[whatwg] IFRAME with conrols

2014-11-16 Thread Biju
It is years since we have popup blockers. Still most intranet
application uses window.open() frequently.
Usually it is to easily code a closable window with close/min/max controls.

As a user, I wish we could encourage to stop the need for coding popup window.
Can HTML5 add controls attribute to iframe, something similar to
video tag controls attribute.

Or even better if we can specify what all controls to show/not show.
(ideally by default show all, and  explicitly code not show options)

iframe src=some.html controls=max:no, min:no, close:yes,
resize:yes, popout:yes, move:yes /iframe

If an iframe have controls attribute it should be behave/displayed
like a MDI child window.

And have some methods like.
iframeObject.open(); // display window with current url
iframeObject.open(url); // display window navigate to new url
iframeObject.close(); // hide window
iframeObject.resize(width, height);
iframeObject.move(x, y);


[whatwg] HTML tags.Panorama, Photo Sphere, Surround shots

2014-11-16 Thread Biju
New cameras/phone cameras comes with Panorama, Photo Sphere, Surround
shot options. But there is no standard way to display the image on a
webpage. Can WHATWG standardize it and provide HTML tags.

Photo Sphere https://www.google.com/maps/about/contribute/photosphere/
Surround shot http://www.samsung.com/us/support/faq/FAQ00057110/74008


Re: [whatwg] New approach to activities/intents

2014-11-16 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Anne van Kesteren ann...@annevk.nl writes:

 A couple of us at Mozilla have been trying to figure out how to revive
 activities/intents for the web. Both work relatively well in closed
 environments such as Firefox OS and Android, but seem harder to deploy
 in a generic way on the web.

 What we've been looking at instead is solving a smaller use case. A
 Sharing API to start and then hopefully reuse the building blocks for
 other features that need to be liberated.

 https://wiki.whatwg.org/wiki/Sharing/API has a sketch for what a very
 minimal Sharing API could look like.

 Our thinking is that something like the overlay browsing context could
 be reused to make e.g. input type=file or save as extensible going

 However, admittedly it still doesn't really click. It feels a bit too
 much like e.g. the various search extensions browsers offer. Too much
 work for little return. Furthermore, freeing the web somehow from
 closely knitted silos seems like a worthwhile goal, but is often
 counter to what those silos are interested in. So it might be that
 we're still not quite there yet, thoughts appreciated.

I would actually love it if I got something more like the search
extensions, as they do work unobtrusively and without scripting.

I also find creating OpenSearch XML easier than scripting stuff.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann

Re: [whatwg] New approach to activities/intents

2014-11-16 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Roger Hågensen resca...@emsai.net writes:

 On 2014-11-13 18:19, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
 AFAIK, all of these interface details lie outside the scope of the 
 HTML specification (and rightly so, IMHO). If you need a standard 
 symbol for bookmarks I suggest to use U+1F516 BOOKMARK, which looks 
 like this „“. 

 Then don't spec it but advise or suggest it.  Even the bookmark example 
 says A user agent could determine which permalink applies to which part 
 of the spec
 thereby acting as a advisory hint/best practice suggestion (note the use 
 of could).

 I also tested the example code (with doctype html obviously) and the 
 browser behaviouir is still the same, rel=bookmark is simply ignored. 
 In that case shouldn't rel=bookmark be removed from the WHATWG HTML 
 spec to reflect actual use?

As long as it is produced and there do exist consumers? Probably not –
many browsers also do ignore rel=alternative, the cite attributes on
quotations, the datetime attribute on ins and del elements and so on.

Nils Dagsson Moskopp // erlehmann