[Veritas-bu] semaphore issue

2008-01-26 Thread d w
Actually, the Solaris 10 system defaults are higher, leading Sun to say that 
many of the values are obsolete, but they really aren't.
  An example is the msgmnb setting - the official Solaris tuning guide from 
Sun states that it's obsolete.  But run an ipcs sometime on your master running 
netbackup, without the /etc/system parameter in place in that file the message 
queue size is 65536.  
  Then change the kernel parameter to say twice the current value (131072, if 
using mdb to make the change you still need to recycle the processes) note the 
size has increased after recycling/
  I also work for Symantec and if you call Sun and talk to a kernel engineer,  
they will admit they really haven't obsoleted the values so that o/s actually 
ignores them. 
  Ok - so really - on to problem (just trying to dispell the myth).
  I haven't seen that issue before, but prior to starting the process's - are 
there any 'stale' semaphores left in ipcs?  
  What does the ltid log say (i.e. in /usr/openv/volmgr/debug)?
  Can you try to start it using truss?  
  Does a reboot help?  
  Is anything in maintenance mode that shouldn't be when you run svcs -a?
  Also make sure that your /etc/system file doesn't actually have any of the 
semaphore settings in there (typically the default semaphore settings on 
solaris 10 are just fine - although SUN HAS recommended additional settings on 
occassion - see the following technote :http://support.veritas.com/docs/295295).
  Hope that helps.
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Dominik
  Sent: Friday, January 25, 2008 6:20 PM
  To: VERITAS-BU@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
  Subject: [Veritas-bu] semaphore issue
  Anyone seen this on a Solaris 10 server 
  # ltid -v
  # Error in getting semaphore
  Ltid keeps on dieing and it complains about semaphores. My other
  10 servers are fine but I have two with this issue.
  Both use different hardware and no you don't need to tune the kernel on
  Solaris 10 as it's defaults are much bigger than anything Symantec
  Hope someone can help.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] semaphore issue

2008-01-26 Thread d w
I just saw your question to Jeff on the backup central link.  
  Reboot the media server (or servers) that's affected.  

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Slow catalog backups

2007-11-15 Thread d w
This could be the Solaris 10 kmem/tcp_fusion issue that is present in all 
versions of Solaris 10 using kernel patch revision 118833-xx. 
  The patch that resolves the kmem issue is 125100-10; you should still disable 
tcp_fusion even after applying that patch.
  Technotes that describe the behavior and have information regarding how to 
disable tcp_fusion and some information about the patch are available at:
  Sun Document ID is  87866 
  This may manifest it's in all versions of NetBackup with a variety of network 
performance problems and backup exit status's.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Error status 129 - DiskStaging Unit is full

2007-10-30 Thread d w
If you are using 6.0 MP4 or 6.0MP5 the status 129's are most likely happening 
when the dssu fills up.  What is supposed to happen is that NetBackup pauses 
the backups, stages the data and then cleans up the images, then the backup 
  What happens at 6.0MP4 and 6.0MP5 is that the backup is paused, staging 
occurs, but the images are not immediately removed - resulting in a status 129. 
 Regular cleanup will remove the staged files and then the space is cleaned up.
  This is due to be resolved in 6.0MP6.
  A work around would be to set up manual staging policies (if this is already 
done - you might want to run it more frequently.)

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Reg: Schedule backup

2007-09-21 Thread d w
You know - you should probably open a support case next time you encounter this 
  If you could cron nbpemreq -tables screen to run once a day to an output file 
- that might be helpful to narrow down the time frame of the occurance too.
  If you remove pempersist - just make sure that you don't suspend or cancel 
jobs and then attempt to restart them as that tends to be a sure fire way to 
break parent and child associations and my cause other missed/skipped backups.
  Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 16:14:47 +
From: A Darren Dunham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Reg: Schedule backup
To: Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 07:01:51AM -0700, d w wrote:
 Please do not remove the pempersist file without direction from
 Technical support.  The technote is in the process of being pulled from the

   If you remove pempersist when jobs are canceled/suspended prior to
 recycling NetBackup, it is possible to break the parent and child job
 associations and cause missed/skipped backups.

First I've heard of that.  But then again, I'm only doing it when I
backups anyway.  :-)

   If you are skipping backups I would take a look at whether or not
   you are using frequency based backups vs. calendar.  With frequency
   based backups, if your frequency is set to one week, you must BOTH
   have an open window and a minimum of a week must have elapsed since
   the last backup.  If this is the case - change the frequency to
   every 5 days and see if that helps.

Don't know about the OP, but on my problem policies, I'm calendar only.
Sometimes one or two of the 'full' backups just don't get scheduled.

   Is this 5.x or 6.0?

For me, 6.0, 6.0MP3, and 6.0MP4.  MP4 is better, but they never

   /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbpemreq -tables screen 

 Take a look at the tables.out file generated and locate the policy in
 question.  When is this full backup due to run?

It's been a while since I've done this.  My fuzzy memory says the last
time I looked at this during a problem, the actual schedule times were
correct, but the 'dont_sched' flag was set to 1.  After clearing
pempersist and restarting, 'dont_sched' went to 0.  

I have a number of fulls scheduled for the end of the month.  If I have
one that doesn't start, I'll pull the tables output for it.

Darren Dunham  
Senior Technical Consultant TAOS  
Got some Dr Pepper?   San Francisco, CA bay
  This line left intentionally blank to confuse you. 

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Reg: Schedule backup

2007-09-20 Thread d w
Please do not remove the pempersist file without direction from Technical 
support.  The technote is in the process of being pulled from the website.
  If you remove pempersist when jobs are canceled/suspended prior to recycling 
NetBackup, it is possible to break the parent and child job associations and 
cause missed/skipped backups.
  If you are skipping backups I would take a look at whether or not you are 
using frequency based backups vs. calendar.  With frequency based backups, if 
your frequency is set to one week, you must BOTH have an open window and a 
minimum of a week must have elapsed since the last backup.  If this is the case 
- change the frequency to once every 5 days and see if that helps.
  Is this 5.x or 6.0?
  Have you removed and recreated the policy (don't copy)?
  If this is 6.0 - run the following: 
  /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbpemreq -tables screen  /tmp/tables.out
  Take a look at the tables.out file generated and locate the policy in 
question.  When is this full backup due to run?

  Send Veritas-bu mailing list submissions to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Wed, 19 Sep 2007 17:30:30 +
From: A Darren Dunham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [Veritas-bu] Reg: Schedule backup
To: Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 08:38:20AM -0700, ramaswamy savi wrote:
 Hi The backup has been scheduled on friday at 10.00 PM, but it does
 n't start at specified time at all, for past four weeks i am starting
 the backup maunally.

Whenever I hear schedules not running on 6.0, I think of clearing out
the pempersist file as the first step.


Darren Dunham  
Senior Technical Consultant TAOS  
Got some Dr Pepper?   San Francisco, CA bay
  This line left intentionally blank to confuse you. 

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] RE: Vault Duplication Jobs

2007-08-10 Thread d w
  A bit more information would be a good thing.  Like what version of 
NetBackup, what O/S is the master/media servers, etc.  

If you have 6.0 MP4 installed, I would recommend installing 6.0MP5

If the Master/media servers are Solaris 10 (regardless of netbackup version)- 
turn off tcp_fusion and update to the latest patch (see sunsolve for details - 
in a nutshell - there is a kmem issue at patch revisions up to and including 

Where are the duplications going?  I.e. from a dsu to media?  From media to 
media and different media servers?  

If the dups are being read from one media server and dup'd to another - maybe 
see if you can some how have the read/writes on the same server.

Are you de-multiplexing the backups?  That could also substantially slow them 

Just a few thoughts.  

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] (no subject)

2007-08-10 Thread d w
6.5 has been released.  

Upgrade portal is at the following:


Release notes are here:


I've upgraded - but only in a small test environment.  

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Help! Lost access to administrative

2007-06-03 Thread d w
  Check for the following in your master server bp.conf file and comment them 

MEDIA_SERVER = master name
CONNECT_OPTIONS = your-pc-client 0 1 1

Many times those can interfere with the java console.  Having port windows set 
to a very limited range, or specifying incorrect connect options for the pc's 
can cause these sort of problems.  The MEDIA_SERVER flag will also limit 
functionality in some cases and if you have that set for the master server you 
may want to take it out.  For required interface - it's just good to eliminate 
that potential issue.

 If those are present - try commenting them out and recycling.  See if the gui 
works then.  If it does - you may want to try adding the lines back one at a 
time to see which one caused the problem you're seeing.

Generally if you see the backup archive and restore gui when you should see the 
full admin console - there is a name resolution problem (with a status 25 it's 
generally reverse host name look-up.)

If you install the client piece on the pc - you can try running the following:

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd -hn backup-master

 C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd -ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx of 

C:\Program Files\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin\bpclntcmd -pn 
  (which should verify the connection to the backup master server).

You can run the same things of course from the linux master to your pc.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] bptm: read error on media id AB1234, Cannot allocate memory

2007-04-17 Thread d w
I'm not sure what platform you are running on or what version of NetBackup 
- but if this is a unix master or media server, you may want to increase the 
shmmax on the machine.
  On Solaris:
  # grep shmmax /etc/system
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=#value
  To set these parameters on solaris, simply edit the /etc/system file and 
change the value - then reboot.  Or if you're good on mdb, you could use that.
  On HP:
  # kcusage -l shmmax
Parameter:  shmmax
Usage:  17904720
Percentage: 1.7

  # kmtune | grep shmmax
shmmax   0X400
  On linux:
  #sysctl -a 
  look for kernel.shmmax = #value
  Below is the technote on how to set these parameters in Linux:
  Also check out your size and number data buffers.  If they are too large - 
that might also be the cause of the problem.  See the following technote for 
information on those settings:
  Hope that helps.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

[Veritas-bu] Netbackup administration console

2007-04-12 Thread d w
I've seen that problem.
  Try the following:
  -  Add the host names for the master and client in each others hosts file.
  -  Make sure there is a SERVER = pc_machine in the bp.conf on the master 
server.  Make sure the master server nsswitch.conf is set for files first for 
  -  If your network has disabled ICMP this also may be a problem since the 
Windows GUI does an ICMP ping check to the master server when making a 
connection.  You can disable that by using the following:
 On the Client;
   a) Crate the following Registry (Edit -- Add Key -- Key Name; General) ;


  b) Then Highlight KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\VERITAS\NetBackup\General
  and Add the following value (Edit -- Add Value -- Value Name; 

  Data Type; REG_DWORD

  Data; 1

  Radix; Hex

  Barring the above resolving the issue - you may want to create the 
C:\install-path\VERITAS\NetBackup\logs\NBconsole folder and see if that gives 
you any idea why this problem is occurring.
  Or you could install the windows java gui as a work around.  

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [Veritas-bu] Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

2007-04-11 Thread d w
You might want to check to see if you have your domain account configured 
properly in the auth.conf file.
See page 506 of the NetBackup 6.0 Administration Guide for Windows vol 1.  
  Hope that helps.

WEAVER, Simon (external) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  He was logged into the Master Server. The attempt was to restore a single 
file to a client. The restore was to the same client, but it was the issue over 
the 3rd TAB that I had a query over.
  2 Accounts can see this tab, one being mine. If someone else logs on with the 
same rights as myself, perform the same process, they do not see the 3rd TAB 
that states Destination Clients.
  Its not the end of the world, but it would be nice to know why I can see it, 
another account can see it, yet no one else can.
  And the account used was a Domain Admin account!
  As a test, I logged into the machine with my account, launch the Admin 
Console, chose Backup, Archive, Restore, selected FILE / Specify NetBackup 
Machines  Policy Type and a small Window appears. The 3 tabs I see are 
Servers, Source Clients / Policy Type and finally Destination Clients.
  Now, logging into the same master server, with a Domain Admin account, 
perform the same steps as above, I get the same small window, however the 
difference being is the present of just 2 tabs labelled Servers and Clients 
/ Policy Type. Thats it !
  So ... I am just trying to work out why my 2 accounts show a difference. 
and I cannot quite understand why !
  Simon Weaver
3rd Line Technical Support
Windows Domain Administrator 
  EADS Astrium Limited, B23AA IM (DCS)
Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PU

  -Original Message-
From: d w [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2007 03:07
To: Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] RE: Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

Most likely the reason that your admin was unable to chose a destination client 
was because he was logged into the client vs. a master or media server.  

By default NetBackup will not allow clients to restore information to other 
clients (that's a security measure - you wouldn't want just anyone to have the 
ability to restore anything anywhere).

If an admin logs into a client system, unless the client is specified a in the 
server list, it will never be authorized to run restores of anything but it's 
own data.  

There is a section in the Admin Guide about setting up exceptions for this 
rule.  On Unix the file is No.restrictions - I think it has a similar 
name/fuction on windows (just check the index of the windows guide for that 
file name...)

Now that will limit users to the ability of restoring other machines data to 
itself, but will not allow that machine to restore to anything but the local 

Short story - if you want your admin to have rights to restore anywhere - have 
him log into an administrative account on the master server.

The only other reason I have ever seen that tab grayed out was if there was a 
reverse hostname lookup issue to the machine starting the interface.

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] bpdbjobs displays month number only in date

2007-04-11 Thread d w
That's a bug in 5.1 MP6.  There is a binary available if you open a case with 
NetBackup support.  Or if you can wait a few months - the fix will be in 

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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu

Re: [Veritas-bu] Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

2007-04-11 Thread d w
Simon -  Are you using the Windows Admin Console or Java console?   The java 
requires a username/password - the windows console does not.  
  The auth.conf file would only exist if using the Java console. 
  If using the windows admin console and seeing different behavior for 
different accounts, it may be due to which account you installed NetBackup 
using.  If you installed NetBackup on this master server while logged in as 
yourself and your account doesn't have domain admin rights - then your specific 
account would be the only one to have administrative authority on the machine.  
 If your account does have domain admin rights - then any account with those 
rights should be able to administer NetBackup.  
  A work around may be to just setup the java console - then you can give them 
rights in the auth.conf file.  Or you could install the windows admin console 
on his/her local machine and add that machine name to the servers list on the 
master server...
WEAVER, Simon (external) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  hi Mate
  Yes, just mentioned to Paul, that file is not present on any master / media 
  Im running nbu 5.1 - but I found a technote, which describes my problem, but 
relates to the Java Console only!
  In this case, its the Master Server that the issue seems to be appearing
  Simon Weaver
3rd Line Technical Support
Windows Domain Administrator 
  EADS Astrium Limited, B23AA IM (DCS)
Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PU

  -Original Message-
From: d w [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2007 14:18
To: WEAVER, Simon (external); veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: RE: [Veritas-bu] RE: Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

You might want to check to see if you have your domain account configured 
properly in the auth.conf file.
See page 506 of the NetBackup 6.0 Administration Guide for Windows vol 1.  
  Hope that helps.

WEAVER, Simon (external) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  He was logged into the Master Server. The attempt was to restore a single 
file to a client. The restore was to the same client, but it was the issue over 
the 3rd TAB that I had a query over.
  2 Accounts can see this tab, one being mine. If someone else logs on with the 
same rights as myself, perform the same process, they do not see the 3rd TAB 
that states Destination Clients.
  Its not the end of the world, but it would be nice to know why I can see it, 
another account can see it, yet no one else can.
  And the account used was a Domain Admin account!
  As a test, I logged into the machine with my account, launch the Admin 
Console, chose Backup, Archive, Restore, selected FILE / Specify NetBackup 
Machines  Policy Type and a small Window appears. The 3 tabs I see are 
Servers, Source Clients / Policy Type and finally Destination Clients.
  Now, logging into the same master server, with a Domain Admin account, 
perform the same steps as above, I get the same small window, however the 
difference being is the present of just 2 tabs labelled Servers and Clients 
/ Policy Type. Thats it !
  So ... I am just trying to work out why my 2 accounts show a difference. 
and I cannot quite understand why !
  Simon Weaver
3rd Line Technical Support
Windows Domain Administrator 
  EADS Astrium Limited, B23AA IM (DCS)
Anchorage Road, Portsmouth, PO3 5PU

  -Original Message-
From: d w [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 April 2007 03:07
To: Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu
Subject: [Veritas-bu] RE: Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

Most likely the reason that your admin was unable to chose a destination client 
was because he was logged into the client vs. a master or media server.  

By default NetBackup will not allow clients to restore information to other 
clients (that's a security measure - you wouldn't want just anyone to have the 
ability to restore anything anywhere).

If an admin logs into a client system, unless the client is specified a in the 
server list, it will never be authorized to run restores of anything but it's 
own data.  

There is a section in the Admin Guide about setting up exceptions for this 
rule.  On Unix the file is No.restrictions - I think it has a similar 
name/fuction on windows (just check the index of the windows guide for that 
file name...)

Now that will limit users to the ability of restoring other machines data to 
itself, but will not allow that machine to restore to anything but the local 

Short story - if you want your admin to have rights to restore anywhere - have 
him log into an administrative account on the master server.

The only other reason I have ever seen that tab grayed out was if there was a 
reverse hostname lookup issue to the machine starting the interface.

  The fish are biting.
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[Veritas-bu] RE: Odd Question - NBU BAR Utility

2007-04-10 Thread d w
Most likely the reason that your admin was unable to chose a destination client 
was because he was logged into the client vs. a master or media server.  

By default NetBackup will not allow clients to restore information to other 
clients (that's a security measure - you wouldn't want just anyone to have the 
ability to restore anything anywhere).

If an admin logs into a client system, unless the client is specified a in the 
server list, it will never be authorized to run restores of anything but it's 
own data.  

There is a section in the Admin Guide about setting up exceptions for this 
rule.  On Unix the file is No.restrictions - I think it has a similar 
name/fuction on windows (just check the index of the windows guide for that 
file name...)

Now that will limit users to the ability of restoring other machines data to 
itself, but will not allow that machine to restore to anything but the local 

Short story - if you want your admin to have rights to restore anywhere - have 
him log into an administrative account on the master server.

The only other reason I have ever seen that tab grayed out was if there was a 
reverse hostname lookup issue to the machine starting the interface.

The fish are biting.
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Veritas-bu maillist  -  Veritas-bu@mailman.eng.auburn.edu