Error starting 2nd instance of tomcat

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

I am getting an error starting my 2nd instance with the script i created...
this is my error on my command line

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tomcat5-test start
> In the config file
> Starting tomcat5-test: [  FAILED  ] 

and this is my catalina.out file...

-sh: line 0: export: `In the config file': not a valid identifier
/bin/bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
-sh: line 0: export: `In the config file': not a valid identifier
/bin/bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied 

this is the script i am using!! any ideas...PLEASE HELP!

# tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping Tomcat
# chkconfig: - 80 20
# Provides: tomcat5
# Required-Start: $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network $syslog
# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop:
# Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
# Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
# - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
# - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley

# commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# Source the function library
#if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

NAME="$(basename $0)"
unset ISBOOT
if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then

# For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then

# Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then

# Get instance specific config file
if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/${NAME}

# Define which connector port to use

# Path to the tomcat launch script

# Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup

# Tomcat program name
# Define the tomcat username

# Define the tomcat log file


# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function checkpid() {
local i
for i in $* ; do
if [ -d "/proc/${i}" ]; then
return 0
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_failure() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"FAILED"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_success() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"OK"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 0

# Look for open ports, as the function name might imply
function findFreePorts() {
local isSet1="false"
local isSet2="false"
local isSet3="false"
local lower="8000"
local -a listeners="( $(
netstat -ntl | \
awk '/^tcp/ {gsub("(.)*:", "", $4); print $4}'
) )"
while [ "$isSet1" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet2" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; do
let port="${lower}+${RANDOM:0:4}"
if [ -z `expr " ${listeners[*]} " : ".*\( $port \).*"` ]; then
if [ "$isSet1" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort1="$port"
elif [ "$isSet2" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort2="$port"
elif [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort3="$port"

function makeHomeDir() {
if [ ! -d "$CATALINA_HOME" ]; then
echo "$CATALINA_HOME does not exist, creating"
if [ ! -d "/var/lib/${NAME}" ]; then
mkdir -p /var/lib/${NAME}
cp -pLR /var/lib/tomcat5-test/* /var/lib/${NAME}
/var/cache/${NAME}/temp \
/var/cache/${NAME}/work /var/log/${NAME}
for i in temp work; do
ln -fs /var/cache/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
for i in common server shared webapps; do
ln -fs /var/lib/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
ln -fs /var/log/${NAME} ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/bin $CATALINA_HOME
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/work/

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

just that

-sh: line 0: export: `In the config file': not a valid identifier
/bin/bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
-sh: line 0: export: `In the config file': not a valid identifier
/bin/bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied

David Smith-2 wrote:
> Anything in catalina.out related to the failed startup?
> --David
> edponce wrote:
>> david...
>> my only problem now is 
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tomcat5-test start
>> In the config file
>> Starting tomcat5-test: [  FAILED  ]
>> i cant find what is the problem in the config file? any ideas?
>> David Smith-2 wrote:
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>>>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
>>> You need to add the execute privilege to your tomcat5-test script.  Take 
>>> a look at the man page for chmod.
>>>> ...
>>>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>>>> jkproperties,
>>>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i
>>>> be
>>>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
>>> I suspect there are soft links in /etc/tomcat5 (or /etc/tomcat5 itself 
>>> is a softlink) to /usr/share/tomcat5.  In that case, duplicate both.  
>>> Disk space is generally cheap and tomcat doesn't take that much room.  
>>> That would also bolster separation of the dev and production 
>>> environments as each should have their own log directories.
>>> --David
>>> edponce wrote:
>>>> ive created this start script in the /usr/bin/ folder...what i did is
>>>> modified the previous path of the original tomcat instance to the new
>>>> one...
>>>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>>>> jkproperties,
>>>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i
>>>> be
>>>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
>>>> and
>>>> when I try running the following start up script i am getting this..
>>>> any
>>>> ideas why?
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>>>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
>>>> THIS IS MY START UP SCRIPT...which is a modified copy of the original
>>>> script
>>>> to startup tomcat
>>>> #!/bin/bash
>>>> #
>>>> # tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
>>>> Tomcat
>>>> #
>>>> # chkconfig: - 80 20
>>>> #
>>>> # Provides: tomcat5
>>>> # Required-Start: $network $syslog
>>>> # Required-Stop: $network $syslog
>>>> # Default-Start:
>>>> # Default-Stop:
>>>> # Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
>>>> # Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
>>>> ### END INIT INFO
>>>> #
>>>> # - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
>>>> # - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley
>>>> #
>>>> # commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>>>> # Source the function library
>>>> #if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
>>>> #. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
>>>> #fi
>>>> NAME="$(basename $0)"
>>>> unset ISBOOT
>>>> if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then
>>>> NAME="${NAME:3}"
>>>> ISBOOT="1"
>>>> fi
>>>> # For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
>>>> if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then
>>>> SU="/sbin/runuser"
>>>> else
>>>> SU="su"
>>>> fi
>>>> # Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
>>>> TOMCAT_CFG="/etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf"
>>>> if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then
>>>> . ${TOMCAT_CFG}
>>>> fi

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce
for i in common server shared webapps; do
ln -fs /var/lib/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
ln -fs /var/log/${NAME} ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/bin $CATALINA_HOME
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/work/
chown ${TOMCAT_USER}:${TOMCAT_USER} /var/log/${NAME}

function parseOptions() {
options="$options $(
 awk '!/^#/ && !/^$/ { ORS=" "; print "export ", $0, ";" }'
if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
options="$options $(
 awk '!/^#/ && !/^$/ { ORS=" ";
   print "export ", $0, ";" }' \

# See how we were called.
function start() {
echo -n "Starting ${TOMCAT_PROG}: "
if [ -f "/var/lock/subsys/${NAME}" ] ; then
if [ -f "/var/run/${NAME}.pid" ]; then
read kpid < /var/run/${NAME}.pid
if checkpid $kpid 2>&1; then
echo "$NAME process already running"
return -1
echo "lock file found but no process running for"
echo "pid $kpid, continuing"
export CATALINA_PID="/var/run/${NAME}.pid"
if [ "$CATALINA_HOME" != "/usr/share/tomcat5-test" ]; then
# Create a tomcat directory if it doesn't exist
# If CATALINA_HOME doesn't exist modify port number so that
# multiple instances don't interfere with each other
sed -i -e "s/8005/${randomPort1}/g" -e "s/8080/${CONNECTOR_PORT}/g"
-e "s/8009/${randomPort2}/g" -e "s/8443/${randomPort3}/g" \
if [ "$RETVAL" -eq 0 ]; then
touch /var/lock/subsys/${NAME}
return $RETVAL

function status() {
if [ -f "/var/run/${NAME}.pid" ]; then
read kpid < /var/run/${NAME}.pid
if checkpid $kpid 2>&1; then
echo "$0 is already running (${kpid})"
echo "lock file found but no process running for pid $kpid"
pid="$(pgrep -u tomcat java)"
if [ -n "$pid" ]; then
echo "$0 running (${pid}) but no PID file exists"
echo "$0 is stopped"
return $RETVAL

function stop() {
local STOP_VERBOSE="false"
echo -n "Stopping $TOMCAT_PROG: "
if [ -f "/var/lock/subsys/${NAME}" ]; then
if [ "$RETVAL" -eq "0" ]; then
if [ -f "/var/run/${NAME}.pid" ]; then
read kpid < /var/run/${NAME}.pid
until [ "$(ps --pid $kpid | grep -c $kpid)" -eq "0" ] || \
  [ "$count" -gt "$SHUTDOWN_WAIT" ]; do
if [ "$STOP_VERBOSE" = "true" ]; then
echo -n -e "\nwaiting for processes $kpid to exit"
sleep 1
let count="${count}+1"
if [ "$count" -gt "$SHUTDOWN_WAIT" ]; then
    if [ "$STOP_VERBOSE" = "true" ]; then
echo -n -e "\nkilling processes which didn't stop"
echo -n -e "after "
echo -n "$SHUTDOWN_WAIT seconds"
kill -9 $kpid
if [ "$count" -gt "0" ]; then
echo -n -e "\n"

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

ive duplicated my folder...modified the specif files created a script for
starting up the 2nd instance and when i start it i get this error, but cant
debut it... any ideas anybody?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tomcat5-test start
In the config file
Starting tomcat5-test: [  FAILED  ]

Thank you,

edponce wrote:
> I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different
> solutions depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2
> instances of tomcat on the same server for the same application. One would
> be for production and the other for development (which can be start and
> stopped whenever without affecting the production one).
> From my understanding i need to have each instance on different ports and
> modifying some other files but what I am missing is the technical things.
> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't mess
> up anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea on
> how to do it.
> Thanks in advance 

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Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

my only problem now is 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# tomcat5-test start
In the config file
Starting tomcat5-test: [  FAILED  ]

i cant find what is the problem in the config file? any ideas?

David Smith-2 wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
> You need to add the execute privilege to your tomcat5-test script.  Take 
> a look at the man page for chmod.
>> ...
>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>> jkproperties,
>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i be
>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
> I suspect there are soft links in /etc/tomcat5 (or /etc/tomcat5 itself 
> is a softlink) to /usr/share/tomcat5.  In that case, duplicate both.  
> Disk space is generally cheap and tomcat doesn't take that much room.  
> That would also bolster separation of the dev and production 
> environments as each should have their own log directories.
> --David
> edponce wrote:
>> ive created this start script in the /usr/bin/ folder...what i did is
>> modified the previous path of the original tomcat instance to the new
>> one...
>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>> jkproperties,
>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i be
>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
>> and
>> when I try running the following start up script i am getting this.. any
>> ideas why?
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
>> THIS IS MY START UP SCRIPT...which is a modified copy of the original
>> script
>> to startup tomcat
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #
>> # tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
>> Tomcat
>> #
>> # chkconfig: - 80 20
>> #
>> # Provides: tomcat5
>> # Required-Start: $network $syslog
>> # Required-Stop: $network $syslog
>> # Default-Start:
>> # Default-Stop:
>> # Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
>> # Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
>> #
>> # - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
>> # - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley
>> #
>> # commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>> # Source the function library
>> #if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
>> #. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
>> #fi
>> NAME="$(basename $0)"
>> unset ISBOOT
>> if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then
>> NAME="${NAME:3}"
>> ISBOOT="1"
>> fi
>> # For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
>> if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then
>> SU="/sbin/runuser"
>> else
>> SU="su"
>> fi
>> # Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
>> TOMCAT_CFG="/etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf"
>> if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then
>> . ${TOMCAT_CFG}
>> fi
>> # Get instance specific config file
>> if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
>> . /etc/sysconfig/${NAME}
>> fi
>> # Define which connector port to use
>> # Path to the tomcat launch script
>> TOMCAT_SCRIPT="/usr/bin/tomcat5-test"
>> # Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup
>> # Tomcat program name
>> # Define the tomcat username
>> # Define the tomcat log file
>> TOMCAT_LOG="${TOMCAT_LOG:-/etc/tomcat5-test/logs/catalina.out}"
>> RETVAL="0"
>> # remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>> # (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
>> function checkpid() {
>> local i
>> for i in $* ; do
>> if [ -d "/proc/${i}" ]; then
>> return 0
>> fi
>> done
>> return 1
>> }
>> # remo

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

is that something like this...

ln -s /etc/tomcat5-test  S71tomcat5-test?

David Smith-2 wrote:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
> You need to add the execute privilege to your tomcat5-test script.  Take 
> a look at the man page for chmod.
>> ...
>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>> jkproperties,
>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i be
>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
> I suspect there are soft links in /etc/tomcat5 (or /etc/tomcat5 itself 
> is a softlink) to /usr/share/tomcat5.  In that case, duplicate both.  
> Disk space is generally cheap and tomcat doesn't take that much room.  
> That would also bolster separation of the dev and production 
> environments as each should have their own log directories.
> --David
> edponce wrote:
>> ive created this start script in the /usr/bin/ folder...what i did is
>> modified the previous path of the original tomcat instance to the new
>> one...
>> wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and
>> jkproperties,
>> etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i be
>> duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5
>> and
>> when I try running the following start up script i am getting this.. any
>> ideas why?
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
>> -bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied
>> THIS IS MY START UP SCRIPT...which is a modified copy of the original
>> script
>> to startup tomcat
>> #!/bin/bash
>> #
>> # tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping
>> Tomcat
>> #
>> # chkconfig: - 80 20
>> #
>> # Provides: tomcat5
>> # Required-Start: $network $syslog
>> # Required-Stop: $network $syslog
>> # Default-Start:
>> # Default-Stop:
>> # Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
>> # Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
>> #
>> # - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
>> # - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley
>> #
>> # commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>> # Source the function library
>> #if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
>> #. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
>> #fi
>> NAME="$(basename $0)"
>> unset ISBOOT
>> if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then
>> NAME="${NAME:3}"
>> ISBOOT="1"
>> fi
>> # For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
>> if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then
>> SU="/sbin/runuser"
>> else
>> SU="su"
>> fi
>> # Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
>> TOMCAT_CFG="/etc/tomcat5/tomcat5.conf"
>> if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then
>> . ${TOMCAT_CFG}
>> fi
>> # Get instance specific config file
>> if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
>> . /etc/sysconfig/${NAME}
>> fi
>> # Define which connector port to use
>> # Path to the tomcat launch script
>> TOMCAT_SCRIPT="/usr/bin/tomcat5-test"
>> # Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup
>> # Tomcat program name
>> # Define the tomcat username
>> # Define the tomcat log file
>> TOMCAT_LOG="${TOMCAT_LOG:-/etc/tomcat5-test/logs/catalina.out}"
>> RETVAL="0"
>> # remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>> # (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
>> function checkpid() {
>> local i
>> for i in $* ; do
>> if [ -d "/proc/${i}" ]; then
>> return 0
>> fi
>> done
>> return 1
>> }
>> # remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
>> # (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
>> function echo_failure() {
>> echo -en "\\033[60G"
>> echo

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

ive created this start script in the /usr/bin/ folder...what i did is
modified the previous path of the original tomcat instance to the new one...
wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where i have the catalina policies and jkproperties,
etc) for /etc/tomcat5-testbut that raised other questions should i be
duplicating that folder or my CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5 and
when I try running the following start up script i am getting this.. any
ideas why?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
-bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied

THIS IS MY START UP SCRIPT...which is a modified copy of the original script
to startup tomcat

# tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping Tomcat
# chkconfig: - 80 20
# Provides: tomcat5
# Required-Start: $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network $syslog
# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop:
# Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
# Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
# - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
# - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley

# commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# Source the function library
#if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

NAME="$(basename $0)"
unset ISBOOT
if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then

# For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then

# Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then

# Get instance specific config file
if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/${NAME}

# Define which connector port to use

# Path to the tomcat launch script

# Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup

# Tomcat program name
# Define the tomcat username

# Define the tomcat log file


# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function checkpid() {
local i
for i in $* ; do
if [ -d "/proc/${i}" ]; then
return 0
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_failure() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"FAILED"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_success() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"OK"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 0

# Look for open ports, as the function name might imply
function findFreePorts() {
local isSet1="false"
local isSet2="false"
local isSet3="false"
local lower="8000"
local -a listeners="( $(
netstat -ntl | \
awk '/^tcp/ {gsub("(.)*:", "", $4); print $4}'
) )"
while [ "$isSet1" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet2" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; do
let port="${lower}+${RANDOM:0:4}"
if [ -z `expr " ${listeners[*]} " : ".*\( $port \).*"` ]; then
if [ "$isSet1" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort1="$port"
elif [ "$isSet2" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort2="$port"
elif [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort3="$port"

function makeHomeDir() {
if [ ! -d "$CATALINA_HOME" ]; then
echo "$CATALINA_HOME does not exist, creating"
if [ ! -d "/var/lib/${NAME}" ]; then
mkdir -p /var/lib/${NAME}
cp -pLR /var/lib/tomcat5-test/* /var/lib/${NAME}
/var/cache/${NAME}/temp \
/var/cache/${NAME}/work /var/log/${NAME}
for i in temp work; do
ln -fs /var/cache/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
for i in common server shared webapps; do
ln -fs /var/lib/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
ln -fs /var/log/${NAME} ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs
cp -pLR /etc/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/bin $CATALINA_HOME
cp -pLR /etc/tomcat5-test/work/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/work

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-27 Thread edponce

that is on windows... I am working on linux via ssh! I dont have anything
installed on my PC...

David Smith-2 wrote:
> If you installed tomcat using the .exe installer, go get the .zip 
> download and grab the service.bat file from it's bin directory.  If you 
> installed .zip version of tomcat, you should have a file in the bin 
> directory named service.bat.  Service.bat can help you create new tomcat 
> services in the Windows environment, each with their own name for 
> start/stop/restart. If you want to get custom with the setup, just take 
> a look at how the bat file creates a new service and then roll your own 
> from the command line.
> --David
> edponce wrote:
>> DAvid
>> I am on windows, but i connect to the server via ssh so all the commands
>> are
>> just like in Linux.
>> I've tried tomcat5 start, but i think that just works for the original
>> tomcat, also, how can i check that when i start the 2nd instsance of
>> tomcat
>> it start with no errors.
>> Thank you
>> Eduardo
>> David Smith-2 wrote:
>>> Ok ... forgive me if this was posted already, but what OS do you have 
>>> and how are you starting the production instance?  Windows systems 
>>> starting the production tomcat as a service is different than Linux/Unix 
>>> systems starting tomcat with jsvc or a service script.
>>> --David
>>> edponce wrote:
>>>> David,
>>>> Thanks for replying. I've duplicated my tomcat folder and renamed it
>>>> and
>>>> ive
>>>> changed the 2  and the  shut down port. But i dunno
>>>> how
>>>> to start the duplicate instance. how can i do that!
>>>> Thank you,
>>>> Eduardo
>>>> David Smith-2 wrote:
>>>>>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't 
>>>>>> mess up
>>>>>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea on 
>>>>>> how to
>>>>>> do it. 
>>>>> Yes.  Just open the server.xml file in tomcat's conf directory and
>>>>> look 
>>>>> for the  elements that aren't wrapped in xml comments
>>>>> ( 
>>>>>  ).  In those you will see port="8009" or whatever.  Just make 
>>>>> sure they are all unique in both server.xmls.  Also change the port 
>>>>> number in the  element so it doesn't conflict with the 
>>>>> other.  As an aside, I would recommend putting together a new 
>>>>> server.xml, removing all the xml comments to make an easier to read 
>>>>> server.xml.  Keep the original around for documentation/reference as 
>>>>> server.original.xml or whatever you like.
>>>>>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.
>>>>>> Under Tomcat, each application can be started and stopped (and even a 
>>>>>> new version reloaded) without stopping the Tomcat server. 
>>>>> Technically yes, but if you restart the app enough times you will run 
>>>>> out of memory and need to restart the service.  The max webapp restart 
>>>>> count is dependent on how big the webapp is as well as how much extra 
>>>>> memory tomcat has.  It's better to occasionally restart a dev instance 
>>>>> of tomcat than bounce a production instance when it stops responding.
>>>>> --David
>>>>> André Warnier wrote:
>>>>>> André Warnier wrote:
>>>>>>> edponce wrote:
>>>>>>>> I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different 
>>>>>>>> solutions
>>>>>>>> depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2 instances
>>>>>>>> of 
>>>>>>>> tomcat
>>>>>>>> on the same server for the same application. One would be for 

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-26 Thread edponce

ive created this start script...what i did is modified the previous path of
the original tomcat instance to the new one... wich was /etc/tomcat5 (where
i have the catalina policies and jkproperties, etc) for /etc/tomcat5but
that raised other questions should i be duplicating that folder or my
CATALINA_HOME which is /usr/share/tomcat5 and when I try running the
following start up script i am getting this.. any ideas why?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rc5.d]# tomcat5-test start
-bash: /usr/bin/tomcat5-test: Permission denied

THIS IS MY START UP SCRIPT...which is a modified copy of the original script
to startup tomcat

# tomcat5  This shell script takes care of starting and stopping Tomcat
# chkconfig: - 80 20
# Provides: tomcat5
# Required-Start: $network $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network $syslog
# Default-Start:
# Default-Stop:
# Description: Release implementation for Servlet 2.4 and JSP 2.0
# Short-Description: start and stop tomcat
# - originally written by Henri Gomez, Keith Irwin, and Nicolas Mailhot
# - heavily rewritten by Deepak Bhole and Jason Corley

# commented out until the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# Source the function library
#if [ -r "/etc/rc.d/init.d/functions" ]; then
#. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

NAME="$(basename $0)"
unset ISBOOT
if [ "${NAME:0:1}" = "S" -o "${NAME:0:1}" = "K" ]; then

# For SELinux we need to use 'runuser' not 'su'
if [ -x "/sbin/runuser" ]; then

# Get the tomcat config (use this for environment specific settings)
if [ -r "$TOMCAT_CFG" ]; then

# Get instance specific config file
if [ -r "/etc/sysconfig/${NAME}" ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/${NAME}

# Define which connector port to use

# Path to the tomcat launch script

# Path to the script that will refresh jar symlinks on startup

# Tomcat program name

# Define the tomcat username

# Define the tomcat log file


# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function checkpid() {
local i
for i in $* ; do
if [ -d "/proc/${i}" ]; then
return 0
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_failure() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"FAILED"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 1

# remove when the RHEL and FC daemon functions converge
# (pulled from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions)
function echo_success() {
echo -en "\\033[60G"
echo -n "[  "
echo -n $"OK"
echo -n "  ]"
echo -ne "\r"
return 0

# Look for open ports, as the function name might imply
function findFreePorts() {
local isSet1="false"
local isSet2="false"
local isSet3="false"
local lower="8000"
local -a listeners="( $(
netstat -ntl | \
awk '/^tcp/ {gsub("(.)*:", "", $4); print $4}'
) )"
while [ "$isSet1" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet2" = "false" ] || \
  [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; do
let port="${lower}+${RANDOM:0:4}"
if [ -z `expr " ${listeners[*]} " : ".*\( $port \).*"` ]; then
if [ "$isSet1" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort1="$port"
elif [ "$isSet2" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort2="$port"
elif [ "$isSet3" = "false" ]; then
export randomPort3="$port"

function makeHomeDir() {
if [ ! -d "$CATALINA_HOME" ]; then
echo "$CATALINA_HOME does not exist, creating"
if [ ! -d "/var/lib/${NAME}" ]; then
mkdir -p /var/lib/${NAME}
cp -pLR /var/lib/tomcat5-test/* /var/lib/${NAME}
/var/cache/${NAME}/temp \
/var/cache/${NAME}/work /var/log/${NAME}
for i in temp work; do
ln -fs /var/cache/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
for i in common server shared webapps; do
ln -fs /var/lib/${NAME}/${i} ${CATALINA_HOME}/${i}
ln -fs /var/log/${NAME} ${CATALINA_HOME}/logs
cp -pLR /etc/tomcat5-test/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/conf/
cp -pLR /usr/share/tomcat5-test/bin $CATALINA_HOME
cp -pLR /etc/tomcat5-test/work/* ${CATALINA_HOME}/work/
chown ${TOMCAT

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-26 Thread edponce

I am on windows, but i connect to the server via ssh so all the commands are
just like in Linux.
I've tried tomcat5 start, but i think that just works for the original
tomcat, also, how can i check that when i start the 2nd instsance of tomcat
it start with no errors.
Thank you

David Smith-2 wrote:
> Ok ... forgive me if this was posted already, but what OS do you have 
> and how are you starting the production instance?  Windows systems 
> starting the production tomcat as a service is different than Linux/Unix 
> systems starting tomcat with jsvc or a service script.
> --David
> edponce wrote:
>> David,
>> Thanks for replying. I've duplicated my tomcat folder and renamed it and
>> ive
>> changed the 2  and the  shut down port. But i dunno
>> how
>> to start the duplicate instance. how can i do that!
>> Thank you,
>> Eduardo
>> David Smith-2 wrote:
>>>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't 
>>>> mess up
>>>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea on 
>>>> how to
>>>> do it. 
>>> Yes.  Just open the server.xml file in tomcat's conf directory and look 
>>> for the  elements that aren't wrapped in xml comments ( 
>>>  ).  In those you will see port="8009" or whatever.  Just make 
>>> sure they are all unique in both server.xmls.  Also change the port 
>>> number in the  element so it doesn't conflict with the 
>>> other.  As an aside, I would recommend putting together a new 
>>> server.xml, removing all the xml comments to make an easier to read 
>>> server.xml.  Keep the original around for documentation/reference as 
>>> server.original.xml or whatever you like.
>>>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.
>>>> Under Tomcat, each application can be started and stopped (and even a 
>>>> new version reloaded) without stopping the Tomcat server. 
>>> Technically yes, but if you restart the app enough times you will run 
>>> out of memory and need to restart the service.  The max webapp restart 
>>> count is dependent on how big the webapp is as well as how much extra 
>>> memory tomcat has.  It's better to occasionally restart a dev instance 
>>> of tomcat than bounce a production instance when it stops responding.
>>> --David
>>> André Warnier wrote:
>>>> André Warnier wrote:
>>>>> edponce wrote:
>>>>>> I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different 
>>>>>> solutions
>>>>>> depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2 instances of 
>>>>>> tomcat
>>>>>> on the same server for the same application. One would be for 
>>>>>> production and
>>>>>> the other for development (which can be start and stopped whenever 
>>>>>> without
>>>>>> affecting the production one).
>>>>>>> From my understanding i need to have each instance on different 
>>>>>>> ports and
>>>>>> modifying some other files but what I am missing is the technical 
>>>>>> things.
>>>>>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't 
>>>>>> mess up
>>>>>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea 
>>>>>> on how to
>>>>>> do it.
>>>> Ok, serious now.
>>>> This is at the same time some information for you, the Original Poster 
>>>> (OP), and a question for the others on this list more Tomcat-qualified 
>>>> than I am.  But we've got to start somewhere...
>>>> To the OP (and the others to contradict me if I'm wrong) :
>>>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.
>>>> Under Tomcat, each application can be started and stopped (and even a 
>>>> new version reloaded) without stopping the Tomcat server.
>>>> You would just need to "name" your applications differently.
>>>> (like ""; and 

Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-25 Thread edponce

Thanks for replying. I've duplicated my tomcat folder and renamed it and ive
changed the 2  and the  shut down port. But i dunno how
to start the duplicate instance. how can i do that!
Thank you,

David Smith-2 wrote:
>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't 
>> mess up
>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea on 
>> how to
>> do it. 
> Yes.  Just open the server.xml file in tomcat's conf directory and look 
> for the  elements that aren't wrapped in xml comments ( 
>  ).  In those you will see port="8009" or whatever.  Just make 
> sure they are all unique in both server.xmls.  Also change the port 
> number in the  element so it doesn't conflict with the 
> other.  As an aside, I would recommend putting together a new 
> server.xml, removing all the xml comments to make an easier to read 
> server.xml.  Keep the original around for documentation/reference as 
> server.original.xml or whatever you like.
>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.
>> Under Tomcat, each application can be started and stopped (and even a 
>> new version reloaded) without stopping the Tomcat server. 
> Technically yes, but if you restart the app enough times you will run 
> out of memory and need to restart the service.  The max webapp restart 
> count is dependent on how big the webapp is as well as how much extra 
> memory tomcat has.  It's better to occasionally restart a dev instance 
> of tomcat than bounce a production instance when it stops responding.
> --David
> André Warnier wrote:
>> André Warnier wrote:
>>> edponce wrote:
>>>> I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different 
>>>> solutions
>>>> depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2 instances of 
>>>> tomcat
>>>> on the same server for the same application. One would be for 
>>>> production and
>>>> the other for development (which can be start and stopped whenever 
>>>> without
>>>> affecting the production one).
>>>>> From my understanding i need to have each instance on different 
>>>>> ports and
>>>> modifying some other files but what I am missing is the technical 
>>>> things.
>>>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't 
>>>> mess up
>>>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea 
>>>> on how to
>>>> do it.
>> Ok, serious now.
>> This is at the same time some information for you, the Original Poster 
>> (OP), and a question for the others on this list more Tomcat-qualified 
>> than I am.  But we've got to start somewhere...
>> To the OP (and the others to contradict me if I'm wrong) :
>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.
>> Under Tomcat, each application can be started and stopped (and even a 
>> new version reloaded) without stopping the Tomcat server.
>> You would just need to "name" your applications differently.
>> (like ""; and 
>> "";).
>> There also exists the possibility to run one Tomcat with different 
>> "Virtual Hosts", on the same port 80.
>> Each one of these virtual hosts would have a different "DNS name" 
>> (like  "" and "") and 
>> could have a different directory where the applications reside, but 
>> the application itself would be named the same way.
>> I am mentioning the above two possibilities because, you knowing not 
>> much about Tomcat to start witj, either one of the above is probably 
>> easier to set up than two separate Tomcat instances.
>> The difference between the above solutions and two really separate 
>> Tomcat instances would be if the test application could really crash 
>> the whole server, in which case you may not like one of the above 
>> solutions.
>> Comments anyone ?
>> -
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Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-25 Thread edponce

one last question tom, do i need to rename the other tomcat5 archives to
whatever name I choose for my 2nd instance.

edponce wrote:
> Tom,
> Thanks for the aclarations and I just have one last question. How do I
> start the second instance withough affecting the 1st one? becuase if i do
> tomcat5 start/stop that will kill both instances right?
> Thank you,
> Eduardo
> Thomas Haines-2 wrote:
>> Hi edponce
>>> so if i understood everything i just need to duplicate the tomcat  
>>> folder, do i need to rename it or something?
>> Yes, you just need to duplicate it.  You can call the duplicate folder  
>> whatever you like.
>>> Then "On the duplicated tomcat
>>> directory, you need to edit the server.xml file so that the second
>>> server.xml as unique ports for the shutdown port, the interface port
>>> (eg 8080 could become 8081 etc)" and how can i check if i've done this
>>> correctly? that both instances are running?
>> Yes.  Check your logs during startup and shutdown also for any  
>> warnings or port binding issues.
>>> Thanks for your help...
>> You're welcome.
>> Cheers
>> Tom
>> -
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Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-25 Thread edponce

Thanks for the aclarations and I just have one last question. How do I start
the second instance withough affecting the 1st one? becuase if i do tomcat5
start/stop that will kill both instances right?
Thank you,

Thomas Haines-2 wrote:
> Hi edponce
>> so if i understood everything i just need to duplicate the tomcat  
>> folder, do i need to rename it or something?
> Yes, you just need to duplicate it.  You can call the duplicate folder  
> whatever you like.
>> Then "On the duplicated tomcat
>> directory, you need to edit the server.xml file so that the second
>> server.xml as unique ports for the shutdown port, the interface port
>> (eg 8080 could become 8081 etc)" and how can i check if i've done this
>> correctly? that both instances are running?
> Yes.  Check your logs during startup and shutdown also for any  
> warnings or port binding issues.
>> Thanks for your help...
> You're welcome.
> Cheers
> Tom
> -
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Re: HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-22 Thread edponce

Thank you Tom, I think the other repliers were going to far on what they
wanted to do.  this exactly why i want 2 different sessions, "It can also be
useful for evaluating a new  
version before you unleash it to production." so if i understood everything
i just need to duplicate the tomcat folder, do i need to rename it or
something? Then "On the duplicated tomcat  
directory, you need to edit the server.xml file so that the second  
server.xml as unique ports for the shutdown port, the interface port  
(eg 8080 could become 8081 etc)" and how can i check if i've done this
correctly? that both instances are running?
Thanks for your help... a little more info on what I am running

Server version: Apache Tomcat/5.5.20
Server built:   May 15 2007 09:00:46
Server number:
OS Name:Linux
OS Version:
Architecture:   i386
JVM Version:1.4.2
JVM Vendor: Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Thomas Haines-2 wrote:
>>> edponce wrote:
>>>> I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different  
>>>> solutions
>>>> depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2 instances  
>>>> of tomcat
>>>> on the same server for the same application. One would be for  
>>>> production and
>>>> the other for development (which can be start and stopped whenever  
>>>> without
>>>> affecting the production one).
>>>>> From my understanding i need to have each instance on different  
>>>>> ports and
>>>> modifying some other files but what I am missing is the technical  
>>>> things.
>>>> Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i  
>>>> don't mess up
>>>> anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea  
>>>> on how to
>>>> do it.
>>> André Warnier wrote:
>> You do not necessarily need two separate instances of Tomcat.  [...]  
>> There also exists the possibility to run one Tomcat with different  
>> "Virtual Hosts", on the same port 80.
>> Each one of these virtual hosts would have a different "DNS  
>> name" (like  "" and  
>> "") and could have a different directory  
>> where the applications reside, but the application itself would be  
>> named the same way.
>> The difference between the above solutions and two really separate  
>> Tomcat instances would be if the test application could really crash  
>> the whole server, in which case you may not like one of the above  
>> solutions.
>> Comments anyone ?
> When I was new to tomcat (arguably when compared with some members of  
> this list, I could still be considered new), I found it conceptually  
> easier to work with two instances, as you don't need to switch context  
> names etc when you want to deploy live.  Whilst a little cumbersome,  
> and inefficient from a resource usage standpoint, when you're  
> learning, being able to restart tomcat as you shop and change the  
> server.xml file etc can be useful, without fear of breaking the  
> production service.  It can also be useful for evaluating a new  
> version before you unleash it to production.
> edponce: If you want to run two instances, the easiest way, to my  
> mind, is to duplicate the tomcat directory.  On the duplicated tomcat  
> directory, you need to edit the server.xml file so that the second  
> server.xml as unique ports for the shutdown port, the interface port  
> (eg 8080 could become 8081 etc).  Once you have made these changes,  
> you should be able to start each of them up by running their  
> respective startup scripts.
> You could achieve the same using links and a few other sharing  
> techniques, but for simplicity's sake, I think this approach to two  
> instances using duplicated directories is the most robust.
> Tom

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HOW TO install/setup 2 instances of tomcat on same server

2008-08-20 Thread edponce

I know this question has been asked a lot but I've read different solutions
depending on the needs of the problem. I need to have 2 instances of tomcat
on the same server for the same application. One would be for production and
the other for development (which can be start and stopped whenever without
affecting the production one).
>From my understanding i need to have each instance on different ports and
modifying some other files but what I am missing is the technical things.
Can any one please guide me on the correct direction so that i don't mess up
anything! I've never worked with Tomcat that is why i have no idea on how to
do it.
Thanks in advance 
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