[Wikimediauk-l] Election Night Editathon(s?)

2015-04-13 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

If you are one of those people who like to stay up on election night
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_general_election,_2015>as all
the results come in, you might like to consider joining us in the General
Election 2015 Editathon.

So far we have started off booking the basement at Development House, where
Wikimedia is based, but it would be great to hear of other initiatives by
Wikimedians getting together to help update hundreds of pages, and indeed
we there will also be new pages to create.

Of course others might like to participate from the comfort of their own

With 650 constituencies producing results, new MPs elected and a need for
new infographic images there is a large amount of work to do. Wouldn't it
be great if we could make sure that when people google about the results on
the morning of 8th May, they get up-to-date verified information.

If we are to get anywhere near this goal, a certain amount of preparation
is needed, identifying pages likely to need updating, and working out how
to avoid edit conflicts etc.

Look at the 2010 election map
<https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:2010UKElectionMap.svg> and how it
changed during the night!

Anyway, nominations closed at the end of last week, so now is the best time
to start co-ordinating how we can cover this election.

Please add comments to the talk page here

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Outreach question

2015-03-18 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Ally's question is very interesting, and as shown by the responses, we
can't really be sure what's effective.

An experiment I have been running for the recent Cinema Museum Editathon
has been to set up a publicity subpage
which includes links to the page views for the sign up page.

I would welcome comments on this on the event talk page

I am already aware that this was a somewhat clumsy first step, but what i
would like to refine is a publicity template that can be added to event
pages and which

   - provides prompts for suitable ways of conducting publicity
   - a record of what has been done so that a group of people preparing for
   the event can pick up on jobs and not repeat that which others have already
   - a record of when things were done (see below)
   - a link to the metrics for the page, so that we can easily compare
   publicity actions and hit count (but we need to remain aware of the
   limitations of any such correlation)

Perhaps we could find somewhere on-wiki to share our thoughts on this. Any
ideas where would be best?

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Education Program Extension Userrights

2015-02-25 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Following Edward's email I would encourage anyone involved in editathons or
who is interested in becoming either an online or campus ambassador to
check out:

Wikipedia:Education program/Ambassadors

At the bottom of the page are links to apply for online and campus
ambassador userrights. These then show up on the Wikipedia:Education
noticeboard <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Education_noticeboard>.
Established Wikimedians will have no problem getting userrights, but
sometimes the process needs a bit of nudge to get it sorted out a bit

Currently this is very much addressed to supporting the Education Program,
especially in the USA/Canada. However, various wikimedians in different
chapters across the world (eg
Education Program:Cascadia Wikimedians User Group
are experimenting with using it to run editathons. the Cinema Museum
editathon is one of these in the UK.

This piloting will enable us to:

   - identify how effective the extension is
   - identify how it might be adapted to be more useful for editathons
   - get feedback as regards how friendly people find the interface

Of course, obtaining campus or ambassador userrights also enables
wikimedians to interact more effectively with students on one of the
courses, whether in the UK or further a field.

One issue that warrants further consideration is the extent to which
students get involved with Wikipedia in one of these courses, but never
appreciate the existence of the broader Wikimedian community around them.
Whilst we wouldn't want to be disruptive to the class by pushing community
involvement too hard, we can explore appropriate ways to highlight
opportunities to the students with the approval of the academics running
the courses.

I think there is a lot of room for thought about this.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Cinema Museum, London editathon Saturday 7th March

2015-02-24 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Just to let you all know that we are having an editathon at the Cinema
Museum on Saturday 7th March.

The editahon page
is a little different as we are using the Education Program
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Education_program> extension.
Feedback on the user interface would be very helpful. Please note, to
register you click "enroll". I intend to draw together a list of
suggestions as regards ways in which the page design could be imporved.

Another innovation is the publicity sub page. There are two ideas behind

   1. This allows volunteers to help with publicity online (putting posts
   on facebook etc.) and to record what they have done to avoid repetition.
   2. There is also a link to the page views which means that we can then
   look for the immediate impact of a publicity action. For example, the page
   hits peaked at 65 following the advertising of the event on the Wikimedia
   UK Facebook page <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaUK?fref=ts>.

It would be great to see you on the day if you can come, and any help with
online publicity would be greatly appreciated.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Wikipedia Science Conference, 2nd and 3rd September 2015

2015-02-19 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Planning is going ahead for this autumn's Wikipedia Science Conference.
Weare keen to build community involvement into this from the outset.

There is new Planning subpage
<https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Wikipedia_Science_Conference/Planning> where
you can help shape this conference and catch up on volunteer opportunities
in the run up to the conference itself.

This conference has great potential in bringing together both Wikimedians
and scientists to discover the common ground which will make future
colloboration so exciting.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Postponement of Volunteer Strategy Gathering

2015-02-11 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Postponement of Volunteer Strategy Gathering

Wikimedia UK has reluctantly decided to postpone the volunteer strategy day
which was scheduled for Saturday 28 February. This will now happen later in
the year. The primary reason for this postponement is that there is more
value to the charity and its volunteers in holding the event later in the
year when a budget will be in place, when the charity has a new CEO and any
pending structural or other changes to the staff team have taken effect.

The event represents a significant investment of volunteer time and effort
and so it is appropriate that we value that time respectfully. Like all
other resources, volunteer time is limited and we do not wish to leave
anyone feeling that their time was wasted because the event took place too

Please do be assured that conversations that may have happened at the
gathering will still take place. The charity is still very keen to consult
with the volunteers and members on the proposed topics (and any others, of
course) but for the time being these will be focused online rather than in
person. We are looking at hosting regular group conversations online,
either by Google Hangout, Skype or conference call. More information about
the practical details will be made available presently.

Q: Why was the event postponed when it is only three weeks away?

A: We feel that the event will be more helpful later in the year. There
will be more substantial matters upon which volunteers can have a
meaningful influence.Furthermore, the new chief executive will be in post
and they will welcome the chance to engage with as many members of the
community as possible.

Q: When will the new event take place?

A: We are working on the basis that the next volunteer strategy gathering
<https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/Volunteer_Strategy_Gathering/2015> will take
place in September. This will give the new CEO plenty of time to establish
themself in the new role and have an understanding of our community and the
charity's needs.

Q: What about the topics up for discussion?

A: The postponement will allow these conversations to be developed, with
the Wikimedia UK Wiki, being the primary channel for this. We are also
piloting using the Education Program Extension
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Education_Program_extension> at the Cinema
Museum editathon
Saturday 7th March and are looking at other opportunities to gain some
experience. If you would like to participate piloting the Education Program
Extension, or have some other innovation that you would like to see tested
please contact: fabian.tomps...@wikimedia.org.uk

Q: I have already booked my travel. What happens to my ticket?

A: If you are able to get a refund, please do so. However if a full refund
is not possible, please send us the documentation and we will ensure that
you are not out of pocket.

For all inquiries regarding the ongoing development of our volunteer
strategy, including the future gathering, please contact

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Wikimedia UK Volunteer Strategy Gathering 2 (28th February 2015)

2015-01-19 Thread fabian . tompsett

Hi all, Registration is now open for the Volunteer Strategy Gathering 2.
We shall be in Birmingham again,however at a different venue, the
Priory Rooms

This event will be taking place on Saturday 28th February at:
The Priory Rooms,
Quaker Meeting House
40 Bull Street
B4 6AF
We will be gathering from 10:00 am and really getting down to things
about 11:00 am.
Please see https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/VSG2 for more information
Please complete this form to book your place:

I've invited you to fill out the form Wikimedia UK Volunteer Strategy
Gathering 2 (28th February 2015). To fill it out, visit:
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Volunteer Strategy Gathering 1 Data

2015-01-15 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Happy Wikipedia Day <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Wikipedia_Day>!

The raw data from the post-it notes which John Cummings kindly got people
to fill out is available at this google document: Volunteer Strategy
Gathering 1 Data

I have coded these responses, principally through the use of colour and
upload to commons, see the galleries on Volunteer Strategy
Gathering/November 2014/Data
Coding is always somewhat subjective so if people want to adopt another
approach, the raw data is available.

I am working in preparation for the Volunteer Strategy Gathering 2
about which more details will be available soon. However, I would encourage
everyone to look at the ideas which are coming up and think how they would
like to contribute to the shaping of the second gathering.

Please contribute to the wiki or contact me by email, phone etc.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Wikimedia UK Survey

2015-01-15 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

A big thank you to all of you who have completed the Volunteer Survey. It
is a big help, and the data generated will feed into our strategy

There may be some of you who haven't received an e-mail about the survey,
but there is still time if you can spare a few minutes, as the closing date
will be Sunday 18th January.

Just follow this link: Wikimedia UK Volunteer Survey

The results will be made available in due course.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] WLM awards ceremony and community Xmas party 2014

2014-12-04 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

We shall be having a Wiki Loves Monuments and community Xmas party 2014 in
the basement at Development House on Thursday 18th December from 5pm to 8pm.

Please bring a bottle to add to the festivities.

It would be great to see you there.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746

Wikimedia UK is a Company Limited by Guarantee registered in England and
Wales, Registered No. 6741827. Registered Charity No.1144513. Registered
Office 4th Floor, Development House, 56-64 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4LT.
United Kingdom. Wikimedia UK is the UK chapter of a global Wikimedia
movement. The Wikimedia projects are run by the Wikimedia Foundation (who
operate Wikipedia, amongst other projects).

Visit http://www.wikimedia.org.uk/ and @wikimediauk
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] FDC Recommendations/Volunteer Strategy Gathering, Saturday 29th November

2014-11-21 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) has published its recommendations
several days early


Whilst this means a reduction of funding for Wikimedia UK, having the
information a week before our Volunteer Strategy Gathering is certainly

Wikimedia UK is keen to ensure as many of our volunteers as possible
participate in this gathering, and so is willing to cover reasonable
volunteer travelling expenses and accommodation where appropriate.

The gathering will be in Birmingham (see details here
with a further gathering planned for the end of February.

In light of Jon Davies' resignation and the initiation of a process to
choose a new permanent CEO in the New Year, this gathering is likely to be
of pivotal significance. With the publication of the FDC recommendations,
the discussions will take place with the benefit of a better understanding
of the financial environment in which WIkimedia Uk will find itself.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] London Wiki Wednesdays Special events

2014-10-21 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

We are continuing to keep the Wikimedia UK office open until 8pm on
Wednesday evenings, and now have some special events.

See London Wiki Wednesdays

The ones coming up shortly are:

   - October 29th Featured articles Wiki Wednesday
   - <https://donate.wikimedia.org.uk/civicrm/event/info?id=152&reset=1>November
   5th Wikidata Wiki Wednesday

Hope you can make it.

We still have a couple of slots available for London Wiki Wednesdays this
year, so if there's any aspect of being a Wikimedian you would like to
discuss, do get in contact!

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] London Wiki Wednesdays

2014-10-09 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

London WikiWednesdays <https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/London_Wiki_Wednesdays>
are being developed as way that Wikimedia UK can interact more with the
Wikimedia community and our volunteers.

This is a bit experiemntal, and so we have scheduled in teh wednesdays up
until 17th December to see how it goes.

Basically, it's about having a regular weekly opportunity to get together
with low outlay of resources, by using our base at Development House on
Wednesday evenings (6-8pm)

We have tried this out a bit with volunteers recruited to work on
Wikimania. We now want to engage a broader range of Wikimedians based in

Most weeks it will be either in the office, or on occasions when we want to
attract broader members of the public we will use the rooms in the basement.

The aim is to be a bit more focused than the Monthly meet ups (with an
option for socialising after 8pm) and we want volunteers to see it as an
opportunity to get some of their own ideas taken forward.

So please add any ideas you may have to the weeks which currently just say
"General drop-in". e.g. if there is someone who has experience using snuggle
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Snuggle>, that would make a great

Whilst it is our aim to keep these sessions informal, it is useful to know
whetehr to expect you, so please confirm if you intend to come.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
*Mobile: *07840 455 746
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Meetup Venues

2014-09-30 Thread Fabian Tompsett
I think we need to look at the sort of things we want out of a venue:

   - Not too noisy
   - Decent food/drink, but not too expensive
   - Spacious rather than cramped (particularly important for people with
   - Ideally, a children's play area attached
   - Near railway station for people out of town and with parking not to
   far away for those who still drive cars.

Perhaps there are some other points that could be added.I am not sure about
public Wifi asI am getting increasingly nervous about security issues as
regards this. However, perhaps we can organise Wikimifis for the occasion.

all the best
all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Wikidata Training, London Saturday 11 Oct

2014-09-26 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Wikimedia UK will be running a one day workshop on Wikidata.

This will be in the basement of Development House, London, the building
where Wikimedia UK offices are located. If you are interested in coming
please register here

We are very lucky to have Magnus Manske lead the session and we are
particularly keen to encourage our accredited trainers to attend as we plan
to build the capacity to run more sessions up and down the country.
Wikidata is an amazing innovation which promises to have an increasingly
significant impact both on the way Wikipedia works as well as on the wider
Open Data movement. This is a good opportunity to get a clearer
understanding of how Wikidata works.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Volunteer Support Organiser,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0990
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Wikimania UK Scholarships

2014-06-13 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

Just a reminder that the deadline for Wikimedia UK Scholarships to
Wikimania 2014 is rapidly approaching:

Deadline: Sunday 15th June.

If you are interested, you can find the application form here

Looking forward to seeing you at Wikimania!

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Wikimania Support Team,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0991
Mobile: 07548 103787
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] A chance to visit the Barbican pre Wikimania, 8 June

2014-05-31 Thread Fabian Tompsett
Hi all,

In order to start getting a feel for Wikimania 2014
<http://wikimania2014.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page>, we shall be having an
informal visit to the Barbican Centre
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/en:Barbican_Centre> on Sunday 8th June.

If you fancy coming along, please add your name here

We will be joining the London Meetup
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meetup/London/82> in Penderel's Oak later.

all the best

Fabian Tompsett,
Wikimania Support Team,
Wikimedia UK,
Address: 56-64 Leonard St,
London EC2A 4LT
 Phone:020 7065 0991
Mobile: 07548 103787
Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: https://wikimedia.org.uk

[Wikimediauk-l] Stay in touch with me through LinkedIn

2013-01-01 Thread Fabian Tompsett

I'd like to include you in my network to share updates and stay in touch.

- Fabian

Fabian Tompsett
Community editor at Wikipedia
London, United Kingdom

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Wikimedia UK mailing list
WMUK: http://uk.wikimedia.org