Re: How to recognize different matching classes

2006-06-27 Thread Peter Slizik

 To check if the cursor is within a comment or string context:

synIDattr(synID(line(.), col(.), 1), name) =~? 'comment\|string'

 Syntax has to be enabled.

Thanks, Gerald,

this is exactly what I needed. Thanks also to the others, for useful hints.

-- Peter

Re: How to recognize different matching classes

2006-06-24 Thread Luc Hermitte

* On Sat, Jun 24, 2006 at 08:52:47AM +0800, Dr Bean [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Fri, 23 Jun 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  PPS: In lh-cpp.tar.gz, you will find many examples of use. The
  patched, but not yet uploaded, version contains the following
  context-aware mappings and abbreviations:
 I'm looking forward to seeing those patches.

Done. I'll finish to play with svn latter.

 Your bracketing system is great.

Thanks ^^

 I wish I could only use the repeat . command to save even
 more typing labor.

That's something I miss too. I'm not sure there is a workaround. We can
always play with recorded macros, or quick'n'dirty mappings.

--ifinsert if statement   {{{
  Inoreabbr buffer silent if C-R=Def_AbbrC('if ',
  \ '\c-f\if (!cursorhere!) {\n!mark!\n}!mark!')cr
 'if' is what is expanded.

'if' is what is expanded within comment/string context.

 C-R= inserts the results of the Def_AbbrC function,
 which does some whitespace substitutions.

Def_AbbrC() does some other things like:
- adding \n before (,{ and after ),} according to options.
- removing markers/placeholder according to another option.

 I don't know what the c-f does.

It forces to reindent the line where the cursor is, it works in
I see I have hard-coded c-f. It is not the best solution as I should
have used what is defined after the `!' in 'cinkeys'.

--,ifinsert if statement
   todo provide smappings
  vnoremap buffer silent localleaderif
  \ c-\c-n@=Surround('if (!cursorhere!) {', '}!mark!',
  \ 1, 1, '', 1, 'if ')cr
 This allows you to highlight some text, type '\if' and
 hey presto, the text becomes the body of an if statement.

Surround() has also another responsibility. I wrote it before vim7
permit to distinguish between visual-mode mappings and select-mode
mappings. Surround() checks if the current selection is a
marker/placeholder. If so, it expands 'if' in insert-mode (which will
result in the activation of the previous `if' abbreviation), otherwise
it does its surrounding work.
It also accepts some other options regarding reindentation, ...


Otherwise, your analysis of my examples are correct.

 One problem I have in using the mappings is in perl many of the
 conditional keywords can be used in 2 ways.  In a compound statement
 'if' works just like in C. However it may also be used to modify a
 single statement, as in 'print Hello, world if 1'.
 I need to work out how to make the mappings context-sensitive to
 this. Like expand 'if' only if it is the first word in the line.

May be, you can look into InsertIfNotAfter() that I define at the end
of ftplugin/cpp/cpp_set.vim (check the newly uploaded lh-cpp.tar.gz
tarball archive). I use it to define the abbreviation for `namespace'
and the mapping on m-t.

What you will need is to analyze the lines before the cursor. if the
`if' you are typing starts a new instruction, then you can expand 
`if (!cursorhere!) {\n!mark!\n}!mark!', otherwise just
`if (!cursorhere!);!mark!'.
checking for the previous non comment code can be a little tricky.

 I forgot there is quite a lot of documentation. I need to look at it

Feel free to ask for any precision.

Luc Hermitte