Re: [whatwg] showModalDialog

2005-07-01 Thread Karl Pongratz

Hallvord Reiar Michaelsen Steen wrote:

On 1 Jul 2005 at 11:44, Sanghyeon Seo wrote:


Concerning recent thread about modal and modeless windows, did anyone
mention showModalDialog already?

I believe this functionality does come in handy in some cases.
Microsoft wouldn't have implemented it if there wasn't any demand?

One of the reasons why modal popup-windows are a very bad feature in 
a browser is that, unlike a desktop application, you don't really 
know what other pages you prevent the user from accessing by throwing 
up a modal dialog. To go with the address book example from the 
previous thread: I click edit in my fancy address book application, 
a modal window pops up, I want to go to the tab where my E-mail lives 
to copy the address I wanted to put in my address book and ... ouch, 
can't get to the E-mail because I use an integrated browser/mail 
client application and the modal dialog blocks access to all the 

If you want to copy an email address you will have a problem with any 
web app I think, traditional and Ajax based once. If you want to do that 
in a nice way you may need to use at least chromeless windows, yet you 
could use modal windows from the already opened chromeless windows, then 
you can access your main page even if a modal window is active.

I don't think showModalDialog should be in WHAT's spec.

Yep, Xforms may be more interesting, yet the web browser should handle 
at a minimum chromeless windows and if possible modal windows (in os 

I think 
current DHTML/AJAX tricks offer adequate solutions for modal dialogs.

I don't think that DHTML and AJAX are the holy grail and offer a 
solution to just everything. AJAX i.e. breaks the traditional browsing 
model (and I do certainly not understand why nobody complains in this 
case!), among others. No doubt that DHTML and AJAX offers some great 
hacks, but be careful where and how you use them.

Beside that, someone of the Xforms fellows has written a blog story that 
it can be a bit of an overhead to develop and maintain a DHTML/AJAX app 
compared to Xforms, and I think he is right, though I don't find the 
link right now.

Re: [whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-28 Thread Karl Pongratz

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

Matthew Raymond wrote:

  So I ask you, for this example, where is the benefit of modal 

I am using the current approach you describe, and as long as you have 
only a single additional window (the edit form) open it wouldn't be a 
problem, except if you want the user to explicitly complete a task, 
then modal would be required.

   I'm going to be lazy and ask you to provide the use case, since 
you're the one claiming one exists in the first place.

 In case of the addresses modal may not be

required, it depends if you want to allow the user to delete a 
contact while the same contact is open in the edit form.

   Simple way around that. Put the delete button in the editing window.

It probably wont harm something in this case but it may in others.

   /me coughs in a manner that sounds very much like the words use 

The problem starts in the edit form, if you want yet to open another 
window, lets say you want to attach a file to the address which is 
opened in the edit window, within the opened edit window you open a 
HTML File Manager. So you have 3 windows open, the address view in 
the main web browser window, the edit form in a new window (without 

   Every indication is that chromeless windows are on their way out.

I would be very sad if that would happen. Its currently the only way to 
keep forms out of history and to unlock them from the back/next button.

So I would suggest to keep them and improve them rather than removing them.

 and the File Manager in another

new window (without chrome). Wouldn't you use at least a modal window 
in case when you open the File Manager, if modal Windows would exist?

   Assuming the address can only be deleted by opening it in an 
address editing window and pressing delete, you have no use case in 
this situation, since the address can't be deleted until you return 
from the file manager. I would consider that this might be a problem 
in other situations, but I wonder if there aren't simple workarounds 
for it.

The File Manager is just one case, I face this problem many times 
where for an external edit form it would be convenient to open a 
modal sub window.

   So your use case for modal windows is that there are many 
convenient situations where you'd want to open a modal window...

So, Xforms may be a solution in that case if you don't require being 
the first window you open to be modal. By the way, I am simulating 
modal windows within the edit forms I use, but it is definitely a 
dirty hack to simulate multi web browser and multi os modal windows.

   Yeah, hacks like this run the risk of conflicting with native UI 
conventions, I'll give you that. However, it is widely accepted that 
modal UI is to be avoided anyway.

I have no objection to avoid them if they are not really required. 
Though what doing in the rare cases where you can't avoid them, I guess 
Apple applications are still using modal windows in the one or other 
case, and they will remain for another decade or two. Or is it different?


Re: [whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-28 Thread Karl Pongratz

James Graham wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

Matthew Raymond wrote:

   Every indication is that chromeless windows are on their way out.

I would be very sad if that would happen. Its currently the only way 
to keep forms out of history and to unlock them from the back/next 
So I would suggest to keep them and improve them rather than removing 

Well if you can think of an easy way to improve them so that they a) 
obviously belong to the browser and b) clearly display the full 
location then I'm sure UA vendors will be happy to hear from you. 
Otherwise, the internet being the way it is, chromeless windows, on 
the public internet at least, have a short life expectancy.

Yep, I would be very happy with this approach, to lock chromeless 
windows to the user agent and to always show the full location, and that 
you can't connect to another domain than of the domain from where you 
opened the window. This modification shouldn't be that difficult to 
implement for user agent vendors, I think... and hope. As far as I 
remember the domain restriction already exists.

So, Xforms may be a solution in that case if you don't require 
being the first window you open to be modal. By the way, I am 
simulating modal windows within the edit forms I use, but it is 
definitely a dirty hack to simulate multi web browser and multi os 
modal windows.

   Yeah, hacks like this run the risk of conflicting with native UI 
conventions, I'll give you that. However, it is widely accepted that 
modal UI is to be avoided anyway.

I have no objection to avoid them if they are not really required. 
Though what doing in the rare cases where you can't avoid them, I 
guess Apple applications are still using modal windows in the one or 
other case, and they will remain for another decade or two. Or is it 

It seems to me that two different issues have been conflated here: 
modal windows (those which prevent their parent window from being 
focused) and chromeless/navigationless windows. Whilst there are a 
very few occasions in which I can see modal windows being useful I can 
also imagine that they would be abused for all sorts of nasty things 
(even more instrusive adverts, for example).

The case where you require modal windows may be rare, yet they are 
extremely useful in those cases, I remember they are on the web 
applications wish list at Joel on software as well, , section 
Thursday, June 17, 2004.**

Yep, I am afraid that modal windows would be abused, as many other 
things, though I consider some content you find on the web much more 
harmful than modal windows could ever be, yet you allow authors to 
publish content on the web :-).

Thinking more about it, in my case I would require the modal windows on 
already opened chromeless windows, that could be a solution, limiting 
the use of modal windows to already opened chromeless windows, so that 
you can't open a modal window right away from a regular web browser 
window, that would make it much more difficult to abuse them. That is 
something I would be happy with and may cover most use cases where modal 
windows are required.

Re: [whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-28 Thread Karl Pongratz

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

James Graham wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

Matthew Raymond wrote:

  Every indication is that chromeless windows are on their way out.

I would be very sad if that would happen. Its currently the only 
way to keep forms out of history and to unlock them from the 
back/next button.
So I would suggest to keep them and improve them rather than 
removing them.

Well if you can think of an easy way to improve them so that they a) 
obviously belong to the browser and b) clearly display the full 
location then I'm sure UA vendors will be happy to hear from you. 
Otherwise, the internet being the way it is, chromeless windows, on 
the public internet at least, have a short life expectancy.

Yep, I would be very happy with this approach, to lock chromeless 
windows to the user agent and to always show the full location, and 
that you can't connect to another domain than of the domain from 
where you opened the window. This modification shouldn't be that 
difficult to implement for user agent vendors, I think... and hope. 
As far as I remember the domain restriction already exists.

  Did it occur to anyone that this is all hostile to the user? You 
prevent the user from accessing controls for browser (buttons, menus, 
et cetera). You prevent the user from going to another domain. You 
block their access to an underlying window. This all smacks of let's 
control the users, because the users are stupid.

I wouldn't call users stupid, I would call web browsers stupid if they 
are not capable to let the user complete a task in the most productive 
and logical manner. However, I thought we are talking about web 
applications, or do you want start reading your newspaper within 
Dreamweaver, a Color Picker or your File Manager? Is that what you 
intend :-) ?

I have no objection to avoid them if they are not really required. 
Though what doing in the rare cases where you can't avoid them, I 
guess Apple applications are still using modal windows in the one 
or other case, and they will remain for another decade or two. Or 
is it different?

It seems to me that two different issues have been conflated here: 
modal windows (those which prevent their parent window from being 
focused) and chromeless/navigationless windows. Whilst there are a 
very few occasions in which I can see modal windows being useful I 
can also imagine that they would be abused for all sorts of nasty 
things (even more instrusive adverts, for example).

The case where you require modal windows may be rare, yet they are 
extremely useful in those cases, I remember they are on the web 
applications wish list at Joel on software as well, , section 
Thursday, June 17, 2004.**

   Yeah, but he really doesn't way why. I was hoping he'd have a use 
case in there somewhere...

Are you sure you need a more detailed use case?

Yep, I am afraid that modal windows would be abused, as many other 
things, though I consider some content you find on the web much more 
harmful than modal windows could ever be, yet you allow authors to 
publish content on the web :-).

Thinking more about it, in my case I would require the modal windows 
on already opened chromeless windows, that could be a solution, 
limiting the use of modal windows to already opened chromeless 
windows, so that you can't open a modal window right away from a 
regular web browser window, that would make it much more difficult to 
abuse them. That is something I would be happy with and may cover 
most use cases where modal windows are required.

   Congratulations. You just reinvented xul:dialog. :)

   Seriously, though, why not just standardize a subset of XUL 
(sXUL) and use a compound document (XHTML + sXUL). We could make 
sXUL the standard for browser extensions while we're at it.

Pardon, there isn't much I know about Mozilla XUL in detail, XUL always 
sounded interesting, though as only Mozilla supports XUL ...


Re: [whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-28 Thread Karl Pongratz

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

Matthew Raymond wrote:

 Did it occur to anyone that this is all hostile to the user? You 
prevent the user from accessing controls for browser (buttons, 
menus, et cetera). You prevent the user from going to another 
domain. You block their access to an underlying window. This all 
smacks of let's control the users, because the users are stupid.

I wouldn't call users stupid, I would call web browsers stupid if 
they are not capable to let the user complete a task in the most 
productive and logical manner.

   How do modal windows let a user complete a task in a more 
productive way than a non-modal window? If you had two identical 
windows, except one is modal and one isn't, how would they be function 
differently from one another if the user never bothers to click on the 
parent window? Being modal has nothing to do with the content of 
functionality of the new window, and has everything to do with 
preventing the user from interacting with the parent window, which is 
obviously not designed to be used while another window is up, or you 
wouldn't need the modal window in the first place.

Thanks for explaining what a modal window is.

   Now, consider an AJAX app, using the address example. In the main 
window, you have a list of addresses. This is the Address-List state. 
When you click on an item to edit it, the application switches to the 
Address-Edit state and changes the UI to reflect what you can do in 
this new state. You edit the fields, then press save, delete or 
cancel. The appropriate operation is performed, and the state 
returns to Address-List with the UI being dynamically changed 
accordingly. The UI is managed by AJAX rather than a series of web 
documents, so there's no browser history to worry about, and even if 
you do hit the back button or go to another URL, the state and other 
information can be stored on the server, so that when you go back to 
the web app, the state is completely restored. (Actually, thinking 
about it, you could use AJAX to fetch HTML and implant it into the 
current document to change the UI.)

Let's take again the Wizard example, I think we had it already. I don't 
want to do the overhead to start synchronizing the client and server 
state, and I do not understand what sense it makes to have duplicate 
Back and Next buttons, one pair in the web browser and another pair 
inside the wizard. And, there is no need to restore the state, why 
should I do this overhead, open the wizard in a new window, and complete 
it. Though, we said that the wizard is not modal, but in a chromless window.

However, I thought we are talking about web applications, or do you 
want start reading your newspaper within Dreamweaver, a Color Picker 
or your File Manager? Is that what you intend :-) ?

   (I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I'll take a stab at it.)

   Why do we need a modal file dialog at all, especially in a browser? 
Browsers can view files and directories (see Internet Explorer), so 
what's the point. Just have Open File... take you to the system 
directory in the browser and add some associated panes for the 
directory tree, et cetera. Then you can open multiple files in tabs 
and still have the last directory I was on open.

Take the wizard I mentioned above, in a chromeless window. Within the 
Wizard you need

a.) to open a File Manager and
b.) to open a Color Picker and
c.) to open a Subform (due to the complexity of the Wizard)
The Local File Manager doesn't work in my case, in case that it works 
for you, there is still b.) and c.)
Of course I could just open another chromeless window but if I remember 
correct modal windows were invented to handle this cases. Anything wrong 
to use modal windows in a.), b.) and c.)?

The case where you require modal windows may be rare, yet they are 
extremely useful in those cases, I remember they are on the web 
applications wish list at Joel on software as well, , section 
Thursday, June 17, 2004.**

  Yeah, but he really doesn't [say] why. I was hoping he'd have a 
use case in there somewhere...

Are you sure you need a more detailed use case?

   There isn't a use case at that URL, so far as I can tell.

I think the above wizard example makes it clear why chromeless modeless 
and modal windows have there advantage. If that doesn't make it clear I 
am afraid that you don't want to understand and I am just wasting my time.


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Karl Pongratz


Sorry that I called you Graham :-).

You distinguish between the two that a modal or a modeless window is 
something entirely different of what is the current browser window, so 
its not a window, it is a modal_window or a modeless_window. If 
you currently click on a link for a new html document you could open it 
in the same window, in a new window or in a new tab. This shouldn't be 
possible with modal or with modeless windows, the link for such windows 
should indicate that it is modal or modeless and will always open as new 
window, preferably without chrome. This way you don't break the browser 
back/next button in you web browser. So, all remains the same, except if 
you open a modal or a modeless window.

The phishing scams problem.
a.) Always indicate the URI in a status bar, which can't be disabled. 
Though the URI shouldn't be editable, only indicate it.

b.) Don't allow to open modal/modeless windows from HTML email.
c.) Only allow to connect the modal/modeless window to the same domain 
as of the document from where you opened the modal/modeless window. I.e. 
if you click a link on and you open a modal 
window, then the content in the modal window can only be loaded from 
http://www.whatwg/org/modal_1.htm, it wouldn't be possible to establish 
a connection to a different domain, i.e. to

Proving a simple, fixed, navigational paradigm isn't out of date, 
it's essential to the usability of the web.
I don't think it breaks something because you don't touch the web 
browser back/next button in window, it only doesn't exist in 
modal/modeless windows, which are different from window.

is the WHATWG mailing list subscription form an example of a document 
or of an app?
I would say its a mini app, and the approach you use now, to browse to 
it, is legal, though I use it as the most trivial example.
Let's take the subscription page in case that we would have a modal 
window. You would still browse to the subscription page, though it 
wouldn't have any form field on it, instead there is a link Click here 
to subscribe, clicking on it opens a modal window (smaller than the 
main window), which contains the form fields for the subscription. Fill 
in the form, submit it, show some Thank you for your subscription, 
that's it, then close the window manually.

You may not want to do that for very simple forms like a subscription 
page, but it becomes very handy for complex forms where you use a lot of 
DHTML, AJAX, Xforms or whatsoever. As far as I know, AJAX applications 
break your web browser history, though if you do the complex AJAX part, 
let's say a complex Wizard, inside a modal window then it wont break you 
web browser history, and you wont have pages in your web browser history 
which shouldn't be there anyway.


J. Graham wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Karl Pongratz wrote:


(James actually :) )

My point is, you can browse web documents, but you can't browse web 
applications, the browsing model is out of date.

How do you distinguish the two? If we agree (we may not, I don't think 
you mentioned this) that it's undesirable to let web sites disable 
features such as the back button (and, because of phishing scams, this 
is certainly the direction that UA vendors are moving in - for example 
chromeless windows are likely to become extinct in the near future) 
there needs to be a way to distinguish between a web site and a 
(trustworthy) web app - is the WHATWG mailing list subscription form 
an example of a document or of an app? You can certianly browse to it 
and away from it but it has some app-like functionality. If we let 
that page disable the back button presumably there'll be no way to 
stop  any other site from doing so and we'll suffer all the UI 
problems I previously described.

Proving a simple, fixed, navigational paradigm isn't out of date, 
it's essential to the usability of the web. If you want to introduce 
technology that allows authors to break that model in situations where 
the it doesn't make sense [1] you have to make _really_sure_ you don't 
allow them to break it anywhere else.

[1] These are rarer than people believe - in  general you should try 
to write applications that can deal with the back button and other 
browser-provided navigation, rather than break when it is used.


Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Karl Pongratz

James Graham wrote:

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

Let's take the subscription page in case that we would have a modal 
window. You would still browse to the subscription page, though it 
wouldn't have any form field on it, instead there is a link Click 
here to subscribe, clicking on it opens a modal window (smaller 
than the main window), which contains the form fields for the 
subscription. Fill in the form, submit it, show some Thank you for 
your subscription, that's it, then close the window manually.

You may not want to do that for very simple forms like a 
subscription page, but it becomes very handy for complex forms where 
you use a lot of DHTML, AJAX, Xforms or whatsoever. As far as I 
know, AJAX applications break your web browser history, though if 
you do the complex AJAX part, let's say a complex Wizard, inside a 
modal window then it wont break you web browser history, and you 
wont have pages in your web browser history which shouldn't be there 

   If you have AJAX, why not submit form data via XMLHttpRequest 
rather than changing the current URL? That way, there is no back 
button within the context of navigating the application.

Indeed, that seems like a reasonable solution that doesn't require
multiple types of window (and fits the general HTTP model quite well
since a single web-app can be seen as a single resource accessible
through a single URL). There are various other pieces of technology in
the spec that make this sort of thing even easier (server-sent DOM
events, for example, so a system for the server to push data to the
client as necessary is easy to set up). Of course all this javascript
the downside that accessibility is hard to get right.

Well, if you have a Wizard with 6 steps done by AJAX, how do you explain 
to the user that he/she can't anymore use the web browser back/next 
button to navigate through the Wizard? Imagine you are at Wizard step 6, 
have filled in a ton of form fields and accidentally click the web 
browser back button, it will lead you somewhere, maybe to a resource you 
have visited before the Wizard resource. Does that sound as a logical 
browsing model which a user will ever understand?

Beside that, how many desktop applications do you know which don't use 
modal and modeless windows? I know many without a back/next button, but 
none without modal window support comes into my mind. Is the web browser 
damned to limit it to back/next only? Will the only alternative be Java 
Webstart, Microsofts XAML or Flash to get a desktop like user 
interaction model?


[whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Karl Pongratz


I appreciate that Xforms supports modal and modeless messages, yet I 
miss it in the web browser.

I could envision that as follows, lets take the address book of 
Microsoft Outlook, the desktop application, as an example.

You have a page (resource) my_addresses.html, a simple document that 
shows you all your addresses without any form fields. If you want to 
edit an address you click on it, which will open a modal window, this 
modal window should then contain the xforms document to edit the 
address, with a Save and Close and Cancel button. Cancel will close 
the modal window, no other action is taken. Save and Close will save the 
form data, closes the modal window and it will update the changes in the 
underlying my_addresses.html document, i.e. by reloading it.

You can do the same without modal windows, the traditional approach, see 
Views and Forms: Principles of Task Flow for Web Applications Part 1 
(Bob Baxley)

Though I believe the modal window approach would be much cleaner and 
saver, maybe Bob Baxley would have chosen that way, if modal windows 


Mark Birbeck wrote:


[I'm not on the WhatWG list, so this will probably bounce.]


I had a short look at the webforms and web applications 
specification at, I didn't find anything about 
modal and modeless windows. If there is anything to improve 
for html, xhtml, xforms and compound documents, then, in my 
opinion, the first missing feature that comes into my mind is 
the lack of modal and modeless windows.

XForms does already have modal and modeless messages, and I know that both
X-Smiles and formsPlayer have implemented them in such a way that the
message itself can contain other form controls. (I don't know about other
implementations, but my guess is they probably do, too.)

In other words, you can have a little sub-form that updates the main
instance data, but appears to the user as a separate 'window'. The only
difference then between modal messages and modeless ones are that modal
messages block execution until they have been closed, whilst modeless ones
can happily sit on top of the main form.

Note also that once again we get a much better model in XForms, since
actually what we are talking about is the behaviour of an abstract concept
-- a 'message' -- which will act differently on different platforms. We
don't say use some method call on the document or window object, as we have
to do in current solutions, but which is very difficult to make accessible.



Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

t: +44 (0) 20 7689 9232

Download our XForms processor from



Re: [whatwg] Re: modal and modeless windows

2005-06-27 Thread Karl Pongratz

Matthew Raymond wrote:

Karl Pongratz wrote:

I could envision that as follows, lets take the address book of 
Microsoft Outlook, the desktop application, as an example.

You have a page (resource) my_addresses.html, a simple document that 
shows you all your addresses without any form fields. If you want to 
edit an address you click on it, which will open a modal window, this 
modal window should then contain the xforms document to edit the 
address, with a Save and Close and Cancel button. Cancel will 
close the modal window, no other action is taken. Save and Close will 
save the form data, closes the modal window and it will update the 
changes in the underlying my_addresses.html document, i.e. by 
reloading it.

   Where do you need modal windows in this model? Someone clicks on 
the edit link to bring up an address editing page in a new window. You 
edit, then click save or cancel, which closes the window. AJAX and 
server-sent DOM events update the original window when you save. If 
the address is deleted or altered, server-sent DOM events can update 
the editing window to act accordingly. (In the event of a deletion, 
for instance, the editing window could change to a simple page saying 
This address has been deleted.) Since the dialog is not modal, you 
can edit multiple addresses at the same time, and you can even do so 
while the buddy you're sharing the address book with is editing it.

   As far as links go, the newly created address editing windows don't 
have a previous window because they were just spawned, and if they 
don't need links to load inside the window, then don't put any or have 
them spawn new windows.

   So I ask you, for this example, where is the benefit of modal windows?

I am using the current approach you describe, and as long as you have 
only a single additional window (the edit form) open it wouldn't be a 
problem, except if you want the user to explicitly complete a task, then 
modal would be required. In case of the addresses modal may not be 
required, it depends if you want to allow the user to delete a contact 
while the same contact is open in the edit form. It probably wont harm 
something in this case but it may in others. The problem starts in the 
edit form, if you want yet to open another window, lets say you want to 
attach a file to the address which is opened in the edit window, within 
the opened edit window you open a HTML File Manager. So you have 3 
windows open, the address view in the main web browser window, the edit 
form in a new window (without chrome) and the File Manager in another 
new window (without chrome). Wouldn't you use at least a modal window in 
case when you open the File Manager, if modal Windows would exist?

The File Manager is just one case, I face this problem many times where 
for an external edit form it would be convenient to open a modal sub 
window. So, Xforms may be a solution in that case if you don't require 
being the first window you open to be modal. By the way, I am simulating 
modal windows within the edit forms I use, but it is definitely a dirty 
hack to simulate multi web browser and multi os modal windows.

[whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-26 Thread Karl Pongratz
I had a short look at the webforms and web applications specification at, I didn't find anything about modal and modeless windows. If 
there is anything to improve for html, xhtml, xforms and compound 
documents, then, in my opinion, the first missing feature that comes 
into my mind is the lack of modal and modeless windows. I believe that 
the current internet web browsing model doesn't work for web 
applications, the most simple example is to subscribe to the 
mailing list, that you can i.e. return to the subscription page via the 
web browser back button. The example is very simple, though can someone 
tell me why I should want, respectively why I am allowed to return to a 
form page I just submitted, does that make any sense? That's where most 
problems start in regard to web applications, this is not the only 
problem, but probably one of the most significant once, the browsing 
model. Can we change the browsing model? I think yes, by introducing 
modal and modeless windows, view documents by using the traditional 
browsing model, but anything else, manipulating data and form 
submission, would be done in modal windows, and more. Well, its not that 
simple, it may require to modify the caching model and other parts as 
well, however, I consider them as the primer for anything else.

Any comments, does anybody know if this issue is somewhere addressed, 



Re: [whatwg] modal and modeless windows

2005-06-26 Thread Karl Pongratz


I have no objection to use forms via the browser back button if it is 
useful, I think Google or Yahoo search are typical examples as well. 
Though I am talking about applications where it is harmful or where it 
doesn't make sense to display the form again or to access it via the web 
browser history.

So should I allow it just because it is useful in some other cases? That 
doesn't work for me, simply said, something is wrong and needs to be fixed.

I am using pseudo modal windows for data manipulation in a lot of cases 
(DHTML wizards, etc run in pseudo modal mode), though they are pseudo 
because I jut open a new window without the chrome, I didn't have a 
single user which had any problem with it, though I remember one single 
user which didn't know about the web browser back button :-).

By the way, I don't break the web browser button on the regular main 
browser window, I simply don't use them in the opened pseudo modal 
windows if it is not necessary, respectively if it could harm something.

My point is, you can browse web documents, but you can't browse web 
applications, the browsing model is out of date.


J. Graham wrote:

On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Karl Pongratz wrote:

can someone tell me why I should want, respectively why I am allowed 
to return to a form page I just submitted, does that make any sense?

In order:
You might want to return to the form page to submit the form with 
different details. A typical example of this would be a rail timetable 
application where returning to the form page would allow adjustments 
to the journey without having to reenter the unchanged data. This is 
extremely common.

You are allowed to return to the previous form page because a) it's 
more often useful than not and b) because allowing authors to mess 
about with the back button would cause more harm than good. The back 
button is widely understood (moreso than links and, especially, the 
location bar, for example) and therefore important in making the web 
usable. Unscrpulous authors would take advantage of the ability to 
disable the back button to prevent users from backing out of their 
sites. The user would have no clue why the back button worked on some 
sites but not on others. To improve the UI, browser makers would 
prevent the back button from being disabled (c.f. popup windows).

That's where most problems start in regard to web applications, this 
is not the only problem, but probably one of the most significant 
once, the browsing model. Can we change the browsing model? I think 
yes, by introducing modal and modeless windows, view documents by 
using the traditional browsing model, but anything else, manipulating 
data and form submission, would be done in modal windows, and more. 
Well, its not that simple, it may require to modify the caching model 
and other parts as well, however, I consider them as the primer for 
anything else.

Having different types of windows doesn't make much sense to me. If 
you want to do abusable things like disabling the back button (or 
reading local files or using chromeless windows  or...) you need a way 
for a user to indicate that they trust you not to do anything evil. 
The most common way to do that at the moment is to run the application 
locally (although this clearly doesn't work - most spyware runs 
locally yet is evil)
