Configuring Webalizer on tomcat

2007-08-15 Thread Kanchana Welagedara
Hi All

I'm struggling to configure the webalizer on tomcat.I followed one of the
archives written long time back by Dan patton at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg69842.html
I followed exactly what he has pointed out .I can see files are generating
at [tomcathome/logs/access/access*.log].But usage folder in webapp is still I can see usage.Any help would be appreciated

I' m on linux

I have installed webalizer and my web site is running on tomcat

following are my configuration for webalizer.conf

LogFiles where my tomcat logs files are

 LogFile  /logs/access/access.log (logs folder is inside the Tomcat

# Sample Webalizer configuration file
# Copyright 1997-2000 by Bradford L. Barrett ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
# Distributed under the GNU General Public License.  See the
# files "Copyright" and "COPYING" provided with the webalizer
# distribution for additional information.
# This is a sample configuration file for the Webalizer (ver 2.01)
# Lines starting with pound signs '#' are comment lines and are
# ignored.  Blank lines are skipped as well.  Other lines are considered
# as configuration lines, and have the form "ConfigOption  Value" where
# ConfigOption is a valid configuration keyword, and Value is the value
# to assign that configuration option.  Invalid keyword/values are
# ignored, with appropriate warnings being displayed.  There must be
# at least one space or tab between the keyword and its value.
# As of version 0.98, The Webalizer will look for a 'default' configuration
# file named "webalizer.conf" in the current directory, and if not found
# there, will look for "/etc/webalizer.conf".

# LogFile defines the web server log file to use.  If not specified
# here or on on the command line, input will default to STDIN.  If
# the log filename ends in '.gz' (ie: a gzip compressed file), it will
# be decompressed on the fly as it is being read.

LogFile  /logs/access/access.log
# LogType defines the log type being processed.  Normally, the Webalizer
# expects a CLF or Combined web server log as input.  Using this option,
# you can process ftp logs as well (xferlog as produced by wu-ftp and
# others), or Squid native logs.  Values can be 'clf', 'ftp' or 'squid',
# with 'clf' the default.


# OutputDir is where you want to put the output files.  This should
# should be a full path name, however relative ones might work as well.
# If no output directory is specified, the current directory will be used.

#OutputDir  /var/www/usage
OutputDir /webapps/ROOT/usage

# HistoryName allows you to specify the name of the history file produced
# by the Webalizer.  The history file keeps the data for up to 12 months
# worth of logs, used for generating the main HTML page (index.html).
# The default is a file named "webalizer.hist", stored in the specified
# output directory.  If you specify just the filename (without a path),
# it will be kept in the specified output directory.  Otherwise, the path
# is relative to the output directory, unless absolute (leading /).


# Incremental processing allows multiple partial log files to be used
# instead of one huge one.  Useful for large sites that have to rotate
# their log files more than once a month.  The Webalizer will save its
# internal state before exiting, and restore it the next time run, in
# order to continue processing where it left off.  This mode also causes
# The Webalizer to scan for and ignore duplicate records (records already
# processed by a previous run).  See the README file for additional
# information.  The value may be 'yes' or 'no', with a default of 'no'.
# The file 'webalizer.current' is used to store the current state data,
# and is located in the output directory of the program (unless changed
# with the IncrementalName option below).  Please read at least the section
# on Incremental processing in the README file before you enable this


# IncrementalName allows you to specify the filename for saving the
# incremental data in.  It is similar to the HistoryName option where the
# name is relative to the specified output directory, unless an absolute
# filename is specified.  The default is a file named "webalizer.current"
# kept in the normal output directory.  If you don't specify "Incremental"
# as 'yes' then this option has no meaning.


# ReportTitle is the text to display as the title.  The hostname
# (unless blank) is appended to the end of this string (seperated with
# a space) to generate the final full title string.
# Default is (for english) "Usage Statistics for".

#ReportTitleUsage Statistics for

# HostName defines the hostname for the report.  This is used in
# the title, and is prepended to the URL table items.  This allows
# clicking on URL's in the report to go to the proper locatio

Re: Configuring Webalizer on tomcat

2007-08-15 Thread Matthew Kerle
this may be a silly point, but check your PageType defs, they're 
currently only mapping to html's or php's, (granted this is all that seems to contain), but if your actual pages are jsps and 
you're rewriting urls somehow, try adding jsp to the PageType defs?

sorry, I've only used webalizer with apache & php files, and it always 
worked fine, so i'm no expert on webalizer+tomcat...

also, your config file is only looking at access.log, with no wildcard. 
maybe try adding a wildcard in the filename to pick any other logs.

can you run webalizer manually and post the logfile it generates?

* Matthew Kerle
* * IT Consultant *
* Canberra, Australia*

Mobile: +61404 096 863
Email: Matthew Kerle 
Web:  Matthew Kerle 

Kanchana Welagedara wrote:

Hi All

I'm struggling to configure the webalizer on tomcat.I followed one of the
archives written long time back by Dan patton at[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg69842.html
I followed exactly what he has pointed out .I can see files are generating
at [tomcathome/logs/access/access*.log].But usage folder in webapp is still I can see usage.Any help would be appreciated

I' m on linux

I have installed webalizer and my web site is running on tomcat

following are my configuration for webalizer.conf

LogFiles where my tomcat logs files are

 LogFile  /logs/access/access.log (logs folder is inside the Tomcat

LogFile  /logs/access/access.log
OutputDir /webapps/ROOT/usage

# PageType lets you tell the Webalizer what types of URL's you
# consider a 'page'.  Most people consider html and cgi documents
# as pages, while not images and audio files.  If no types are
# specified, defaults will be used ('htm*', 'cgi' and HTMLExtension
# if different for web logs, 'txt' for ftp logs).

# UseHTTPS should be used if the analysis is being run on a
# secure server, and links to urls should use 'https://' instead
# of the default 'http://'.  If you need this, set it to 'yes'.
# Default is 'no'.  This only changes the behaviour of the 'Top
# URL's' table.

#UseHTTPS   no

# DNSCache specifies the DNS cache filename to use for reverse DNS lookups.
# This file must be specified if you wish to perform name lookups on any IP
# addresses found in the log file.  If an absolute path is not given as
# part of the filename (ie: starts with a leading '/'), then the name is
# relative to the default output directory.  See the DNS.README file for
# additional information.


# DNSChildren allows you to specify how many "children" processes are
# run to perform DNS lookups to create or update the DNS cache file.
# If a number is specified, the DNS cache file will be created/updated
# each time the Webalizer is run, immediately prior to normal processing,
# by running the specified number of "children" processes to perform
# DNS lookups.  If used, the DNS cache filename MUST be specified as
# well.  The default value is zero (0), which disables DNS cache file
# creation/updates at run time.  The number of children processes to
# run may be anywhere from 1 to 100, however a large number may effect
# normal system operations.  Reasonable values should be between 5 and
# 20.  See the DNS.README file for additional information.


# HTMLPre defines HTML code to insert at the very beginning of the
# file.  Default is the DOCTYPE line shown below.  Max line length
# is 80 characters, so use multiple HTMLPre lines if you need more.


# HTMLHead defines HTML code to insert within the 
# block, immediately after the  line.  Maximum line length
# is 80 characters, so use multiple lines if needed.


# HTMLBody defined the HTML code to be inserted, starting with the
#  tag.  If not specified, the default is shown below.  If
# used, you MUST include your own  tag as the first line.
# Maximum line length is 80 char, use multiple lines if needed.


# HTMLPost defines the HTML code to insert immediately before the
# first  on the document, which is just after the title and
# "summary period"-"Generated on:" lines.  If anything, this should
# be used to clean up in case an image was inserted with HTMLBody.
# As with HTMLHead, you can define as many of these as you want and
# they will be inserted in the output stream in order of apperance.
# Max string size is 80 characters.  Use multiple lines if you need to.


# HTMLTail defines the HTML code to insert at the bottom of each
# HTML document, usually to include a link back to your home
# page or insert a small graphic.  It is inserted