the protocol
from https to http. In fact the browser complains about that the
certificate is homemade. So yes I think so.

In first mail I sent the Docker project just in case you didn't
know it.
Also one thing I done was to inspect the debugging file of mod_jk and I can
see the session id is not sent by mod_jk. But if it is because mod_jk
misses or not, I just don't know.

Alex, what I think that your tests show, is that sometimes *Apache httpd* is not setting 
the SSL_SESSION_ID variable *as an Apache httpd environment variable*. Therefor, it is 
(also) not passed by mod_jk to Tomcat.

That is also what Christopher was wondering, and that is why he asked you if you were 
really sure that all your requests were HTTPS.
At this point, we also don't know why Apache httpd would in some cases not set this, but 
the first thing is to find out if it is so, or not. And if it is so, then why ?

I believe that you can prove (or disprove) this by modifying the format of the Apache 
access log.  You can change it so that Apache httpd logs the content of this variable for 
each request.  Then you can again make a series of requests, and look at the Apache access 
log to verify what happens.

Have a look here :
and in particular at
 %{FOOBAR}e The contents of the environment variable FOOBAR

You can also log the request protocol :
%H  The request protocol

In summary : if you can show that Apache httpd is always setting what it should set, and 
that sometimes mod_jk or Tomcat does not react to it, then the problem is with mod_jk or 
Tomcat.  But if Apache is sometimes not setting this, then the problem is with Apache, or 
with something else in your setup.  We are just trying to locate the issue correctly, and 
to avoid spending time looking in the wrong places. (For us and for you).

El dc., 8 jul. 2015 a les 17:46, Christopher Schultz (<>) va escriure:

Hash: SHA256


On 7/8/15 10:18 AM, Alex Soto wrote:

I have tried what you mention. When SSL_Id is there both
request.getAttribute("javax.servlet, ."); and
request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID"); returns valid sslId and in
the same way if one is null them the other one is null too so it
behaviour is consistent. About header approach always it is null,
probably something in rewrite is not set in header.

That sounds like httpd isn't providing the session id.

Are you absolutely sure that all of these requests are actually HTTPS
from the client? Do you ever switch between HTTPS and HTTP?

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: HTML 508 error with container authentication and virtual host

2015-07-08 Thread David Hoffer
Here is information on how we have Apache configured.  Apache is the
virtual host and it redirects to the (war) app deployed in Tomcat.  Note it
has the app name in the ProxyPass/ProxyPassReverse URL.

Regarding your question on how we deploy the app, I use Tomcat's Manager
app to upload a war file.  Note this same Tomcat instance has several other
war apps as well.

Note at first we thought this was working as it does redirect to the right
app and the correct login page, the problem is when they click the Login
button that's when the 408 error occurs.  The 408 error does not occur if
we launch the app via http://localhost:8080/myapp/.  The error only occurs
when users use which is the only URL that will have
access to.

What are we doing wrong?  We are probably missing something simple...just
don't see it.  Also I'd be happy to upgrade Tomcat to a later version if
that would help.

##Apache: Just a ReverseProxy to the Tomcat app:


## ReverseProxy's
ProxyRequests Off
ProxyPreserveHost Off # Have tried both on and off

Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/myapp/
ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/myapp/

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Christopher Schultz <> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> David,
> On 7/7/15 11:14 AM, David Hoffer wrote:
> > Here is the relevant parts of the web.xml.  I didn't do the Apache
> > configuration so I'll have to get more details there but I was told
> > that is no different than how we configure virtual hosts for other
> > apps that don't use Tomcat's authentication.  E.g. it seems Tomcat
> > is requiring to have the app's name in the URL...not a subdomain.
> Well, /of course/ Tomcat requires the app's name in the URL. That's
> how Tomcat figures out which application should take the request.
> Where is your application deployed? What WAR file (or exploded-WAR
> directory)? Any other details that might help explain what's going on?
> As André said, none of us has a crystal ball (well... one of us does,
> but he's been MIA for quite a long time).
> FORM authentication works in Tomcat, whether through an httpd-based
> proxy or not. Most of us use it /all the time/.
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
> KsDWGY1lq/n2OELZYCRYCoiVCSwYJZ5qbe9x34GFSSLR9Ictrpo5zS4f3UhxdK5N
> INeWzvQy6WlDcu962bGopNqLedrpFJBGPbrbY3mP13bm2KByjbbrD7z8LqQrnlUM
> GyHLPpgWfwbaPdG+2sVG4Xi0oa/uqCGGW7XkcUCq+0IXCDKnxHmwgxERrb1T4b3y
> Yq0uG644pZ3ZhDQaWhtC9ENXz6+Nw0WW82k6OfyyR7bs7m/axqfDa8G45s33hJXV
> KK0GPR2Ke19xvILJ9xM6K4Bvss4y61O7TGhrfpUujniKDrmArDoJ7gALHDyCpguE
> CJ2P743d4KL2bDt3Kpvc3Pct615dtIECn7+0fiJP/wZP9r7PhV0jm0srxmVF/29W
> rgfJhNEMGsAmHKHjY7f7LIbJPO9t2sY7khwR5TmL8rjvD1ryAadkrxTTNngeV8/L
> +h063CkbVX4+jQ9S5/QLdcD/CtL8iYE/p29FS60o+b5JwiBeOGjxnuJl0ahu9EIa
> 4Q3tuMn8jtFc8mxvvSIL2I2ErRx+4mQECJwZsCnMPmD+k+dgSuGndt7avG8Jrfk/
> XqS36lNth9O916Xkgp9bKPpxOD5o5EXfXLFInr+nuew7V3Tbm0zjfsDiLx4YuQgM
> NkOj5Rfv9gikgn9nq3Au
> =7b2b
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: Tomcat 8 AprEndpoint Poller thread consuming high CPU

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 6/30/15 2:06 PM, Rich Mayfield wrote:
> Moved from Tomcat 7.0.55 to Tomcat 8.0.23 and now see the AJP
> Poller thread churning through a lot of CPU in a pretty much quiet
> system.
> This seems like a bug.
> * Restarting does not resolve the issue * I've seen some mention of
> bumping up the memory. Doubling the max heap (-Xmx from 506m to
> 1012m) does not help. This is a relatively small service that is
> essentially idle - or at least it would be with the exception of
> this Poller thread.
> The connector configuration is unchanged.
>  scheme="https" connectionTimeout="2" packetSize="2" 
> maxThreads="1024" URIEncoding="UTF-8" redirectPort="443" 
> useSendfile="false" compression="force" 
> compressableMimeTypes="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/javascript,t
> The thread consuming all the CPU
> "ajp-apr-28080-Poller" #62 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 
> tid=0x2ba40293e000 nid=0x407d waiting on condition 
> [0x2ba3fc20] java.lang.Thread.State: WAITING (parking) at
> sun.misc.Unsafe.park(Native Method) - parking to wait for
> <0xeaf94570> (a 
> java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$NonfairSync) at
> java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park( 
> at
> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.parkAndCheckInte
> at
> java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.acquire(Abstract
> at
> java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.lock(
> at
> java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue.offer(LinkedBlockingQueue.jav
at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskQueue.offer(
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskQueue.offer( 
> at
> java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolExecutor.jav
> at
> org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.execute(ThreadPoolEx
> at
> # rpm -qa | grep apr apr-1.5.1-1 apr-util-1.5.3-1
> # rpm -qa | grep http httpd-2.2.27-1
> Server version: Apache Tomcat/8.0.23 Server built:   May 19 2015
> 14:58:38 UTC Server number: OS Name:Linux OS
> Version: 2.6.18-371.el5 Architecture:   amd64 JVM Version:
> 1.8.0_40-b25 JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation

Do you have more than one "Poller" thread for the APR connector?

That thread is currently blocked on a monitor. Are you saying that it
looks like it wakes up all the time and then goes back to sleep?

The poller thread is responsible for routing I/O requests between the
sockets and the request processors. Basically, it figures out which
thread's data is available and then hands it off. So, the poller
thread is often busy, but it doesn't do a great deal of actual work

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: application frequently down

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/3/15 2:04 AM, Yon,  wrote:
>  className="org.apache.catalina.core.AprLifecycleListener" 
> SSLEngine="on" />

This is not enough to use APR.

>  connectionTimeout="2" redirectPort="8443" />
> [...]

Neither of these  elements specifies the protocol, so
Tomcat will auto-choose between the APR connection and one of the Java
connectors (I can't tell you which, because you didn't say which
version of Tomcat you are using).

Tomcat can only use the APR connector if the tcnative library is
available. If you have no idea what's in use, the easiest thing to do
is take a thread dump[1] of the running JVM process and look at the
thread names for the request processors.

- -chris

Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Questions about the HTTP connector config

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/8/15 4:09 AM, jingych wrote:
> I desire for using tomcat as the websocket server. But I'm now
> wondering about the tomcat performance. Does anyone know the max
> connections that tomcat could  held? the concurrent number
> requests?

You'll definitely want to use the NIO or NIO2 connectors. For both of
those, the default maximum number of total (and thus concurrent)
connections is 1. You may want to raise that if you expect lots of
long-running Websocket conversations.

The number of concurrent threads you think you can handle is more
related to your hardware and your application than anything else.

> And I don't quite understand the configurations: acceptCount &
> maxConnections & maxThreads

acceptCount = TCP backlog (c.f. Google)
maxConnections = maximum number of connections Tomcat will maintain at
maxThreads = maximum number of threads Tomcat will use to process
incoming data

I wouldn't change acceptCount unless you have a very good reason. The
only thing you are likely to accomplish by increasing the acceptCount
is causing more connections to time out and masking any underlying
problems -- like that you are trying to accept more traffic than you
can reasonably service.

Tomcat can handle 10k connections with many fewer threads (the default
is 200) as long as those 10k connections aren't trying to all talk at
once. If they are all trying to communicate at once, the 200 threads
are unlikely to be able to keep up with them, and your users will
experience slow performance or possibly read/write timeouts.

> There must be some relationship between the three params.
> if I set [ accpetCount=200, maxConnections=1, maxThreads=100] 
> dose it means: 1, the max connections that tomcat maintain with the
> client is 1. and if the 10001 client's connect request is
> coming, the client will timeout.

No, the 10001 client's request will go into the TCP backlog queue.
When it comes out depends upon when one of the other 1 connections
disconnects and so Tomcat will call accept() on the socket for another

> 2, the max request is 200, and the 201 request will be refused.

There is no maximum number of requests.

> 3, the max concurrent request is 100.

This is pretty much correct. If your transactions are short, then 100
threads can probably comfortably service 10k connections.

The best thing for you to do is work-up a realistic load test and run
it against Tomcat in various configurations with your actual
application doing actual work.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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RE: AIX OS Patch Breaks Apache/Tomcat

2015-07-08 Thread RAY, DAVID
>>I am running Apache 2.2.29 and Tomcat 7.0.59 with tomcat connector(mod_jk) 
>>version 1.2.40 on AIX version 7.1 server.  Started having problems this 
>>morning after AIX OS was patched to AIX 7.1 TL 03 SP 04  and openssh to  WebAdvisor runs fine immediately after apache is started or 
>>restarted.  However its response slowing down.  AIX server CPU steadily 
>>increases and approaches 100% after running for 5 or 10 minutes under heavy 
load..  Seeing http process accumulate.  Not seeing much traffic at all in 
>>Tomcat server status.  Recompiled apache, tomcat connector, and Tomcat 
>>native.  Still no luck.  Later determined there is a bug with openssh >and tried  Recompiled again.  Still no 
>>improvement.  Just booted from Clone backup taken before the AIX patch and 
>>everything  runs fine, no problems.  Anyone else have this experience with 
>>AIX >>patches/updates?  Not really much to see in error logs.  Tomcat is 
>>configured to run with java6 32 bit:
>>IBM J9 VM (build 2.4, JRE 1.6.0 IBM J9 2.4 AIX ppc-32 
>>jvmap3260sr16-20141216_227499 (JIT enabled, AOT enabled)
>>J9VM - 20141216_227499
>>JIT  - r9_20140523_64469ifx3
>>GC   - GA24_Java6_SR16_20141216_1020_B227499)
>>JCL  - 20141216_01
>>Thank you.
>Just an update on this problem. Now this appears to be an issue meant for the 
>Apache list, which I just sent this to. 
>We have determined that that this problem is triggered by Apache 
>server-status.   I have always used server-status to monitor our production 
>system, no problem. I rarely use server-status to monitor our test system 
>because >there is nothing to see there due to extremely light traffic.  But 
>after the AIX patch, server-status gradually causes the sever CPU to be maxed 
>out.  This problem was just duplicated on our test server.  The CPU drops back 
>to >normal for that server when server-status is stopped.  Example of 
>server-status URL I use in my IE 11 browser:  
>Has anyone else had this experience?  I guess for now, I will just have to 
>stop using server-status to monitor Apache so that we can patch our AIX system.


Solved this problem by downloading and compiling the latest openssl, currently 
1.0.2c, from  Recompiled Apache with openssl 1.0.2c.  Recompiled 
Tomcat Connector and Tomcat Native too just to make sure all bases are covered. 
 I'm guessing that the problem was caused by the AIX 7.1 TL 03 SP 04 update 
patching  the server openssl.  This triggered the Apache 
server-status/mod_status high CPU usage issue when used to monitor our https 


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Content length, timeouts

2015-07-08 Thread Sean Dawson
Hello, we have a GWT 2.7 application that's deployed on tomcat7 (r57-63)
that uses RestyGwt to make REST calls to another server (which uses
RestEasy 3.11).

We're seeing several issues that seem to be clustered into two categories
(transferring binary data, exceptions with xml data) - with one overriding
theme (content length isn't correct - this is the application server
exception we see, and fiddler shows the same thing).

I'm trying to sort out all the pieces and was hoping I could get some
pointers in the right direction.

Locally when running super dev mode in IntelliJ, we cannot reproduce many
of the issues (the remaining ones seem to involve very low level debugging
of Response objects, etc).  With the binary data, it seems to revolve
around compression/gzipping, png's, and file sizes somehow.

But let me give you the more straightforward example/category...

- the GWT app on any current Windows7 browser makes a REST call to get some
xml data

 SerializableClass getData()

- partway through the generating of the data, the server throws an exception
- somewhere around 10-20 seconds later... (tomcat / the request times out?
and)... the client gets a failure result on the asynchronous call

We have a simple proxy that passes the call from the app server to the
secondary server so this may involve some issue there (and so I will try to
eliminate that part from the equation) - but the strange thing is that in
DEV mode, all parts are still in use but when the exception happens, the
client/browser gets notified immediately of the failure (this would be
using the jetty embedded server for GWT super dev mode instead of being
deployed on tomcat).

It seems that *someone* is setting the response header to expect 8000
bytes, but the server only generates 300 (maybe the length of the exception
message?) - and tomcat [or something related] (but not jetty) waits for the
rest to show up before failing.

Is there good info out there on content length handling in general, and how
that might vary by container, such as tomcat specifically?

Thank you.

Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread Alex Soto
no they are always the same, I simply go to browser do
https://localhost/hello/hello and I only push refresh button several times,
until the id appears. Then after some pushes it disappears again and
appears after some time again. So I think I am not changing the protocol
from https to http. In fact the browser complains about that the
certificate is homemade. So yes I think so.

In first mail I sent the Docker project just in case you didn't
know it.
Also one thing I done was to inspect the debugging file of mod_jk and I can
see the session id is not sent by mod_jk. But if it is because mod_jk
misses or not, I just don't know.


El dc., 8 jul. 2015 a les 17:46, Christopher Schultz (<>) va escriure:

> Hash: SHA256
> Alex,
> On 7/8/15 10:18 AM, Alex Soto wrote:
> > I have tried what you mention. When SSL_Id is there both
> > request.getAttribute("javax.servlet, ."); and
> > request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID"); returns valid sslId and in
> > the same way if one is null them the other one is null too so it
> > behaviour is consistent. About header approach always it is null,
> > probably something in rewrite is not set in header.
> That sounds like httpd isn't providing the session id.
> Are you absolutely sure that all of these requests are actually HTTPS
> from the client? Do you ever switch between HTTPS and HTTP?
> - -chris
> Comment: GPGTools -
> KOO0cQddZUnuerb3zpBKSZn8ab6KCvVCs+usULV498OAjEUOaNl2PscgNCTbT7+G
> YjxvXsz3TsgDvf5tIDexEFnuteb1/zxwmxl/yREjITTl4XnSx3MHPDH7n9vBiYlO
> 4iHFdmSF5K3CIAKweCjBYpsQdKAaVtmrfJzdpfOnop2tIlC+vAL2w5pgHOshm18Z
> dR3oOcSztev9Vws4iOYQlwc47Cg3M0bxyZ/KyIOd2IAUp0vpc8KTa2Hym388VnP+
> UfnCUeAOfF2eKfk4c0aXJ3VNAkfIMJ44gG9oSI2lAChk8dbK4PE41sZ+ykHPwJgR
> gXXxXbAfrdbFuav2DtWAAoEUiGQGA4YuKqJxJMQa6LOI6sJ2+TXE/CIUkRwmijRs
> NkKRDGy9KW9eVsF6N7gtCsDAoL/qbu8yr01d1A6hLiofiUj3EkweNBVs2dzMmt+N
> WsY2Rbr9MdmYtaEcXI+uGsM5bLWatBDMxErnMCWve0QgrGiRjREns39ixuiuWpQI
> qbBMGhLajjDxtLpd2mMiqXvLLXVIHKem3bJ/lxACiSmYlw/5/gDayoHt9KYYbxEu
> adJ9wGjDRlaowokEKdGFd4GVndqoiK0NPfd2lgvSpZLuUL/qwoklTdiGr6zhkvT7
> T+GAJuwkYY7GSgMplLrS
> =vEii
> -
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Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/8/15 10:18 AM, Alex Soto wrote:
> I have tried what you mention. When SSL_Id is there both 
> request.getAttribute("javax.servlet, ."); and 
> request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID"); returns valid sslId and in
> the same way if one is null them the other one is null too so it
> behaviour is consistent. About header approach always it is null,
> probably something in rewrite is not set in header.

That sounds like httpd isn't providing the session id.

Are you absolutely sure that all of these requests are actually HTTPS
from the client? Do you ever switch between HTTPS and HTTP?

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: [OT] Re: SSL configuration using PFX as keystore

2015-07-08 Thread André Warnier

Christopher Schultz wrote:

Hash: SHA256


On 7/7/15 9:39 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 30/06/2015 21:16, Mark Thomas wrote:

This is probably off-topic now so marking as such.

On 29/06/2015 14:29, André Warnier wrote:

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 26/06/2015 19:37, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 22/06/2015 11:56, Mark Thomas wrote:

On 22/06/2015 09:39, Mark Thomas wrote:

Prompting for authentication in response to an untrusted
certificate is bizarre to say the least.

Progress, if you can call it that, has not been good. They have
now asked for additional network traces since:

 ... to be able to understand what packets are sent by
client and what response did Server generate for the specific
packet, I would like to check a simultaneous trace on both
communication endpoints 

I have just sent a very long, fairly stropy reply pointing out
the complete pointlessness of this request - not least because
the information they claim they don't have is right in front of
them in the form of the sequence and acknowledgement numbers in
the network trace.

This continues to drag on. The stropy e-mail got the issue
re-assigned to someone with marginally more clue. They put together
a test environment (with IIS instead of Tomcat) and then attempted
to demonstrate that the issue did not occur and hence it must be a
Tomcat problem.

"Our non-standard client works perfectly well with our non-standard
server. The fact that our non-standard client doesn't work with your
standards-compliant server obviously points to your software as the

Nice tautology you got there. It would be a shame if something were to
happen to it.


Well, if you're willing to continue to tilt at this particular
windmill, it would be a great service to the world. I'm not hopeful,
though, as WebDAV support in Microsoft Windows has degraded
consistently over the past 10 years and never improved. I don't know
why they even bother to /claim/ support for it anymore. Evidently,
nobody in the Microsoft world gives a rats posterior about WebDAV...
they all use SMB anyway.

However, once they had configured their environment to match my
original bug report (server using cert issued by CA client doesn't
trust, server configured not to require authentication) imagine my
lack of surprise when the problem was repeated with IIS. Needless
to say the other end of the conference call went very, very quiet
at that point.

The issue has now been passed to yet another support employee (I
refuse to call these people engineers) who apparently wants to
discuss the issue further. What they can possibly need to discuss
at this point I have no idea but having told them (again) how to
contact me I am waiting to hear from them.

I also discovered that - despite the conference call - the latest 
support ticket update from Microsoft claimed the issue could not

be repeated with IIS.

It appears that the issue has been passed to the IIS team which
makes no sense at all since all the evidence points to this being a
WebDAV client bug and I have been making that point since this
whole sorry episode started.

The good news is that the IIS team is likely to refuse to accept
responsibility for the bug (because, by definition, IIS contains zero
bugs) and likely to pass the buck back to the WebDAV client team. If
you catch them at just the right time, you may be able to show MS how
to do their own jobs.

While I continue to appreciate the free MSDN license Microsoft
kindly provide to Apache committers, I must confess to being
completely unimpressed by Microsoft's support structures and count
myself fortunate that I don't have to run an IT infrastructure that
relies on them.


With respect, you both don't get it.  MS support is deliberately pitiful, to emphasize the 
fact that MS software is by definition bug-free and does not really need support.
And to really bring the point home, MS seems to have plans to not name the next version 
"Windows" anymore, but invent some other name.  Now /that/ should allow them to definitely 
start with a clean slate in their support database.

There might be an idea for Tomcat there.. "Bulldog" ?

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Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread Alex Soto
I have tried what you mention. When SSL_Id is there both
request.getAttribute("javax.servlet, ."); and
request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID"); returns valid sslId and in the same
way if one is null them the other one is null too so it behaviour is
consistent. About header approach always it is null, probably something in
rewrite is not set in header.

Well everything is consistent, the question is if this consistency is ok or


El dc., 8 jul. 2015 a les 14:27, André Warnier () va

> Alex Soto wrote:
> > Hi I have tried this approach custom JkEnvVar are pass correctly, what I
> > don't know how to do is how to set an already JkEnvVar to a new JkEnvVar
> > (what you mention about "force)) I have tried with %{SSL_SESSION_ID} and
> $
> > but no luck (Don't know if it is because originally it was null or not).
> I think it is just
> JkEnvVar SSL_SESSION_ID "none"
> (where "none" is the default value, used if the Apache "environment
> variable"
> SSL_SESSION_ID was not set before you pass the request to Tomcat.)
> (The default value insures that Tomcat always gets something, no matter
> what)
> Then in Tomcat you do request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID") , and if you
> find the value
> "none", it means that SSL_SESSION_ID was not set at the httpd level.
> Note: if that does not work, there is still another method that can be
> tried : setting a
> HTTP request header, before proxying to Tomcat. It would work like this :
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule .* - [E=MY_SESSION_ID:%{SSL_SESSION_ID},NE]
> RequestHeader set JK-SSL-SESSION "%{MY_SESSION_ID}e"
> and then in Tomcat you would retrieve the HTTP header "JK-SSL-SESSION".
> >
> > Alex.
> >
> > El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 23:05, André Warnier () va
> > escriure:
> >
> >> Alex Soto wrote:
> >>> yes it is set at httpd-ssl.config
> >>>
> >>
> >>> which I think that is where it should be set.
> >>> Everything too strange, but thanks anyway.
> >> Then, and until Rainer himself jumps in, let me ask you if it would be
> >> possible to make
> >> one more test. As far as I understand, this is not the way it /should/
> >> work, but it may be
> >> a way to find out what doesn't work, inasmuch as there is really a
> problem
> >> :
> >>
> >> Somewhere in that same page, there is a way by which you can "force" a
> >> value to be passed
> >> on to Tomcat as a request attribute (via JkEnvVar "name"
> "default-value")..
> >> Can you try to pass the SSL session-id in that way, and obtain it in
> >> Tomcat via
> >> request.getAttribute("name"), instead of the standard
> request.ssl_session ?
> >> And check if /then/, you get it all the time ?
> >>
> >> Again, this is probably not the way in which this should work. But
> Tomcat
> >> is open-source
> >> and free software, and its development and debugging benefit from the
> help
> >> of any
> >> benevolent user, particularly if that user is interested in solving a
> >> particular problem
> >> that he is having.
> >>
> >>> El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 19:17, André Warnier () va
> >>> escriure:
> >>>
>  Alex Soto wrote:
> > Thank you so much but it is already set.
> >
> >>
> > This is so strange.
>  But there is also this phrase : "In order to make SSL data available
> for
>  mod_jk in Apache,
>  you need to set SSLOptions +StdEnvVars."
>  Honestly, I have never tried this, and I am not an SSL specialist at
> >> all,
>  and the phrase
>  above is a bit ambiguous.  But it seems worth a try, and I do not see
> it
>  in your
>  configuration.
> > El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 12:25, André Warnier () va
> > escriure:
> >
> >> Mark Thomas wrote:
> >>> On 07/07/2015 09:28, Alex Soto wrote:
>  Hi Mark, SSL Session ID is not passed to Tomcat. You can see the
> >> logs
> >> here
> (I
> have
> >> created
>  a gist to not add here a lot of lines).
>  Now the question is is it happens because of mod_jk or because of
> >> Apache?
>  Alex.
> >>> OK. You've reached the limits of my conform zone. You need someone
> >> more
> >>> familiar with the httpd side of things at this point. Rainer?
> >>>
> >>> Mark
> >> Not Rainer, but maybe this helps :
> >>
> >> Look for "JkExtractSSL".
> >>
> >>
>  El dl., 6 jul. 2015 a les 12:48, Mark Thomas ()
> >> va
>  escriure:
> > On 06/07/2015 10:48, Alex Soto wrote:
> >> Hello I have seen a strange behaviour in Apache HTTPD (2.4)  and
>  TomEE
> > (in
> >> fact it is a Tomcat (7.0.61) so it is exactly the same for
> Tomcat)
> >> when I
> >> configure

Re: HTML 508 error with container authentication and virtual host

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/7/15 11:14 AM, David Hoffer wrote:
> Here is the relevant parts of the web.xml.  I didn't do the Apache 
> configuration so I'll have to get more details there but I was told
> that is no different than how we configure virtual hosts for other
> apps that don't use Tomcat's authentication.  E.g. it seems Tomcat
> is requiring to have the app's name in the URL...not a subdomain.

Well, /of course/ Tomcat requires the app's name in the URL. That's
how Tomcat figures out which application should take the request.

Where is your application deployed? What WAR file (or exploded-WAR
directory)? Any other details that might help explain what's going on?

As André said, none of us has a crystal ball (well... one of us does,
but he's been MIA for quite a long time).

FORM authentication works in Tomcat, whether through an httpd-based
proxy or not. Most of us use it /all the time/.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: [OT] Re: SSL configuration using PFX as keystore

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/7/15 9:39 AM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 30/06/2015 21:16, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> This is probably off-topic now so marking as such.
>> On 29/06/2015 14:29, André Warnier wrote:
>>> Mark Thomas wrote:
 On 26/06/2015 19:37, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 22/06/2015 11:56, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> On 22/06/2015 09:39, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Prompting for authentication in response to an untrusted
>> certificate is bizarre to say the least.
>> Progress, if you can call it that, has not been good. They have
>> now asked for additional network traces since:
>>  ... to be able to understand what packets are sent by
>> client and what response did Server generate for the specific
>> packet, I would like to check a simultaneous trace on both
>> communication endpoints 
>> I have just sent a very long, fairly stropy reply pointing out
>> the complete pointlessness of this request - not least because
>> the information they claim they don't have is right in front of
>> them in the form of the sequence and acknowledgement numbers in
>> the network trace.
> This continues to drag on. The stropy e-mail got the issue
> re-assigned to someone with marginally more clue. They put together
> a test environment (with IIS instead of Tomcat) and then attempted
> to demonstrate that the issue did not occur and hence it must be a
> Tomcat problem.

"Our non-standard client works perfectly well with our non-standard
server. The fact that our non-standard client doesn't work with your
standards-compliant server obviously points to your software as the

Nice tautology you got there. It would be a shame if something were to
happen to it.


Well, if you're willing to continue to tilt at this particular
windmill, it would be a great service to the world. I'm not hopeful,
though, as WebDAV support in Microsoft Windows has degraded
consistently over the past 10 years and never improved. I don't know
why they even bother to /claim/ support for it anymore. Evidently,
nobody in the Microsoft world gives a rats posterior about WebDAV...
they all use SMB anyway.

> However, once they had configured their environment to match my
> original bug report (server using cert issued by CA client doesn't
> trust, server configured not to require authentication) imagine my
> lack of surprise when the problem was repeated with IIS. Needless
> to say the other end of the conference call went very, very quiet
> at that point.
> The issue has now been passed to yet another support employee (I
> refuse to call these people engineers) who apparently wants to
> discuss the issue further. What they can possibly need to discuss
> at this point I have no idea but having told them (again) how to
> contact me I am waiting to hear from them.
> I also discovered that - despite the conference call - the latest 
> support ticket update from Microsoft claimed the issue could not
> be repeated with IIS.
> It appears that the issue has been passed to the IIS team which
> makes no sense at all since all the evidence points to this being a
> WebDAV client bug and I have been making that point since this
> whole sorry episode started.

The good news is that the IIS team is likely to refuse to accept
responsibility for the bug (because, by definition, IIS contains zero
bugs) and likely to pass the buck back to the WebDAV client team. If
you catch them at just the right time, you may be able to show MS how
to do their own jobs.

> While I continue to appreciate the free MSDN license Microsoft
> kindly provide to Apache committers, I must confess to being
> completely unimpressed by Microsoft's support structures and count
> myself fortunate that I don't have to run an IT infrastructure that
> relies on them.


- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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Re: Strange JSP compilation issues in tomcat 7 and 8

2015-07-08 Thread Christopher Schultz
Hash: SHA256


On 7/7/15 5:21 AM, wrote:
> Hi Christopher,
> I can confirm that in tomcat 8.0.23 the application does not work
> with or without ##'s in the file name, however in tomcat 8.0.15 it
> works without the hashes.
> I compiled a list of my tests and the exceptions that occurred,
> they are different in tomcat 7 and tomcat 8:
> I have them in an excel spreadsheet if they are of any use to you
> but I dont know if attachments are allowed on these emails?
> I have managed to get this working now though thankfully and it
> was actually down to something quite simple...
> I deployed a standard JSP file and this compiled ok so I narrowed
> it down to just being a Tiles issue.
> My pom used to have version 3.0.3 defined and when I upgraded this
> to 3.0.5 the issues have gone away in both tomcat 7 and tomcat 8
> using java 7 or java 8 and it also work without issue in tomcat
> 8.0.23.
> If only I had tried that first!
> Thanks to everyone who replied offering help.

I'm glad to see that (a) Tomcat doesn't have a bug and (b) there is an
update to Tiles that works correctly with Tomcat. I suspect the
underlying problem was an edge-case conflict with Tomcat's new
"resources" implementation, which is based upon URLs instead of the
old-style "DirContext" which looked more like a standard filesystem
API. This change can make weird things happen if the library isn't
consistent about the way it loads resources.

- -chris
Comment: GPGTools -


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[ANN] Apache Tomcat 8.0.24 available

2015-07-08 Thread Mark Thomas
The Apache Tomcat team announces the immediate availability of Apache
Tomcat 8.0.24.

Apache Tomcat 8 is an open source software implementation of the Java
Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language and Java
WebSocket technologies.

Apache Tomcat 8.0.24 includes numerous fixes for issues identified
in 8.0.23 as well as a number of other enhancements and changes. The
notable changes since 8.0.23 include:

- Provide path parameters to POJO via per session
  javax.websocket.server.ServerEndpointConfig as they vary
  between different requests.

- Various fixes to the SlowQueryReport in jdbc-pool

- Various improvements to how Tomcat implements the requirements
  of SRV.10.7.2 (not loading Java SE and implemented
  specification classes from web applications)

Please refer to the change log for the complete list of changes:


Migration guides from Apache Tomcat 5.5.x, 6.0.x and 7.0.x:


- The Apache Tomcat team

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Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread André Warnier

Alex Soto wrote:

Hi I have tried this approach custom JkEnvVar are pass correctly, what I
don't know how to do is how to set an already JkEnvVar to a new JkEnvVar
(what you mention about "force)) I have tried with %{SSL_SESSION_ID} and $
but no luck (Don't know if it is because originally it was null or not).

I think it is just

JkEnvVar SSL_SESSION_ID "none"

(where "none" is the default value, used if the Apache "environment variable" 
SSL_SESSION_ID was not set before you pass the request to Tomcat.)

(The default value insures that Tomcat always gets something, no matter what)

Then in Tomcat you do request.getAttribute("SSL_SESSION_ID") , and if you find the value 
"none", it means that SSL_SESSION_ID was not set at the httpd level.

Note: if that does not work, there is still another method that can be tried : setting a 
HTTP request header, before proxying to Tomcat. It would work like this :

RewriteEngine On
RequestHeader set JK-SSL-SESSION "%{MY_SESSION_ID}e"

and then in Tomcat you would retrieve the HTTP header "JK-SSL-SESSION".


El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 23:05, André Warnier () va

Alex Soto wrote:

yes it is set at httpd-ssl.config

which I think that is where it should be set.
Everything too strange, but thanks anyway.

Then, and until Rainer himself jumps in, let me ask you if it would be
possible to make
one more test. As far as I understand, this is not the way it /should/
work, but it may be
a way to find out what doesn't work, inasmuch as there is really a problem

Somewhere in that same page, there is a way by which you can "force" a
value to be passed
on to Tomcat as a request attribute (via JkEnvVar "name" "default-value")..
Can you try to pass the SSL session-id in that way, and obtain it in
Tomcat via
request.getAttribute("name"), instead of the standard request.ssl_session ?
And check if /then/, you get it all the time ?

Again, this is probably not the way in which this should work. But Tomcat
is open-source
and free software, and its development and debugging benefit from the help
of any
benevolent user, particularly if that user is interested in solving a
particular problem
that he is having.

El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 19:17, André Warnier () va

Alex Soto wrote:

Thank you so much but it is already set.

This is so strange.

But there is also this phrase : "In order to make SSL data available for
mod_jk in Apache,
you need to set SSLOptions +StdEnvVars."

Honestly, I have never tried this, and I am not an SSL specialist at


and the phrase
above is a bit ambiguous.  But it seems worth a try, and I do not see it
in your

El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 12:25, André Warnier () va

Mark Thomas wrote:

On 07/07/2015 09:28, Alex Soto wrote:

Hi Mark, SSL Session ID is not passed to Tomcat. You can see the


here (I have


a gist to not add here a lot of lines).

Now the question is is it happens because of mod_jk or because of



OK. You've reached the limits of my conform zone. You need someone


familiar with the httpd side of things at this point. Rainer?


Not Rainer, but maybe this helps :
Look for "JkExtractSSL".

El dl., 6 jul. 2015 a les 12:48, Mark Thomas ()



On 06/07/2015 10:48, Alex Soto wrote:

Hello I have seen a strange behaviour in Apache HTTPD (2.4)  and



fact it is a Tomcat (7.0.61) so it is exactly the same for Tomcat)

when I

configure Apache server with SSL and mod_jk.
In fact I am not sure where it is the problem if in mod_jk, in


Server or in Tomcat, but I suspect that maybe the problem is on



I am configuring the typical Apache as frontend and TomEE(Tomcat)


backend solution. Currently Apache is configured with SSL and with


it connects to TomEE using AJP. This works perfectly. The problem



inside my code I need to get the ssl session id:

String ssl =


I don't know why but sometimes this attribute is null and




may return a null at first then stay like 10 requests working and



working again during some requests and the get attribute returns


It seems that everything is configured correctly since sometimes


Have you ever found something similar or knows what it can be



you think that maybe the problem is on client (browser) side?

Everything is dockerized here: so you can


configuration files of tomcat and apache or even run it.

Thank you s

Re: Apache HTTPD (with SSL) + mod_jk + TomEE (Tomcat) nullify the ssl session id

2015-07-08 Thread Alex Soto
Hi I have tried this approach custom JkEnvVar are pass correctly, what I
don't know how to do is how to set an already JkEnvVar to a new JkEnvVar
(what you mention about "force)) I have tried with %{SSL_SESSION_ID} and $
but no luck (Don't know if it is because originally it was null or not).


El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 23:05, André Warnier () va

> Alex Soto wrote:
> > yes it is set at httpd-ssl.config
> >
> > which I think that is where it should be set.
> > Everything too strange, but thanks anyway.
> Then, and until Rainer himself jumps in, let me ask you if it would be
> possible to make
> one more test. As far as I understand, this is not the way it /should/
> work, but it may be
> a way to find out what doesn't work, inasmuch as there is really a problem
> :
> Somewhere in that same page, there is a way by which you can "force" a
> value to be passed
> on to Tomcat as a request attribute (via JkEnvVar "name" "default-value").
> Can you try to pass the SSL session-id in that way, and obtain it in
> Tomcat via
> request.getAttribute("name"), instead of the standard request.ssl_session ?
> And check if /then/, you get it all the time ?
> Again, this is probably not the way in which this should work. But Tomcat
> is open-source
> and free software, and its development and debugging benefit from the help
> of any
> benevolent user, particularly if that user is interested in solving a
> particular problem
> that he is having.
> >
> > El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 19:17, André Warnier () va
> > escriure:
> >
> >> Alex Soto wrote:
> >>> Thank you so much but it is already set.
> >>>
> >>
> >>> This is so strange.
> >> But there is also this phrase : "In order to make SSL data available for
> >> mod_jk in Apache,
> >> you need to set SSLOptions +StdEnvVars."
> >>
> >> Honestly, I have never tried this, and I am not an SSL specialist at
> all,
> >> and the phrase
> >> above is a bit ambiguous.  But it seems worth a try, and I do not see it
> >> in your
> >> configuration.
> >>
> >>> El dt., 7 jul. 2015 a les 12:25, André Warnier () va
> >>> escriure:
> >>>
>  Mark Thomas wrote:
> > On 07/07/2015 09:28, Alex Soto wrote:
> >> Hi Mark, SSL Session ID is not passed to Tomcat. You can see the
> logs
>  here
> >> (I have
>  created
> >> a gist to not add here a lot of lines).
> >>
> >> Now the question is is it happens because of mod_jk or because of
>  Apache?
> >> Alex.
> > OK. You've reached the limits of my conform zone. You need someone
> more
> > familiar with the httpd side of things at this point. Rainer?
> >
> > Mark
>  Not Rainer, but maybe this helps :
>  Look for "JkExtractSSL".
> >> El dl., 6 jul. 2015 a les 12:48, Mark Thomas ()
> va
> >> escriure:
> >>
> >>> On 06/07/2015 10:48, Alex Soto wrote:
>  Hello I have seen a strange behaviour in Apache HTTPD (2.4)  and
> >> TomEE
> >>> (in
>  fact it is a Tomcat (7.0.61) so it is exactly the same for Tomcat)
>  when I
>  configure Apache server with SSL and mod_jk.
>  In fact I am not sure where it is the problem if in mod_jk, in
> >> Apache
>  Server or in Tomcat, but I suspect that maybe the problem is on
> >> mod_jk
>  configuration.
>  I am configuring the typical Apache as frontend and TomEE(Tomcat)
> as
>  backend solution. Currently Apache is configured with SSL and with
>  mod_jk
>  it connects to TomEE using AJP. This works perfectly. The problem
> is
>  that
>  inside my code I need to get the ssl session id:
>  String ssl =
> >>
> (String)servletRequest.getAttribute("javax.servlet.request.ssl_session_id");
>  I don't know why but sometimes this attribute is null and
> sometimes
>  not.
> >>> It
>  may return a null at first then stay like 10 requests working and
> >> then
> >>> stop
>  working again during some requests and the get attribute returns
> >> null.
>  It seems that everything is configured correctly since sometimes
>  works.
>  Have you ever found something similar or knows what it can be
>  happening?
> >>> Do
>  you think that maybe the problem is on client (browser) side?
>  Everything is dockerized here:
> so you can
> review
>  configuration files of tomcat and apache or even run it.
>  Thank you so much for your support.
> >>> Try turning on debug logging for mod_jk. It will generate lots of
> >> data
> >>> so 

Questions about the HTTP connector config

2015-07-08 Thread jingych

I desire for using tomcat as the websocket server.
But I'm now wondering about the tomcat performance.
Does anyone know the max connections that tomcat could  held? the concurrent 
number requests?

And I don't quite understand the configurations: 
acceptCount & maxConnections & maxThreads

There must be some relationship between the three params.

if I set [ accpetCount=200, maxConnections=1, maxThreads=100]
dose it means:
1, the max connections that tomcat maintain with the client is 1. and if 
the 10001 client's connect request is coming, the client will timeout.
2, the max request is 200, and the 201 request will be refused.
3, the max concurrent request is 100.

Best regards!

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