Re: [volt-nuts] Precision resistors

2015-08-11 Thread Tony Holt

On 11/08/2015 17:53, Richard Moore wrote:

True of any resistor that you want to trust to better than 10ppm, including the 
Of course, but Dr Frank's experience with the oil filled Vishay foils 
has been good - from another eevblog post:

'Only the hermetically sealed, oil filled types (e.g. VHP202Z) give a 
big advantage. Their rate is typically 2ppm/6yrs., and therefore will 
add about 0.02ppm/yr only.
In picture 1 you’ll find long-term stability monitoring of 3 EA of my 5 
VHP202Z. After 2 years, they really remain within < 0.5ppm of their 
initial value, so that is obviously no fake advertisement.

(Remark: The measurement stability was improved also during that time.)'

That's pretty close to the SR104's typical drift of .2ppm/year, .5ppm 
max (1ppm first 2 years), but the TCR of his parts were much worse than 
the SR104's .1ppm typical ranging from .3ppm to 1ppm. He might well have 
got lucky but I read on a Chinese volt-nut type blog that Vishay 
originally specified < 2ppm/10 years but reduced it to 6 years - 
presumably due to complaints/experience. Personally I would be happy to 
trust that they would remain within 10ppm for many years but you would 
have to get them measured periodically to know for certain. Depending on 
how cheaply you could buy one, it might be cheaper to buy new ones for 2 
or 3 years rather than getting one calibrated and using them to 
determine the drift of the earlier parts. And you would have a 
collection of resistors to improve confidence in the secondary standard.

Does anyone know how much it would cost to get a 10k resistor measured 
to < 2ppm in the UK by a calibration company? Does anyone know how much 
it would cost to buy a 1% Vishay VH102Z/VHP101 or similar with a < 2ppm 

Edwin Pettis quoted me $7.28 for one 10k resistor ($5.46 for 11 to 24) 
so they could be a viable way of getting accurately (approx 1ppm) 
measured resistors. The higher TCR, 3ppm/C would increase the 
uncertainties though as it would require them to be used within 1C or so 
of that when measured by Mr Pettis, but he can select for 1ppm TCR or 
less for an extra $2 which would easily be justified for this purpose. 
Obviously the uncertainties due to transport shocks/vibration (although 
Mr Pettis claims they are very rugged) and drift related to the time in 
transport would need to be considered.

On Aug 11, 2015, at 9:00 AM, wrote:

Edwin Pettis states his resistors drift is typically better than 2ppm in
the first year, so pretty good but you'd still need to have them
measured every few years. If you have to get them professionally
calibrated it may be cheaper to buy the Vishay parts. Edwin could
provide the measured values as could Vishay if you bought directly from

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Re: [volt-nuts] Precision resistors

2015-08-11 Thread Tony Holt

On 06/08/2015 16:25, David C. Partridge wrote:
> Looking for a set of precision resistors for calibration purposes.
> The crucial factor isn't that they be *exactly* the values above, so 
I don't necessarily need 0.001% parts.  Low TCR is important, and I will 
need to know that actual values to 10ppm or better.


Presumably long term stability is more important than TCR - not many 
resistors are guaranteed to drift less than 25ppm/year, even unpowered. 
E.g. Welwyn 4800 metal foil 25ppm/year, Caddock USF ultra stable 200 & 
300 series 20ppm/year dropping to 10ppm/year after 10 years. Short of an 
SR104 or the like I doubt you can do better than the 2ppm 6 year life 
stability of the hermetically sealed Vishay metal foil resistors 
including the HZ series you mentioned or the VHP101, VHP203 etc.

Frankly I find it hard to differentiate between the Vishay sealed foil 
resistors - they seem to have almost identical specs. For example is the 
VHP203's .05ppm typical TCR (0 to 60C) better than the 10ppm max for the 
VHP101 (15 to 45C)? I've no idea but given that the maximum TCRs are 
usually at least 10 times worse than the typical figures, maybe not.

Is the 'VHP101 < 10 ppm (+ 15 °C to + 45 °C)' even a maximum given that 
Figure 4 says typical TCR is .3ppm and has a 'typical' curve showing 
approx 8.5ppm max change from 15 to 45C (and has a TCR of .55ppm from 15 
to 20C)? It looks to me that the 10ppm figure isn't specifying a maximum 
TCR at all which means you could get almost anything! Interestingly a 
note in the HZ series datasheet says 'For maximum TCR < 1 ppm/°C, see 
VHP100 and contact application engineering'

The VH102Z seems to have the best guaranteed TCR of .6ppm maximum (100 
to 100k ohms) compared to 2ppm for the VHP203 and the HZ series.

Edwin Pettis states his resistors drift is typically better than 2ppm in 
the first year, so pretty good but you'd still need to have them 
measured every few years. If you have to get them professionally 
calibrated it may be cheaper to buy the Vishay parts. Edwin could 
provide the measured values as could Vishay if you bought directly from 

The spec for the Fluke 5450A's 10k is 6.5ppm max drift/year, but an old 
one may be a good solution as hopefully the resistors will be very 
stable by now. The only way you could be sure though is to have it 
calibrated at least twice to see how much it actually drifts which 
wouldn't be cheap.

An alternative is to buy one or more 10k VH102Z as a standard and buy or 
build a 10:1 and perhaps a 100:1 Hamon divider and use the 10k reference 
to calibrate 1M, 100k, 1k and 100R resistors in a bridge arrangement 
using a null meter or suitable DVM. Adding a 2:1 would address the 20K, 
200K etc. requirement. This approach might not be suitable for very high 
or low resistances, but would allow you to have confidence in many of 
your resistors relative to your 10k standard. The divider could also be 
useful for voltage calibrations or checking your other calibrators.

Dr Frank describes the one he built, achieving uncertainties of 0.2 / 
0.5 ppm for 10:1 / 100:1 releative to output, in reply #8 and #10 here:


I thought he had a more detailed description somewhere but I can't find 
it just now. You could probably get away with using cheaper resistors at 
the cost of slightly increased uncertainty.

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Re: [volt-nuts] 3458A reference boards on ebay

2015-01-27 Thread Tony Holt


What do you intend doing with it?

I was thinking about getting one of those, with a view to putting it
in a box with a couple of terminals to have something to compare with
my 6.5 digit 3457A.  But what put me off is a lack of knowledge in
knowing how to convert a 3458A reference board into a boxed unit with
a known output voltage at the terminals. How would I avoid / control
thermal EMFs?

I'd be interested to hear what your plans are for it, and how you
intend tackling those issues.

Do you know what the difference in the reference is between a standard
3458A (8 ppm) and the high stability option 002 (4 ppm) model? I'm
guessing the chips for the option 002 might be the top performing
ones. I wonder if there's any way to tell from your board if it came
from a standard 3458A or a 3458A with option 002.


Take a look at this site for some good info on using the 3458A reference:

Tony H

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Re: [volt-nuts] LM399 Long term drift specification

2014-09-11 Thread Tony Holt


Thanks for taking the time to respond. Actually I've seen many of your 
postings on eevblog and here - you've clearly done a great deal of work 
in this area and would like to thank you for making it available to us all.

On 11/09/2014 06:07, Andreas Jahn wrote:


many questions I will keep it short:

All ageing specs are "typical" if you want to have "guaranteed" values 
you will have to measure it over a reasonable time. (I recommend min 6 
Every treatment (soldering, mechanical/temperature shock) of a 
reference may create a new ageing cycle with different slope.

True. I guess that the new ageing cycle from soldering in an LM399 is 
not going to be as bad as that for a surface mount plastic device.

So 100ppm/15 years outside of "lab conditions" (23 deg , constant 
humidity) is something that I would not guarantee without re-calibration.

I had a feeling that would be the answer - though surely humidity 
shouldn't be a factor as these are hermetic parts. The questions remains 
though, what level might you specify - if you were forced to come up 
with a number (ok a guess!) - for non-selected, non-pre-aged parts after 
15years continuous operation without re-calibration? Obviously this is 
given the context of the presumably limited numbers of samples you've 
tested and I guess you wouldn't have bothered to further test early 

Although typical drift of pre-aged + selected references will be in 
the 1-2ppm/year range if properly treated.

What would you classify as pre-aged? Do they need to be powered up or 
can they be maintained at a suitable temperature? How many rejects would 
you expect to get to get one that achieves 1-2ppm?

Is it known if the major instrument manufacturers preselect and burn-in 
LM399s themselves for their middle-range instruments? I'm pretty sure 
the top end kit will be all use carefully tested and selected parts, but 
what about a 34401A for example? The basic accuracy spec for that is 
20ppm for 90 days, 35ppm for 12 months so even a 20ppm guaranteed part 
wouldn't be good enough, especially allowing margin for drift in other 
components. I guess I just answered my own question!

Also its meaningless if you want to have LT or National (TI) parts 
since LT is the only manufacturer which still produces them.

With high demands you will also have to sort out the "noisy" references.

Some "typical" LM399 (all from NS) ageing data can be found on web:

That's very interesting. I have to agree that the raw data looks 
suspect. I wonder what the rejection rate is for this 20ppm selection 
and does it mean that non-selected parts have a high probability of 
being worse than 20ppm? 

With best regards


I just came across another part which looks very interesting given its 
low cost - the automotive qualified REF5050-Q1. Although its only spec'd 
as 3ppm/C typical, 8ppm/C max, that's using the box method over -40 to 
+125C. The 'typical' chart however, figure 4, page 5 shows the gradients 
to be very flat between 25 and 50. Its typical of course, so real parts 
may be very different aka Vishay foil resistors. The 0 to 85C histogram, 
fig 1 on page 5, do show the majority of parts being in the range 
.75ppm/C to 1.75ppm/C which is pretty good, and with luck, in the 25 to 
50C range may well be much better so a crude heating arrangement may be 
worthwhile (made easier by the 5050's temperature output!)

I can't reconcile fig 4 with the histograms though; from the chart I 
reckon the 0-85 typical is approx 65ppm/85C = .76ppm/C and for -40 to 
125C is approx 310ppm/165C = 1.88ppm/C. Figs 1 and 2 though show modal 
values of 1.25 and 2.25/2.5ppm/C. Am I doing something wrong or are 
these specs inconsistent?

Even more surprising is the headline feature on page 1:

 – 5 ppm/1000 hr (typ) after 1000 hours"

Unfortunately that seems to be an error as the 'typical' spec on page 4 is:
90ppm (0-1000 hours)
10ppm (1000 to 2000 hours).

The chart (fig 23, page 8) showing 1000 to 2000 hour drift of 96 parts 
show the worst case being +25ppm, with the bulk ending approx between 0 
and 15ppm. I wonder if they carry on improving after 2kHrs?

That's definitely not the SQRT(1kHr) characteristic and is very 
different from the standard REF5050 which quotes 100ppm (1st 100hours), 
50ppm (1000 to 2000 hours).

If you are in a position to pre-age them for 1000 hours that 10ppm spec 
is almost as good as the LM399 and best of all, TI quote a price of 
$1.60 @ 1k parts, compared to $4.65 for LM399s @ 1k from Linear. One off 
prices are rather more at $4.15 from Digikey (part no REF5050AQDRQ1) but 
again is still a lot cheaper than an LM399 at $9.92. At $1.60 and .8mA 
supply current, using 4, 8 or even dozens is a realistic proposition to 
exploit statistical improvements 

Re: [volt-nuts] LM399 Long term drift specification

2014-09-11 Thread Tony Holt

On 11/09/2014 01:50, Mike S wrote:

On 9/10/2014 7:00 PM, Tony wrote:

I've just noticed that TI and Linear's specs for 'Long Term Stability'
(typical) are different. TI state 20ppm/1000Hr while Linear state
8ppm/SQRT(kHr). That's  a big difference - is this likely to be a real
difference or just specmanship?

I note that Linear (in Note 4) also state that "Devices with maximum
guaranteed long-term stability of 20ppm/SQRT(kH) are available."
Presumably they would be a special order as there doesn't appear to be a
unique part no. Would they be likely to be much more expensive?

Isn't 8ppm/SQRT(kHr) better than 20ppm/SQRT(kH)? Why would the latter 
be more expensive? Or is it the difference between "typical" and 

I'm guessing that typical in this case means the one sigma value so the 
three sigma value would be 24ppm. In any case three sigma still only 
means 93.32% of parts come within that limit, or 6.7% exceed 24ppm, and 
a few could be considerably worse. That compares to a guarantee that all 
all parts meet 20ppm. This link: provided in 
Andreas's response is very interesting:

"Certified Long Term Drift The National Semiconductor LM199AH-20, 
LM299AH-20, and LM399AH-50 are ultra-stable Zener references specially 
selected from the production runs of LM199AH, LM299AH, LM399AH and 
tested to confirm a long-term stability of 20, 20, or 50 ppm per 1000 
hours, respectively..."

So in this case they really do mean a guarantee. And I doubt that 
individual testing came cheap. I say 'came' because I wonder if they 
still 100% test the 20ppm parts or if they select them using some lower 
costs means?

Tony H
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Re: [volt-nuts] Matched resistors

2014-07-24 Thread Tony Holt


On 24/07/2014 04:22, Randy Evans wrote:


Your improvement factor of SQRT(n) assumes that each resistor in the group
has random changes uncorrelated to all others in the group.  For similar
type resistors, I would think that is not likely to be true.

Yes/,/ I'm well aware of that which is why I discussed that point 
further down in my post. It was a long post though so I don't blame you 
for getting bored and not getting that far!

For shelf life
stability it is likely that they all "age" in a similar way.  Unless the
resistors are in a hermetic package, humidity would impact all the
resistors in a similar manner.

Exactly. Since they are being used in a 1:1 divider configuration, if 
they age in a similar way, the tracking ratio stability will be good. 
The reality however is that there will be some variance between 
components, and using multiple resisters will reduce that overall 
variance. Part of the variance between individual resisters will likely 
follow a Guassian distribution and thus the improvement factor for that 
element will be SQRT(N).

Some of the variance will likely be due to random factors which have a 
rather different distribution, probably highly skewed with long tails, 
and thus the improvement probably won't be SQRT(N). My conjecture (ok 
random speculation) is that factors such as stress differences due to 
microcracking in the ceramic substrate or at the terminations may cause 
some of the latter. Nevertheless, even though part of the variance 
doesn't follow SQRT(N) the variance will still reduce by using multiple 
identical resisters (if there are enough*). The problem is knowing how 
much - it probably can only be determined by lengthy experimentation, 
unless some good empirical data can be obtained from manufacturers or 
research papers.

Another complication is that I believe that thin film resistor stability 
and TCR characteristics improve as the resistance reduces. This is not 
usually reflected in the datasheet but using multiple resistors in 
series allows lower values to be used which may perform better. On the 
other hand, thermal EMF problems may increase proportionally.

TCR tracking is much easier to measure, so it might be interesting to 
see how it improves with increasing numbers of resisters. However, I 
understand that ratio stability is likely to be a bigger problem than 
TCR tracking.

The other end of the spectrum, using a single Vishay VHD foil divider is 
certainly the simplest; however bear in mind that Vishay's stated 
typical tracking TCR of < .1ppm is just that, and the one that you buy 
may be anything but typical. And if you can work out the maximum 
tracking TCR from the VHD144/200 datasheet, you're a better man than I. 
My guess is that its probably better than .5ppm which is likely good 
enough for your application. But would it perform better than, say $30 
worth of Vishay DFN, 3ppm 4-resister networks, 1 year shelf life ratio 
stability < 20ppm? I don't know.

Of course there's nothing to stop you using multiple VHDs if you can get 
them at a good price. Ebay maybe?

*) If all resisters are identical expcept that 1 in a 100 is markedly 
different, then any 10 will have a good chance (90%) of being identical; 
using 100 will have a good chance (64%) that at least one is different 
and thus the overall error would be at least 1/100 of the difference.

Tony H
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Re: [volt-nuts] volt-nuts Digest, Vol 56, Issue 9

2014-04-14 Thread Tony Holt

On 14/04/2014 18:46, Jan Fredriksson wrote:

It was the April 1989 HP journal that made me post the question. The
article makes really good reading about the core of the 3458. It also made
me think about how one could implement the AD with the components available
today and bench instruments. It should not take that many parts to make a
single voltage range, moderate speed, single shot AD using a bench clock /
counter / timer. Just for the learning.

But about the switches there is not much in that article, just the
paragraph quoted by TH, "A custom chip design.." etc.

The article is otherwise seems like a very good starting point for learning
multislope ADs. It seems like it would almost be possible to set up a
spreadsheet with the data given.

I noted that they use a 390pF integration cap which made me wonder what
kind of switches where used, as any FET capacitance / charge would have to
be compensated / cancelled / nulled somehow.

I suggest you take a look at this patent from 1993 where HP describe 
improvements to the ADC switches (I don't know if they ever used it an a 
saleable product):

"The errors are significantly worse when standard components such as 
off-the-shelf analog switches are used for the input switching circuits. 
Prior art investigators have attempted to overcome these problems by 
implementing the input switching circuits in application-specific 
integrated circuit form and tightly controlling the manufacturing 
process, leading to very expensive solutions."

Their solution is a different arrangement of switches (see patent for 

"The switches which control selection of the positive and negative 
reference currents are implemented in such a way that current surges are 
minimized. That is, each switch is a series-parallel pair of switches in 
which the series switch of the pair provides a path to the integrator 
summing node while the parallel switch of the pair provides a path to 
ground, and one of the switches in the switch pair is closed while the 
other of the pair is closed. State machine diagrams are used to express 
the algorithms used by the controller in operating the switches 
throughout the integrate and de-integrate cycles. The order and sequence 
in which the switches are operated eliminates the effects of charge 
injection due to operation of the switches as well as signals that are 
cross-coupled from the control lines of adjacent switches."

Tony H

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Re: [volt-nuts] Switches in integrating ADC

2014-04-14 Thread Tony Holt

On 14/04/2014 10:03, John Devereux wrote:

Jan Fredriksson  writes:

What kind of switches are used in integrating ADC, ie to switch
between voltage sources (ref and external) and to switch in multisloping
resistors? FETs?

Yes, but I believe they are integrated ones usually. Either ye olde 4066
style or custom integrated circuits in the case of the HP 3458A.

As Jan says, the 3458A switches around the ADC are integrated according 
to the April 1989 HP journal which describes the 3458A design:

   *"Because the switches are in series with the resistors, they can
   add to the temperature coefficient of the ADC. A custom chip design
   was chosen so that each switch could be scaled to the size of the
   resistor to which it is connected. This allows the ADC to be
   sensitive to the ratio-tracking temperature coefficient of the
   switches and not to the absolute temperature coefficient.**"*

I expect that optimising and balancing charge injection would have been 
an important design objective too. It would be interesting to know how 
modern off-the-shelf analogue switches compare - ie. with low enough on 
resistance so that absolute temp coefficient doesn't matter, without 
introducing excessive charge injection. I expect that's a bit of a tall 

The 8 digit Solartron 7081 uses discrete Fets, but it uses a voltage to 
time converter for its ADC. The HP 6 digit 34401A uses a 74HC4053D 2:1 
Mux to switch the ADC integrator.

For interest, the signal switching in the input path of the 3458A, for 
selecting high voltage divider / low voltage input, current sources and 
DC amplifier gains etc. all use Siliconix J2472 J-FETs (N channel 
depletion mode). I guess there were no packaged switches up to the job 
at the time.

Vishay bought Siliconix since and shut down production some while ago so 
good luck finding any parts or even a datasheet. I expect they are very 
low leakage types; no doubt there are suitable alternatives available - 
perhaps ones recommended for electrometer applications?

Tony H
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Re: [volt-nuts] Some questions to zeners (1N823-1N829)

2013-01-30 Thread Tony Holt

On 28/01/2013 22:47, Andreas Jahn wrote:

After a run in phase of nearly 1 year the ageing of ADC #13 stabilized.
Currently I compare ADC13 nearly every day with 3 heated references (1 
LM399 = LM_2 and 2 LTZ1000A = LTZ_1/2).
The last half year the ageing is about 0.5 to 1.5 ppm for 6 months 
compared to the heated references.

See picture ADC13_longterm:
X-Axis is day
Y-Axis left is drift in ppm with red = LM399#2, green = LTZ1000A #1, 
blue = LTZ1000A #2
Y-axis right is temperature in degree celsius of the temperature 
sensor near ADC13 reference.

By the way: up to now I could not measure any effect which is related 
to thermocouples.
Ok my temperature step noise is still too high. And probably I am 
using the wrong connectors in my tests:
cheap D-Sub connectors where a metal shield is equalizing the 
temperature of 2 relative close neighboured contacts.

With best regards



Very interesting results - thanks for sharing your painstaking work. 
Hope you don't mind me asking a few questions though:

How are you dealing with the issue of drift in the thermocouple 
measurements (including the cold junction compensation)? Do you 
calibrate it periodically? Thermocouples aren't noted for high stability 
- but presumably at room temperature its perhaps not much of an issue.

Do you know what temperature the LTZ1000 references are operating at, 
and how long have they been operated for - ie. have they been aged prior 
to starting the long term test? (Presumably the answer to that is the 
fact that you are showing results from day 460 onwards?)

Have you any insight into how stable the ADC's reference (AD586LJ) is? 
I.E. Have you made any occasional or periodic measurements with other 
calibrated instruments during the long term test or is it the long term 
test results themselves which leads you to state: "After a run in phase 
of nearly 1 year the ageing of ADC #13 stabilized."?

Thanks, Tony H
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Re: [volt-nuts] Some questions to zeners (thermoelectric effects)

2013-01-28 Thread Tony Holt

On 27/01/2013 20:31, John Beale wrote:

On 1/27/2013 9:36 AM, Ed Breya wrote:
I think your expectations are not realistic - even if you could make 
such a

reference, you could not transport its voltage to the ADC without
thermoelectric effects causing error that would swamp the 
performance. To

keep everything below the 1 ppm/deg C range you would have to put the
entire circuit in controlled temperature - the reference, the ADC, 
and the

signal connection to the outside world.
Presumably, if the voltage reference uses an amplifier then a four wire 
connection can be used to eliminate all the EMFs between the reference 
and ADC other than those at the Kelvin connections at the ADC and 
reference/amp so that the reference and the ADC don't have to be in 
thermal equilibrium with each other. Could the sense wires be welded to 
the ADC pins between the solder connection to the PCB and the package to 
avoid the thermal EMFs of a solder joint?

I assume the hardest connections to keep thermally equalized would be 
the terminals connecting your reference/ADC to an external device. If 
your voltmeter is limited to low voltages, optimizing this suggests 
the smallest and most closely-spaced connections possible, embedded in 
an insulating but thermally conductive matrix (ceramic?). Standard 
banana jacks with 3/4 inch spacing and surrounded by plastic, seem far 
from "small" or "closely spaced" or "well thermally coupled"

For a couple of data points, here's one manufacturer's approach to 
dealing with thermal EMFs:

Their low thermal reversing switch uses plenty of copper and aluminium 
to minimise thermal differences, claiming typical thermal offset of only 
3nV, 10nV max! Its not clear (to me) though exactly where that 3nV is 
being measured and how effective the 1.5mm thick copper lugs connecting 
the reference source/DUT's terminals are at minimising temperature 
differences between the terminals in the presence of normal air currents 
in a typical Lab.

And this scanner: claims thermal 
EMFs of less than 15nV typical (30nV max) using lots of aluminium to 
keep relay contacts in thermal equilibrium.

Tony H

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Re: [volt-nuts] HP 3458A DC current accuracy

2012-07-10 Thread Tony Holt


Thanks for taking to trouble to respond. Its interesting that the Datron 
1281 has exactly the same issue - best 24hr uncertainty:

 DC V:  .5ppm + .3,
 Resistance: 1+ .3,
 DC A:   10   +  2

So its not a HP specific design trade-off. Perhaps there's something 
more fundamental such as the difficulty arranging the self-calibrating 
circuitry to include the shunt resistors. Perhaps your suggestion that 
current measurements are seen to be the poor relations to voltage and 
resistance has some merit, but I find it hard to believe the designers 
of these high-end instruments would compromise the current measurement 
accuracy unless it was very hard and/or expensive to avoid it.

Having said that, the voltage burden when measuring current is extremely 
poor for almost any multimeter you care to look at, making them useless 
for current measurements in many low voltage situations. Eg. measuring 
the short-circuit current of a .55V solar cell.

I've never understood why relatively expensive and sophisticated 
instruments don't have significantly lower resistance shunts in 
conjunction with appropriate amplification (at least as an option). The 
resulting loss of accuracy would be more than compensated by the reduced 
impact of the shunt resistor on the circuit under test.

I can't count the number of times I've had to use a 10 or 20A range to 
measure a few tens or hundreds of milliamps to prevent the shunt 
resistor badly affecting the measurement or even stopping the circuit 
working altogether. If you've only got a 3 1/2 digit meter you're not 
left with much resolution!


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