Re: [Vo]:TRIZ and the art of problem solving

2012-04-01 Thread Guenter Wildgruber
afterthoughts on the TRIZ-method.
it may not
be immediately evident, that Altshuller was a true Hegelian dialectic.
The core of
his concept was CONTRADICTION, which calls for a solution, which is the
synthesis in Hegelian dialectics.
As such,
Altshuller was a true adherent of the dialectical method.
ironically, brought him into the Gulag.
Why that?
The russian
nomenclatura believed, that they already represented the end of history, as
Hegel presumed. Anybody challenging this vieww has to be eliminated.
ideology, one way or the other, centers on the concept of evolution.
as envisioned in Hegelian dialectics, has no place in western ideology.
both ideologies converge on a minimalist static world-view.
Which is
funny in itself.
scientific worldview is quite similar.
In a sense
it is evolutionary on the grounds of logical argument, which leads us to
unproven -virtual- multiple universes.
Now the PTB
are not challenged in any way by some phantastic string-theorists or multiple
It is more
about keeping the world, as they like it, i.e., as it is.
phantasts shall have their playing ground, as long as they do not interfere
with the status quo.
So an
investment in CERN, which costs a meager 10-20 billion, serves exactly what
To keep the
fairly intelligent lot busy, to search for the Higgs-Boson, and not engage in
what is really relevant.
That is the
essence, I'm afraid.
intelligence-booster is monetized by:
One unit of
intelligence can be bought by X units of money.
A very
simple equation, which regularly pays out.

[Vo]:TRIZ and the art of problem solving

2012-04-01 Thread Guenter Wildgruber

This was triggered by a link from Peter Gluck.
(Thank you, Peter)

Maybe You do'nt know the problem-solving strategy of Zwicky, called the 
morphological box.
See here:
(Zwicky was an astronomer)

I always was quite unhappy with that.
It is sort of a bureaucratic 'solution'.

The TRIZ strategy, developed by the Russian Altshuller is quite different:
Following Altshuller's insight, the theory developed on a foundation of 
extensive research covering hundreds of thousands of inventions across many 
different fields to produce a theory which defines generalisable patterns in 
the nature of inventive solutions and the distinguishing characteristics of the 
problems that these inventions have overcome.

It is much more sophisticated than Zwicky's approach:
Identifying a problem: contradictions

Altshuller believed that inventive problems stem from contradictions (one of 
the basic TRIZ concepts) between two or more elements, such as, "If we want 
more acceleration, we need a larger engine; but that will increase the cost of 
the car," that is, more of something desirable also brings more of something 
less desirable, or less of something else also desirable.

These are called technical contradictions by Altshuller. He also defined 
so-called physical or inherent contradictions: More of one thing and less of 
the same thing may both be desired in the same system. For instance, a higher 
temperature may be needed to melt a compound more rapidly, but a lower 
temperature may be needed to achieve a homogeneous mixture.

An inventive situation which challenges us to be inventive, might involve 
several such contradictions. Conventional solutions typically "trade" one 
contradictory parameter for another; no special inventiveness is needed for 
CONTRADICTION, such as inventing an engine that produces more acceleration 
without increasing the cost of the engine.

See here for an entry:

Food for thought.
