[ZION] Moral War

2003-01-23 Thread George Cobabe
John W. Redelfs suggested the following as a general description of Moral

We are people of peace. We are followers of the Christ who was and is the
Prince of Peace. But there are times when we must stand up for right and
decency, for freedom and civilization, just as Moroni rallied his people in
his day to the defense of their wives, their children, and the cause of
liberty (see Alma 48:10).  -- President Hinckley, October General
Conference, 2001)

And thus he was preparing to support their liberty, their lands, their
wives, and their children, and their peace, and that they might live unto
the Lord their God, and that they might maintain that which was called by
their enemies the cause of Christians. (Alma 48:10)

Now the Nephites were taught to defend themselves against their enemies,
even to the shedding of blood if it were necessary; yea, and they were also
taught never to give an offense, yea, and never to raise the sword except
it were against an enemy, except it were to preserve their lives. (Alma

And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go to
defend themselves against their enemies, and by so doing, the Lord would
deliver them; and this was the faith of Moroni, and his heart did glory in
it; not in the shedding of blood but in doing good, in preserving his
people, yea, in keeping the commandments of God, yea, and resisting
iniquity. (Alma 48:16)

John continues:

Surely in these passages we can find some statement of belief on what is
moral action, can't we?

1) We defend ourselves even if it means shedding blood.
2) We never give offense.
3) We never fight except to preserve our lives.
4) We only fight when God commands us to fight.

George adds to the discussion:

From the first I have used Alma 48, et al, to start the definition of a
moral war.  I think that John has, in this instance, done an admirable, but
basic and incomplete, job of defining what is needed for moral action in the
event of war.  Therefore, I would like to  add a few comments based on my
own feelings, as well as some contributions from others in this discussion.
I am using Johns comments as a beginning point of discussion, therefore what
follows is not a critique, rather an expansion.

1) We defend ourselves even if it means shedding blood.
I must add the consideration of doing all we can to avoid killing and
destruction insofar as possible.  We can not, when given the justification
to go to war, use it as a pretense, or cause, to wield unfettered
destruction and death upon the enemy.  This is against the basic nature of
the combatants, who have the tendency and instructions to go out and do all
the damage possible to defeat the enemy.  The control, however difficult, of
such warriors is one aspect of Morality in war

2) We never give offense.
We must also act proactively to correct the causes that might give
offense, not to the extreme of doing anything at any cost, but we must act
to prevent and correct negative conditions throughout the world.

3) We never fight except to preserve our lives.
There is an additional consideration as we also have a obligation to
preserve principles, not just our lives.  There are principles that are
worthy to give our lives for.  We can preserve our lives by giving in to
tyrants.  This is not acceptable and is in fact immoral to do so.  The
reason we fight is as important as the way we fight.  The acquisition of
land and influence is not a principle that is acceptable as a reason to go
to war. But the preservation of Liberty and freedom is a cause for action.
The question was asked by one, is it not possible for both sides to
fight a moral war?  No, it is not!!!  We must only fight after we have done
all we can to prevent a war.  If both sides are trying to do this, war will
not occur.  Moral action by both parties will always result in peace.  For
war to occur one or both must be acting immorally.
 We have every moral right to act in our best interests, in complying
with this 3rd consideration, and therefore to act when the other side is
preparing or taking the first steps to act against us.  Such hostile
preparations can be a cause for pre-emptive action, but only after all other
means of resolution are exhausted.

4) We only fight when God commands us to fight.
This is good, but not possible in today's world.  The best we can do is make
sure that our definition of Moral war is consistent with Gods commandments
and then do our best to comply.

5) We must treat the losers with honor and dignity, irrespective of their
prior actions.  We must do all we can to mitigate the effects of our actions
against them.  The moral victor must always look at the loser as a victim of
a terrible tragedy, even if brought upon themselves, and must do all they
can to correct the negative situation.

Other questions such as crossing boundaries or international law or
Geneva Convention only are applications of the basic considerations of

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2003-01-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
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Re: [ZION] Moral War

2003-01-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
George Cobabe favored us with:

The question was asked by one, is it not possible for both sides to fight 
a moral war?  No, it is not!!!  We must only fight after we have done all 
we can to prevent a war.  If both sides are trying to do this, war will 
not occur.  Moral action by both parties will always result in peace.  For 
war to occur one or both must be acting immorally.

What do you think, George?  Is the coming war with Iraq a fight between one 
moral party ad one immoral party?  Or is it a fight between two immoral 

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Atheistic humanism is the opiate of the self-described
intellectuals --Uncle Bob
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Moral War

2003-01-23 Thread George Cobabe
John, I am willing to answer, and defend, but first answer the question that
we have been discussing.  Are we in general agreement as to what
constitutes a Moral War?

If so then we can apply the test and come up with a satisfactory conclusion.
If not, then why bother? as discussion will not be possible!


- Original Message -
From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [ZION] Moral War

 George Cobabe favored us with:
 The question was asked by one, is it not possible for both sides to fight
 a moral war?  No, it is not!!!  We must only fight after we have done all
 we can to prevent a war.  If both sides are trying to do this, war will
 not occur.  Moral action by both parties will always result in peace.
 war to occur one or both must be acting immorally.

 What do you think, George?  Is the coming war with Iraq a fight between
 moral party ad one immoral party?  Or is it a fight between two immoral

 John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Atheistic humanism is the opiate of the self-described
 intellectuals --Uncle Bob
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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[ZION] Important Questions

2003-01-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
Here are three important questions that need to be answered before we 
launch a preemptive strike against Iraq:

Who has more nuclear weapons, Iraq or the United States?
Who has more chemical weapons, Iraq or the United States?
Who has more biological weapons, Iraq or the United States?

If the answer is the United States in all three cases, then I consider it 
gross hypocrisy for us to use Saddam's weapons of mass destruction as 
justification for aggression against another sovereign state.  Now if it 
can be prove by evidence that Saddam Hussein was in some way behind the 
attack on the WTC, that will constitute an attack on our own soil, and I 
would fully support full retaliation by launching as invasion of Iraq.

However, I'm not sure there is any evidence to pin the WTC attack on Saddam 
Hussein.  It seems to me that if there was, then the current administration 
in the White House would trot it ought as the primary argument for war with 
Iraq.  That they have not done so is the best proof that Saddam was not 
involved in the September 11th attacks.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost
always bad men. --Lord Acton, 1887
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Moral War

2003-01-23 Thread John W. Redelfs
George Cobabe favored us with:

John, I am willing to answer, and defend, but first answer the question that
we have been discussing.  Are we in general agreement as to what
constitutes a Moral War?

If so then we can apply the test and come up with a satisfactory conclusion.
If not, then why bother? as discussion will not be possible!

I think we are in general agreement about what constitutes a moral war, but 
I'm not certain.  We seem to read Alma 48 differently.  Both you and Gary 
seem to see both Captain Moroni and George W. Bush as the guys with the 
white hats, and Saddam Hussein and Iraq as the guys with the black 
hats.  For me, I don't see how the USA can be the white hats as long as it 
has legalized pornography, gambling, adultery, sodomy, abortion, alcohol 
use, and the socialistic redistribution of the wealth.  I don't think that 
the USA is any more righteous than it was when the Joseph and Hyrum were 
lynched, the saints were driven out of the country or the Savior's church 
was forced by the federal government to change our religion to comply with 
the hypocritical morals of the Protestant majority.  If anything, it is 
more wicked today than it was during the 19th century.  I see all this 
pompous talk about freedom and the American way as hypocrisy.  I believe 
that the USA has a highly immoral foreign policy projecting its military 
presence all over the world and trying to force its values on other 
nations.  To me it obvious that we do not have our acts together nearly 
well enough to dictate to others.

But perhaps the biggest reason that I am not certain we have a general 
agreement as to what constitutes a moral war, is the fact that you have not 
been as succinct in expressing your opinion on the matter as I have.  I 
have said:

Fundamental principle:  Self-defense is OK.  Everything else is unlawful.

1) We defend ourselves even if it means shedding blood.
2) We never give offense.
3) We never fight except to preserve our lives.
4) We only fight when God commands us to fight.

In my opinion the current situation fails the definition of a moral war on 
all four counts.  Let Saddam Hussein strike us here at home and then invade 
Iraq.  If we stop meddling in his part of the world, perhaps he will not 
strike us here at home.  In all probability he won't.

Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost
always bad men. --Lord Acton, 1887
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Important Questions

2003-01-23 Thread Jon Spencer
John -
I will not write what initially came to my mind when I read your post.  It
might be misunderstood! :-)

So, let me state that there are several reasons why a country might arm
itself.  These include:
1. To act as a deterrent.  In this case, the fact that they have them is
made known publicly.  This is the case for the US.
2. To use as a bargaining chip.  In this case the fact that they have them
is made known publicly.  This is the case for North Korea.
3. To use to perpetrate a blind attack on someone.  In this case, the fact
that they have them is hidden.  This is the case for Saddam/Iraq.

Your three important questions fail to take this into account.  We live in a
dangerous world, one where Satan would love for us to roll over and play
dead.  We must walk a fine line, which I believe we have done reasonably
well over the last 60+ years.

It is not hypocrisy to take out Saddam.  We are not taking him out because
he has WOMM.  We are taking him out because he has and will use them against
others in acts of blatant aggression, for Saddam's personal gain.


- Original Message -
From: John W. Redelfs [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, January 23, 2003 3:04 PM
Subject: [ZION] Important Questions

 Here are three important questions that need to be answered before we
 launch a preemptive strike against Iraq:

 Who has more nuclear weapons, Iraq or the United States?
 Who has more chemical weapons, Iraq or the United States?
 Who has more biological weapons, Iraq or the United States?

 If the answer is the United States in all three cases, then I consider it
 gross hypocrisy for us to use Saddam's weapons of mass destruction as
 justification for aggression against another sovereign state.  Now if it
 can be prove by evidence that Saddam Hussein was in some way behind the
 attack on the WTC, that will constitute an attack on our own soil, and I
 would fully support full retaliation by launching as invasion of Iraq.

 However, I'm not sure there is any evidence to pin the WTC attack on
 Hussein.  It seems to me that if there was, then the current
 in the White House would trot it ought as the primary argument for war
 Iraq.  That they have not done so is the best proof that Saddam was not
 involved in the September 11th attacks.

 Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power
 corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost
 always bad men. --Lord Acton, 1887
 All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] Important Questions

2003-01-23 Thread Paul Osborne
Gee-wizz, John. I thought we weren't suppose to talk about Iraq? Remember
the last flame war we had? Well, since we are about to go at it again I
will only make one little itty bitty comment which is that I hope we bomb
the hell out Iraq and roll our tanks right into the palaces of that
madman in Baghdad.  

Enough said. Now back to lurking. :-)

Paul O

On Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:04:41 -0900 John W. Redelfs
 Here are three important questions that need to be answered before we 
 launch a preemptive strike against Iraq:
 Who has more nuclear weapons, Iraq or the United States?
 Who has more chemical weapons, Iraq or the United States?
 Who has more biological weapons, Iraq or the United States?
 If the answer is the United States in all three cases, then I 
 consider it 
 gross hypocrisy for us to use Saddam's weapons of mass destruction 
 justification for aggression against another sovereign state.  Now 
 if it 
 can be prove by evidence that Saddam Hussein was in some way behind 
 attack on the WTC, that will constitute an attack on our own soil, 
 and I 
 would fully support full retaliation by launching as invasion of 
 However, I'm not sure there is any evidence to pin the WTC attack on 
 Hussein.  It seems to me that if there was, then the current 
 in the White House would trot it ought as the primary argument for 
 war with 
 Iraq.  That they have not done so is the best proof that Saddam was 
 involved in the September 11th attacks.

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