Re: Flaky monitor

2004-01-03 Thread Craig Ringer

Rod Lavington wrote:

Hi Bill,

Do yourself a *big* favour and recycle this monitor!  They are the pits 
and will cost you more money than buying a decent 17" PC display with a 
12 month or 3 year warranty.

Where do you /get/ a decent 17"? The good manufacturers seem to have 
stopped making their good quality tubes, and only seem to make the 
'office' variants now. *icky*.

I think you can still get things like the Philips 109P though (I have 
one, and it's a fairly nice 19" monitor) but haven't seen many nice 17" 
monitors lately. Then again, I hear a Mitsubishi 2060U (22") is only 
about $1200 now. Ideally you'd want something like a Sony G520 (21") but 
they're ... a little pricey.

Naturally, this is all just opinion. Perhaps there's somewhere selling 
decent 17" monitors that's keeping quiet about it.

The sooner this attempt for a display 
disappears, the better the world will be!

Wow. Sounds like you've used them then ;-)

It's unfortunate how many monitors those words can be applied to, though.

Craig Ringer

re: Flaky monitor

2004-01-03 Thread Rod Lavington

Hi Bill,

Do yourself a *big* favour and recycle this monitor!  They are the pits 
and will cost you more money than buying a decent 17" PC display with a 
12 month or 3 year warranty.  The sooner this attempt for a display 
disappears, the better the world will be!

Honestly, they were poorly made by Apple and once they start to have 
problems, you will find that the monitor will constantly be in for 

I now step off my soap box ;-)

Best wishes for the New Year!


Re: Flaky Monitor

2004-01-02 Thread Craig Ringer



Now, on to the actual reply:

chesnutt wrote:
The problem: At startup, the monitor shows a severe pincushion effect, 
colours become all wrong, everything is blurred and out of focus.  
Fiddling with the controls on the monitor returns things to normal until 
the next startup/restart, when the problem reappears.

Is the monitor on the way out - or does anybody know of a possible fix?

If it's worth enough to you, you may be able to get it fixed by one of 
the few monitor repair shops in Perth. BlueTech is one, but there are at 
least 2 others. As decent-quality CRTs < 21" are getting scarce, this 
may be a worthwhile option, especially if they'll pick it up and quote 
you for the repair before charging.

Craig Ringer