Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-12-11 Thread Launchpad Janitor
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-25 Thread Jérôme Duriez
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Jérôme Duriez posted a new comment:
I do not know..

In my case, the major issue was at the very first step of the simulation. The 
insertion collider version I proposed solved at least the contact detection for 
this very first step.
For contact detection during the simulation, the fix was probably less 
efficient, as I mentionned in the bug report. (different parts of the collider 
code apply for very first step and next steps, if I remember well)

This is quite old for me now, but all my passed efforts are described on
the bug report. It may be worth for you to give a try with what I
proposed at that time, and it may give you some ideas to complete the
fix, if necessary ?

Anyway, I would be very happy if this is finally useful (hoping that the
collider did not change too much in the meantime..)

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-25 Thread Raphaël Maurin
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Status: Needs information => Open

Raphaël Maurin gave more information on the question:
Hi Jerome !

Thank you for your tests ! On the picture you sent me by email, you can
see very few particles at the bottom of the sample (one or two layers at
most, which makes ~20 particles), but actually you introduced 120
particles ! And if you look carefully, some particles are completely

So it seems you are able to reproduce the bug. 
In my case, when I put the flag lateralWalls to 1 (line 11 of the script), it 
is completely different: you can see a deposit of about 5 layers of particles 
as expected, and no weird overlapping. 

I saw the bug you mentioned and I believe that it is linked. Do you
think the new version of the insertion collider you proposed would fix
the problem ?


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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-25 Thread Jérôme Duriez
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Jérôme Duriez posted a new comment:

- after a 2d play (then automatic pause) all the spheres lie on the
floor, in a way that does not seem problematic to me. I ll send you some
pictures directly.

Anyway, I won't be surprised that Yade uncomplete periodic simulations (with 
allowBiggerThanPeriod flag) face problems. See 
(I can not be sure it is related to your case, though)

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-25 Thread Jérôme Duriez
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Status: Open => Needs information

Jérôme Duriez requested more information:
I gave another try with your new script (re-correcting the material
definition ;-) ). With or without lateralWalls, I see:

- after a first "Play" (then automatic pause), the sample stops in both
cases in a state that does not really look like in equilibrium: some
spheres have very few contacts with others, such that it is hard to
imagine they are balanced.

- after a 2d

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Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-24 Thread Raphaël Maurin
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Raphaël Maurin gave more information on the question:
Hi Jerome,

I will try to be more explicit on the way to reproduce the bug, and try to put 
a script that works directly ! =)
Taking the script below, which is a simple gravity deposition with bi-periodic 
boundary condition + a possibility to break the periodicity with lateral walls 
when putting the flag lateralWalls equal to 1.
- You run the script exactly as it is. Open the 3D viewer. Put run. After the 
gravity deposition, it pauses. If you press run again, it will make a 
simulation increment of 0.2s. When you do it, you will see (at least I see!) 
that the particles takes less and less space at the bottom of the sample. They 
actually completely overlap each other for no reason. 
- You can redo exactly the same with the flag lateralWalls to 1, and you will 
see that the problem is gone. 
- You can play with the script, and vary the width or the length of the system. 
It happens only if the width or the length of the periodic cell is of the order 
of 2 or lower. 

I hope it is more clear ! Can you first tell me if you can reproduce the
bug ?

Thanks !


new script: 
from yade import pack, plot
import math

diameterPart = 6e-3 #Diameter of the particles, in meter

length = 10*diameterPart#length of the stream
width = 2*diameterPart  #width of the stream 
Nlayer = 5  #nb of layers of particle, in diameter

#Option to put lateral walls and break the biperiodicity
lateralWalls = 0

height = 10*Nlayer*diameterPart #heigth of the periodic cell
groundPosition = height/4.0 

O.materials.append(ViscElMat(en=0.5, et=0., young=5e6, poisson=0.5, 
density=2500, frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))  
#O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=5e6, poisson=0.5, density=2500, 
frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))  

#Definition of the semi-periodic cell
O.periodic = True 

#To be compatible with lateral walls
leftLimitY = 0.0
rightLimitY = width
centerLimitY = width/2.0

#If lateralWalls, add the walls and increase the cell size to avoid particle 
touching the walls to appear on the other side
if lateralWalls:
#Warn the user
print '\nlateralWalls option activated: mono-periodic boundary 
condition only !\n'
#Increase the cell size
#Modify accordingly the position of the center of the cell and the wall 
right and left position
leftLimitY = diameterPart
rightLimitY = width+diameterPart
centerLimitY = diameterPart + width/2.0
#Define the wall and add to the simulation
sidePlaneL = box(center= 
(length/2.0,leftLimitY,height/2.0),extents=(2000,0,height*10),fixed=True,wire = 
True,color = (1,0,0), material = 'Mat')
sidePlaneR = box(center= 
 material = 'Mat',color = (0,0,1))

# Ground reference and Wall on the side
lowPlane = box(center= 
 = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat')  #Build a plane to have a reference for the eyes
O.bodies.append(lowPlane) #add to simulation

#Create a loose cloud of particle inside the cell
partCloud = pack.SpherePack()

partVolume = pi/6.*pow(diameterPart,3.)
partNumber = int(Nlayer*0.6*diameterPart*length*width/partVolume) #Volume of 
#Define the deposition height considering that the packing realised by make 
cloud is 0.2
depositionHeight = Nlayer*0.6/0.1*diameterPart #Consider that the packing 
realised by make cloud is 0.2 
 rMean=diameterPart/2.0, num = partNumber)

O.engines = [
 = True),
[Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
#   [Ig2_Sphere_Sphere_ScGeom(), Ig2_Box_Sphere_ScGeom()],
,label = 'interactionLoop'),
PyRunner(command='gravityDeposition()',virtPeriod = 0.05,label = 
GlobalStiffnessTimeStepper(defaultDt = 1e-4, viscEl = 
True,timestepSafetyCoefficient = 0.7,  label = 'GSTS'),
NewtonIntegrator(damping=0.2, gravity= Vector3(0.,0.0,-9.81), 
#save the initial 

Re: [Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-24 Thread Jérôme Duriez
Question #275284 on Yade changed:

Jérôme Duriez posted a new comment:
Hi Raphael,

I gave a try launching your script (after correcting the material
definition ;-) ) but I still do not get exactly your issue,
unfortunately. In case others are in the same case than me, would it be
possible for you to isolate a simpler configuration when this issue
arises ?

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[Yade-users] [Question #275284]: bug with periodic cell of the order of the particles diameter

2015-11-23 Thread Raphaël Maurin
New question #275284 on Yade:

Hi all, 

There seems to be a bug in yade when simulating problems with a periodic cell 
length of the order of the diameter (typically ~2d): some particles are 
completely overlapping each other, and behave as a unique particle. 

>From what I tested, the bug is independent from:
- the particles material properties (stiffness, viscous damping, friction 
angle, density), 
- the contact law (can be also pbserved with 
Law2_ScGeom_FrictPhys_CundallStrack with a time step ~10^{-6})
- the time step
- the diameter of the particles
- the number of particle layers

I tested on yadedaily 1.10.0-72-d9ab58c~precise, yade from source git-3e1e44a, 
on two different computer running with Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.

Below the message, you will find a simplified script that reproduce the 
problem. It is just a gravity deposition with or without lateral walls 
(lateralWalls = 1 or 0), prescribing the width and length of the periodic cell, 
and the number of particle layers that you want to obtain.  
The bug arises when the length or width of the periodic cell is inferior to 
about 2.2d. Adding lateral walls (lateralWalls = 1 in the script) solves the 
problem.  For periodic cell length/width of 5d or upper, I never had any 

Are you able to reproduce the bug ? If yes, do you have any idea of why that is 
happening ?

Thanks in advance !


from yade import pack, plot
import math

## Main parameters of the simulation
diameterPart = 6e-3 #Diameter of the particles, in meter
densPart = 2500 #Density of the particles, kg/m3

lengthCell = 2  #Streamwise length of the periodic cell, in diameter
widthCell = 10. #Spanwise length of the periodic cell, in diameter
Nlayer = 5  #nb of layers of particle, in diameter

#Option to put lateral walls and break the biperiodicity
lateralWalls = 0


#Geometrical configuration, define useful quantities
height = 10*Nlayer*diameterPart #heigth of the periodic cell
length = lengthCell*diameterPart#length of the stream
width = widthCell*diameterPart  #width of the stream 
gravityVector = Vector3(0.,0.0,-9.81)
groundPosition = height/4.0 

#Particles contact law parameters
maxPressure = densPart*0.6*Nlayer*diameterPart*abs(gravityVector[2]) #Estimated 
max particle pressure ("hydrostatic")
normalStiffness = maxPressure*diameterPart*1e4 #Evaluate the minimal normal 
stiffness to be in the rigid particle limit (cf Roux and Combe 2002)
youngMod = normalStiffness/diameterPart #Young modulus of the particles from 
the stiffness wanted.

#O.materials.append(ViscElMat(en=0.5, et=0., young=youngMod, poisson=0.5, 
density=densPart, frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))  
O.materials.append(FrictMat(young=youngMod, poisson=0.5, density=densPart, 
frictionAngle=0.4, label='Mat'))  

#Definition of the semi-periodic cell
O.periodic = True 

#To be compatible with lateral walls
leftLimitY = 0.0
rightLimitY = width
centerLimitY = width/2.0

#If lateralWalls, add the walls and increase the cell size to avoid particle 
touching the walls to appear on the other side
if lateralWalls:
#Warn the user
print '\nlateralWalls option activated: mono-periodic boundary 
condition only !\n'
#Increase the cell size
#Modify accordingly the position of the center of the cell and the wall 
right and left position
leftLimitY = diameterPart
rightLimitY = width+diameterPart
centerLimitY = diameterPart + width/2.0
#Define the wall and add to the simulation
sidePlaneL = box(center= 
(length/2.0,leftLimitY,height/2.0),extents=(2000,0,height*10),fixed=True,wire = 
True,color = (1,0,0), material = 'Mat')
sidePlaneR = box(center= 
 material = 'Mat',color = (0,0,1))

# Ground reference and Wall on the side
lowPlane = box(center= 
 = (0.,1.,0.),material = 'Mat')  #Build a plane to have a reference for the eyes
O.bodies.append(lowPlane) #add to simulation

#Create a loose cloud of particle inside the cell
partCloud = pack.SpherePack()

partVolume = pi/6.*pow(diameterPart,3.)
partNumber = int(Nlayer*0.6*diameterPart*length*width/partVolume) #Volume of 
#Define the deposition height considering that the packing realised by make 
cloud is 0.2
depositionHeight = Nlayer*0.6/0.1*diameterPart #Consider that the packing 
realised by make cloud is 0.2 
#Create a cloud of partNumber particles PHF change to 0.1