Re: [Vo]:Groking CoAM, Kepler and Rossi

2012-06-24 Thread David Roberson

Bravo Steven,  it sounds like you have been having a good time in your path of 
discovery.  I find myself in the same boat on occasions where I discover 
something that is new to me but then I find that it has been documented by 
others and recently wikipedia has been my worst foe.  At least you and I have 
the satisfaction of knowing that we are venturing into the unknown.  I like to 
think of my new concepts as suggesting that I could have been there first, but 
was not.  Regardless of the timing, it is mind opening to venture into these 
types of studies.

Much is learned about the natural world by actually exploring interesting 
concepts.  When the pieces fall together we get a better view of the entire 
picture that tends to remain in our memories far longer than one can recall a 
equation.  And as you suggest, unusual modifications from the original well 
known paths lead to interesting observations that might not make sense at the 
first look.

I have a tendency to think differently than others about natural phenomenon.  
You appear to exhibit that curse as well!  This type of reasoning has served me 
well in the past when I have solved extremely complicated problems that have 
been unresolved for months until an unorthodox idea appears.  The more we think 
about things in a different manner, the more likely it is to stumble upon these 
wondrous ideas.

Keep stressing your mind as it is extremely good for you.  A number of years 
ago I played chess with some very good players and I suspect that you may have 
done the same.  That should be a requirement for guys and gals that want to 
enter into the engineering or science fields in the future.  The deep planning 
necessary to play chess at a reasonable level is greatly advantageous for 
problem solving.

I find the CoE as a very useful guide as well.  That along with the CoM, 
coupled with a observation reference change can make many problems become much 
more transparent.  

I wish you good fortune my friend.


-Original Message-
From: OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson 
To: vortex-l 
Sent: Sun, Jun 24, 2012 6:25 pm
Subject: [Vo]:Groking CoAM, Kepler and Rossi

What do you do when you are trying to grasp the fundamentals of a well-known
hysics equation, an equation you had not been formally taught it in school?
ikipedia, of course! But what happens if what Wikipedia has to say on the
ubject confuses you even more? You do your best to reason out the
undamental elements that comprise the equation on your own recognizance.
ou hope that what you come up with will somehow miraculously match up with
hat the academic textbooks have to say on the subject.
The process of discovery can occasionally lead to surprising conclusions,
specially when you get around to comparing notes with what the priesthood
f physics has to say on the subject. You might discover the fact that while
our version of the equation seems to posses fundamental differences when
ompared to what is formally laid out in the textbooks, what you came up
ith nevertheless seems to explain the phenomenon in exactly the same way.
ot only that you can use your own equation to make the exact same
This recently happened to me while trying to grok a well know algebraic
ormula, the Conservation of Angular Momentum, or CoAM. It is intimately
elated to my on-going study of Celestial Mechanics through the use of
omputer simulation. Here's one of my prior posts pertaining to personal
esearch I've done in the field made back in March of 2012:
While continuing my research I eventually realized I needed to understand
he fundamentals of CoAM because I came to realize that the equation is an
ssential part of the physics that helps explain how Celestial Mechanics
CM) behaves. CoAM helps explain why a satellite orbiting a gravitational
ass, like a planetary body, typically assumes the path of an ellipse where
ne of the foci is located at the center of the planetary body. Why does the
elocity of an orbiting satellite as it swoops away from the planetary mass
low down? CoAM explains it. Why does the satellite's velocity speed up
ramatically during the return phase. Again CoAM explains the reason why.
hat is even more astonishing is why does the speeding satellite after it
as made its nearest approach break away? How can that possibly happen? Why
oesn't it crash into the planetary body since the gravitational influence
eing felt would be at its greatest strength? Again, CoAM explains why that
oesn't happen. I would conjecture that exactly how CoAM constantly comes to
he rescue is not necessarily that well groked by most folks, including
hysicists. I certainly didn't understand nor appreciate the incredible
ance of physics that is involved, not until I started taking a long hard
It is my hope that how I finally learned to grok CoAM might help others who
ay also occasionally 

[Vo]:Groking CoAM, Kepler and Rossi

2012-06-24 Thread OrionWorks - Steven Vincent Johnson

What do you do when you are trying to grasp the fundamentals of a well-known
physics equation, an equation you had not been formally taught it in school?
Wikipedia, of course! But what happens if what Wikipedia has to say on the
subject confuses you even more? You do your best to reason out the
fundamental elements that comprise the equation on your own recognizance.
You hope that what you come up with will somehow miraculously match up with
what the academic textbooks have to say on the subject.

The process of discovery can occasionally lead to surprising conclusions,
especially when you get around to comparing notes with what the priesthood
of physics has to say on the subject. You might discover the fact that while
your version of the equation seems to posses fundamental differences when
compared to what is formally laid out in the textbooks, what you came up
with nevertheless seems to explain the phenomenon in exactly the same way.
Not only that you can use your own equation to make the exact same

This recently happened to me while trying to grok a well know algebraic
formula, the Conservation of Angular Momentum, or CoAM. It is intimately
related to my on-going study of Celestial Mechanics through the use of
computer simulation. Here's one of my prior posts pertaining to personal
research I've done in the field made back in March of 2012:

While continuing my research I eventually realized I needed to understand
the fundamentals of CoAM because I came to realize that the equation is an
essential part of the physics that helps explain how Celestial Mechanics
(CM) behaves. CoAM helps explain why a satellite orbiting a gravitational
mass, like a planetary body, typically assumes the path of an ellipse where
one of the foci is located at the center of the planetary body. Why does the
velocity of an orbiting satellite as it swoops away from the planetary mass
slow down? CoAM explains it. Why does the satellite's velocity speed up
dramatically during the return phase. Again CoAM explains the reason why.
What is even more astonishing is why does the speeding satellite after it
has made its nearest approach break away? How can that possibly happen? Why
doesn't it crash into the planetary body since the gravitational influence
being felt would be at its greatest strength? Again, CoAM explains why that
doesn't happen. I would conjecture that exactly how CoAM constantly comes to
the rescue is not necessarily that well groked by most folks, including
physicists. I certainly didn't understand nor appreciate the incredible
dance of physics that is involved, not until I started taking a long hard

It is my hope that how I finally learned to grok CoAM might help others who
may also occasionally feel disenfranchised from what traditional physics
books might have to say on similar subjects. The experience lead me to a
belief that there may turn out to be many roads that lead to the Grand City
of Rome. Not only that, sometimes traveling down a less beaten path can have
its own unique surprises and rewards. I suspect Andrea Rossi is a perfect
example of such an individual who found his own unique pathway to the City
of Rome. I suspect he chose a road rarely travelled by others. The path he
chose could possibly end up turning the world of physics upside down -
assuming his eCats really do work, and perhaps most important of all, he
gets the chance to sell them en masse to the world.


Initially I tried reading what Wikipedia had to say on the subject. The
authors weren't of much help to me. See:

Something was missing. Nowhere in the all of the turgid mathematical
equations that had been written down was there the slightest hint of a
squared value. That bothered me. It bothered me because of my own extensive
computer simulation research into Celestial Mechanics, of how orbital bodies
are attracted to a central gravitational mass. I was also acutely aware of
Kepler's most famous law concerning planetary motion, his 2nd law which

A line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal
intervals of time

Kepler's 2nd law introduces a constant that manifests in our
three-dimensional universe in the form of a flat and fixed 2-dimensional
piece of area. No matter what shape that flat patch of area assumes the
amount of area remains constant. First a qwik refresher course on "area". An
area, such as a rectangle, is determined by multiplying two 1 dimensional
lengths held at 90 degrees to each other. It is often expressed as:

area = x * y.

If, as sometimes happens, x = y, representing a square, then you can
simplify the rectangular equation to:

area = x^2. 

There was the squared value! Based on my own experience of working with
computer simulations of orb