[Stats] Yojimbo Talk: October 2007

2007-11-01 Thread LassoSoft ListSearch.com
1) Yojimbo Talk Stats: October, 2007
2) Yojimbo Talk Searchable Archives

1. Yojimbo Talk Stats: October, 2007

Note: Up/Down % as compared with September, 2007

Posts:   44 (Up 11%)
Authors: 29 (Up 24%)
Threads: 15 (Up 27%)

Top 20 Contributors by Number of Posts
Marlyse Comte4
Mark F   4
Niels Kobschätzki3
Florian Leitner  2
Jason Davies 2
Jim DeVona   2
Rhet Turnbull2
Kenneth Kirksey  2
Grover Saunders  1
John Chandler1
Rich Siegel  1
John Chennells   1
Graham Hughes1
Patrick Gilmour  1
Hugh Evans   1
Thomas Andersson 1
Charlie Garrison 1
Jon Baer 1
Jim Correia  1

Top 14 Threads by Number of Posts
Time Machine?   10
password hell6
Import with Spotlight comments as tags   6
Leopard trouble  4
feature request: quickly show collections to which an item belongs   3
Tags seem to be a very superficial add-on [currently?]   2
Macworld Readers' Choice Awards  2
Macworld Readers' Choice Awards - apology2
Yojimbo & Pukka Applescript  2
Search not working under Leopard 2
Or Tag Collection?   1
yojimbo & mailtags   1
On Yojimbo and Time Machine  1
[admin]  Time Machine?   1

2. Yojimbo Talk Searchable Archives

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Re: Search not working under Leopard

2007-11-01 Thread Andrew Janjigian
Works fine for me too, beach ball and all.

On 10/31/07, Jan Pieter Kunst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/10/30, Michael Griffith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > Issue #1
> > When I have the library selected and I type a search term, nothing
> > happens.  Library, Notes, Archive, etc. all ignore any search terms.
> >
> > Issue #2
> > Typing a search term while on a tag collection works as expected.
> > Clicking on Library, Notes, Archive, etc. doesn't clear the search
> > term and the right pane doesn't update.
> >
> > Anyone else having similar issues?
> Everything works normally for me (Leopard install on empty partition,
> Yojimbo + its data copied over manually).
> JP
> --
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Using Yojimbo with Spaces

2007-11-01 Thread Gabriel Schwartz
I just wanted to pass on a hint that may be useful for those that use  
the Yojimbo drop dock, and would like it to appear in every Space.  I  
seem to have this working:

1) Go into Spaces preferences.

2) Add Yojimbo to the list of assigned applications and assign it to  
"Every Space".

3) Using Finder, find the Yojimbo application, right-click, select  
"Show Package Contents", open the Contents, then the Resources folder.

4) Keep the Finder window open, go back into Spaces preferences and  
click the + button to add a new application to the list.  Drag the  
Yojimbo Helper icon from the Finder window into this dialog, and click  

5) Assign Yojimbo Helper to "Every Space" as well.

6) Restart Yojimbo, and the drop dock should be now be available from  
all your Spaces (it is for me, at least!)


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