Barney tribute

2006-03-06 Thread Kim
Someone suggested having the tribute to Barney on his birthday in July.  To 
quote our favorite deputy I think that's "a peach of an idea".  I also agree 
that Barney will remain with us, even though I liked the obit.  You know how 
they write up obituaries for prominent people ahead of time, lets just think of 
it as that.
  I also like the idea of letting Andy Griffith, and other cast members, know 
how much they mean to us.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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Barney tribute

2006-03-01 Thread JOHN Phillips
I think it would be good for all of us to do like the lady said a little while 
ago.  Lets pick a day and time and everyone pull out an invisible bullet from 
our shirt pocket(if you dont have a shirt pocket at the time pretend) and put 
it in our invisible gun and give ol barney a salute to Heaven thanking him for 
the memories...Goodbye Don. john 
phillips acworth georgia formely of huntsville alabama

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Barney tribute

2006-03-01 Thread Kim
Maybe as a tribute to Barney Fife, at a certain time on a certain day we can 
all pull an imaginary bullet from our pockets and load our imaginary pistols 
and give him a gun salute.
  Kim - Wylie, TX

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Corrected Barney Tribute

2006-02-27 Thread GRITTON, JOE A (SBC-OPS)
Hey I've gotten a couple nice notes about my last post, and I really
feed bad that I had a couple typo's in it, so I wanted to send again
with corrections.   Thanks again "Bill of the Desert" for the idea. 

Thanks for the Memories 
A Deputy named Fife, Thelma Lou his future wife, it doesn't matter that
he caught just a few crooks in his life...We'll miss him so much

Another hapless Jailbreak... A confident smirk and shake...  another
messed up fishing trip for Andy at the lake We'll miss our Bar-ney

It seems he's doomed to fail, nothin' but good guys locked in  jail, but
somehow his pal Andy will get him a commendation in the mail...That's
our De--puty  Fife

His deputy recruits are a joke, everyone knows he'll go for broke, he'll
make a federal case out of a harmless little poke, but that's just...

Thank God we've got TV, VHS and DVD, for years to come--generations
won't be glum...cause we'll laugh and love  our Bar--ney!!

He's really a live wire,  Many-a-shot he will misfire,  but in the end,
our singing friend is finally in the Heavenly Choir...We will miss
him so much.

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