[videoblogging] Re: Does the "Blog" format work for Vlogging anymore?

2008-12-12 Thread bmilam52
The blogging format for video blogging doesn't really work for two
reasons. One, the tendency is to do a video blog much like the average
boring blog post, which consistently deals with the mundane aspects of
our lives. There's nothing wrong with that except that unless your day
was more interesting than everyone elses, you won't get that much

[videoblogging] Web Hosting

2008-11-14 Thread bmilam52
Hostgator blows. 

I need a new web host for my blog. I'm sick of trying to get into my
blog and always running into a problem. What's a good host that some
of you use?

[videoblogging] Re: Introduction: newbie -- " being intimate"

2008-11-13 Thread bmilam52
I think the problem ultimately with me doing long videos, long
podcasts, is that I lose the point of what I'm talking about. 

It's already discouraging from non-internet users when you explain to
them what you are doing, be it podcasting or blogging. They think your
just some loser who wants the world to know they exist when they
simply don't in the real world. That has caused me to close my blogs
amoung other things because what is right with the world is supposed
to be what's write for me.

The problem is that I live a life indoors. Part of that has to do with
what I do in real life and part of it is that I'm not a social
creature. I turn to blogging because I can express without the need to
look a certain way, think a certain way, or have an expectation.

The thing about blogging, podcasting and all that is that now that
people have gotten some fame out of these platforms everyone is
expected to do that or better. Anything less gets no attention.

I say funk all that.

I represent the real -- the economy as is. I don't have the money for
fancy presentations, well edited blogs or podcasts, or anything else
of the high-end nature. I'm a simple man with no money who does
everything on the barebones.

Wow -- I better stop there. Hope I made sense.