Re: [zfs-discuss] Migrating 10TB of data from NTFS is there a simple way?

2009-07-09 Thread Lejun Zhu
 Ok so this is my solution, pls be advised I am a
 total linux nube so I am learning as I go along. I
 installed opensolaris and setup rpool as my base
 install on a single 1TB drive. I attached one of my
 NTFS drives to the system then used a utility called
 prtparts to get the name of the NTFS drive attached
 and then mounted it succesfully.
 I then started transfering data accross till the
 drive was empty (this is currently in progress) Once
 thats done I will add the empty NTFS drive to my ZFS
 pool and repeat the operation with my other drives.
 This leaves me with the issue of redundancy which is
 sorely lacking, ideally I would like to do the same
 think directly into a zraid pool, but I understand
 from what I have read that you cant add single drives
 to a zraid and I want all my drives in a single pool
 as only to loose the space for the pool  redundancy
 I havent worked out if I can transform my zpool int a
 zraid after I have copied all my data.
 Once again thx for the great support. And maybe
 someone can direct me to an area in a forum that
 explains y I cant use sudo...

Hope this helps
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Re: [zfs-discuss] Why is Solaris 10 ZFS performance so terrible?

2009-07-07 Thread Lejun Zhu
If cpu seems to be idle, the tool latencytop probably can give you some clue. 
It's developed for OpenSolaris but Solaris 10 should work too (with glib 2.14 
installed). You can get a copy of v0.1 at

To use latencytop, open a terminal and start latencytop -s -k 2. The tool 
will show a window with activities that are being blocked in the system. Then 
you can launch your application to reproduce the performance problem in another 
terminal, switch back to latencytop window, and use  and  to find your 
process. The list will tell you which function is causing the delay.

After a couple minutes you may press q to exit from latencytop. When it ends, 
a log file /var/log/latencytop.log will be created. It includes the stack trace 
of waiting for IO, semaphore etc. when latencytop was running. If you post the 
log here, I can probably extract a list of worst delays in ZFS source code, and 
other experts may comment.
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS write I/O stalls

2009-06-29 Thread Lejun Zhu
 On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Lejun Zhu wrote:
  There is a bug in the database about reads blocked
 by writes which may be related:
  The symptom is sometimes reducing queue depth makes
 read perform better.
 I have been banging away at this issue without
 resolution.  Based on 
 Roch Bourbonnais's blog description of the ZFS write
 throttle code, it 
 seems that I am facing a perfect storm.  Both the
 storage write 
 bandwidth (800+ MB/second) and the memory size of my
 system (20 GB) 
 result in the algorithm batching up 2.5 GB of user
 data to write. 

With ZFS write throttle, the number 2.5GB is tunable. From what I've read in 
the code, it is possible to e.g. set zfs:zfs_write_limit_override = 0x800 
(bytes) to make it write 128M instead.

 Since I am using mirrors, this results in 5 GB of
 data being written 
 at full speed to the array on a very precise schedule
 since my 
 application is processing fixed-sized files with a
 fixed algorithm. 
 The huge writes lead to at least 3 seconds of read
 resulting in a stalled application and a square-wave
 of system CPU 
 utilization.  I could attempt to modify my
 application to read ahead 
 by 3 seconds but that would require gigabytes of
 memory, lots of 
 complexity, and would not be efficient.
 Richard Elling thinks that my array is pokey, but
 based on write speed 
 and memory size, ZFS is always going to be batching
 up data to fill 
 the write channel for 5 seconds so it does not really
 matter how fast 
 that write channel is.  If I had 32GB of RAM and 2X
 the write speed, 
 the situation would be identical.
 Hopefully someone at Sun is indeed working this read
 starvation issue 
 and it will be resolved soon.
 Bob Friesenhahn,
 GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
 zfs-discuss mailing list
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Re: [zfs-discuss] ZFS write I/O stalls

2009-06-24 Thread Lejun Zhu
 On Wed, 24 Jun 2009, Richard Elling wrote:
  The new code keeps track of the amount of data
 accepted in a TXG and the 
  time it takes to sync. It dynamically adjusts that
 amount so that each TXG 
  sync takes about 5 seconds (txg_time variable). It
 also clamps the limit to 
  no more than 1/8th of physical memory.
  hmmm... methinks there is a chance that the 1/8th
 rule might not work so well
  for machines with lots of RAM and slow I/O.  I'm
 also reasonably sure that
  that sort of machine is not what Sun would
 typically build for performance 
  testing, as a rule.  Hopefully Roch will comment
 when it is morning in 
 Slow I/O is relative.  If I install more memory does
 that make my I/O 
 even slower?
 I did some more testing.  I put the input data on a
 different drive 
 and sent application output to the ZFS pool.  I no
 longer noticed any 
 stalls in the execution even though the large ZFS
 flushes are taking 
 place.  This proves that my application is seeing
 stalled reads rather 
 than stalled writes.

There is a bug in the database about reads blocked by writes which may be 

The symptom is sometimes reducing queue depth makes read perform better.

 Bob Friesenhahn,
 GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
 zfs-discuss mailing list
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