Re: [zones-discuss] df error for lofs file system in local zone.

2009-08-02 Thread Trevor Pretty


Don't you need to do this?

Adding ZFS Volumes to a Non-Global

If you've just mounted /oradb and it has other file systems mounted on
directories in the tree then they will also have to be in the
non-global zone.


You have /oradb mounted on c0t0d0s0

You have /oradb/fred/foo on c1t1d0s3

Then when you cd to /oradb/fred/foo unless c1t1d0s3 is also
"accessible" in the zone you will not be able to get to it.

There are various ways of doing this one is "loopback mounts":-

Ketan wrote:

  Yes you are correct i 'm able to access them from the local zone but the only problem is that if i do cd into any of the /oradb/* file system i get unable to get mount point 
is there any way if i can put the df -h output from the global zone to local zone by any kind of shared file system ?


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Re: [zones-discuss] getting around live upgrade?

2009-08-03 Thread Trevor Pretty

This is two ways. I've use
method 1 a lot (because you had to). Method 2 "should work"

1. Delete them before you start and recreate them afterwards.This
should be quicker on ZFS but I've never tried. It depends on how well
the zone configuration is documented and what it does i.e how much
undocumented "customization" has happened.

2. Detach them. Then do the upgrade. Then attach -u them zoneadm(1M). 
Thise may not improve the "overall time" buts get the global zone back
quicker. Again I've never tried this.


The machine is usable whilst the LU is happening I use to start it off
and go home. Just let it run overnight. However I've heard on systems
with lots of zones overnight can not be long enough :-(

Katelin Bailey wrote:

  Is there any known way of bypassing or trimming down what liveupgrade does during zone installation? I'd like to speed up the process, which seems lengthy for such "lightweight" zones.

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Re: [zones-discuss] Starting Samba in Open Solaris Non Global Zone

2009-08-16 Thread Trevor Pretty


Do you have /var (or some part of the /var/samba/locks/s... tree) 
mounted read only?


Wes Mauer wrote:

OpenSolaris 0609.
I've managed to get Samba installed in a non global zone, but it will not start. 

When I run svcadm enable samba, I get the following message:

r...@zone1:~# Aug 15 00:37:09 zone1 svc.startd[2938]: network/samba:default 
failed: transitioned to maintenance (see 'svcs -xv' for details)

Here is the output of svcs -xv:
svc:/network/samba:default (SMB file server)
 State: maintenance since Sat Aug 15 00:37:09 2009
Reason: Method failed repeatedly.
   See: man -M /usr/sfw/man -s 1m smbd
   See: man -M /usr/sfw/man -s 4 smb.conf
   See: /var/svc/log/network-samba:default.log
Impact: This service is not running.

Here is /var/svc/log/network-samba:default.log:
[ Aug 15 00:03:08 Enabled. ]
[ Aug 15 00:03:25 Executing start method ("/usr/sfw/sbin/smbd -D"). ]
[ Aug 15 00:03:29 Method "start" exited with status 0. ]
[ Aug 15 00:03:29 Stopping because all processes in service exited. ]`"). ]03:29 Executing stop method ("/usr/bin/kill `cat /var/samba/locks/sm
kill: 3038: no such process
[ Aug 15 00:03:30 Method "stop" exited with status 1. ]`"). ]03:31 Executing stop method ("/usr/bin/kill `cat /var/samba/locks/sm
kill: 3038: no such process
[ Aug 15 00:03:32 Method "stop" exited with status 1. ]

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [zones-discuss] How to enable a service of a zone that is not running...

2009-09-27 Thread Trevor Pretty

Do you mean you mean from the global zone like this?

zlogin $ZONE_NAME svcadm enable svc:/system/foo

Brad Diggs wrote:
I would like to svcadm enable a service of a non-global
zone who's state is not 'running'.
  Is that possible?  If so, how?
  Thanks in advance,


Brad Diggs 
Principal Field

Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Phone x52957/+1 972-992-0002




Pretty |
Technical Account Manager
9 639 0652 |
21 666 161
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Re: [zones-discuss] Solaris Zone errors

2009-09-29 Thread Trevor Pretty

Nicholas Senedzuk wrote:
Sounds like there is a problem writing the to the log file
for the services. I would check you disks and make sure you have none
failing. If you do a svcs -l service_name you it will tell you where
the log file is located.

Or where the service is
trying to write is mounted read only from the global zone.

  On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 5:44 AM, Ketan 
booting up my zone i get following error

# zlogin -C DB_zone
[Connected to zone 'DB_zone' console]
Sep 29 09:18:46 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/system/filesystem/root:default: write(51) failed with I/O error.

Sep 29 09:18:47 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/system/installupdates:default: write(17) failed with I/O error.
Sep 29 09:18:47 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/network/physical:default: write(10) failed with I/O error.
Sep 29 09:18:47 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/network/physical:default: write(10) failed with I/O error.
Sep 29 09:18:48 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/system/boot-archive:default: write(10) failed with I/O error.
Sep 29 09:18:49 svc.startd[5680]: Could not log for
svc:/milestone/network:default: write(20) failed with I/O error. what
could be the reason for this ?
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Re: [zones-discuss] svnserve

2009-10-06 Thread Trevor Pretty

If it does not come with a manifest for SMF you need to write one. If
it does then use it! or just use an rc script. However using the rc
scrpt ans making a service run under SMF is not hard. Attached is what
I wrote as a demo before postgress got an SMF service by default.

Look at "demo 2" in the self running ksh script where I demo my newly
created service.

The Defiant wrote:

  Hi All,

Another newbie question. I've just configured a seprate contaniner to serve as a seprate svn repository and configured svnserve as the default svn server. Everything works fine, except svnserve wont autostart after rebooting ;(

Can someone point me to adding svnserve to autostart. I guess we would be using SMF service and not the

Thx in advance!

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#Note: The presentation is:- 
# NOTE: This one use apache22 the older version use apache2
#get the two files you need:-
#copy these to (or anywhere else you prefer):
#Setup pgsql if you have not already.
#NOTE: This may be already under SMF conrol in later NV builds you will need to 
check when 
#  I wrote this it was not under SMF control. This was what I did on S10 
many moons 
#  ago to setup postgres, it's survived many LUs
# svcs -a | grep sql
# disabled   11:08:53 svc:/application/database/postgresql:version_81
# disabled   11:08:53 svc:/application/database/postgresql_83:default_32bit
# disabled   11:08:53 svc:/application/database/postgresql:version_82_64bit
# disabled   11:08:53 svc:/application/database/postgresql:version_82
# disabled   11:08:53 svc:/application/database/postgresql_83:default_64bit
# disabled   11:08:54 svc:/application/database/mysql:version_50
#su -
#mkdir $DATA   #This should exist it is the default
#useradd -d /home/postgres postgres
#mkdir ~postgres
#chown postgres ~postgres
#chown postgres $DATA 
#su - postgres
#/bin/initdb -D $DATA
#/bin/createdb test#Optional
#/bin/psql -l
#su -
#svccfg delete -f pgsql
#cd /home/tp47565/Software/PostgreSQL
#cp ./pgsql.xml /var/svc/manifest/application
#cp ./pgsql /lib/svc/method
#chmod a+r /lib/svc/method/pgsql
#svccfg validate /var/svc/manifest/application/pgsql.xml
#svccfg import /var/svc/manifest/application/pgsql.xml
#svcadm enable pgsql 
#svcs pgsql
#su - postgres -c "/bin/psql -l"
# Note: I've setup the postgres user to run /bin/psql -l
#   and then logout

## Press return to continue (so you can talk!)
echo "\n\t--> Press RETURN to continue <--\c"
read ANS
echo ""

## Do the commands given appending with > so they show up
echo ""
echo "--> $*"
eval $*

## I should check if you have the role but I don't - too lazy!
UID=`/usr/xpg4/bin/id -u`
if [ ! $UID -eq 0 ]; then
echo "You must be root to run this script"
exit 1


#--- demo 1 simple commands 

# Have a browser Running to show that apache stops and starts
# /home/tp47565/bin/ norton/~tp47565 

svcadm disable apache22 #Just in case it is turned off
sleep 2 
svcadm enable apache22
sleep 3 
cd /tmp
echo ""
echo "Is apache22 running, a simple ps to find out"
echo ""
echo ""
do_command ps -ef | grep apache | grep -v grep
echo ""
echo "I can also see it is via the Browser"
echo ""
echo " So lets send the processes a kill -9"
echo ""
do_command kill -9 `pgrep httpd `
echo ""
echo "Is apache22 running, a simple ps to find out"
echo ""
do_command sleep 5
echo ""
do_command ps -ef | grep apache | grep -v grep
echo ""
echo "I can also see it is via the Browser"
echo ""
echo "But did you Notice the PIDs have changed?"
echo ""
echo ""
echo "In Solaris 10 most things have been turned into Services"
echo "Lets look into /etc/init.d"
do_command ls /etc/init.d
echo ""
echo ""
echo "There seems to

Re: [zones-discuss] Solaris 10 U8 Zone Problem with LU and PCA

2009-10-20 Thread Trevor Pretty

Check the permissions on the non-global zone directory. They have to be
very specific and

must not be group readable.
must not be group executable.
must not be world readable.
must not be world executable.

This is know
to trip up LU.

deniz rende wrote:

  Hi Folks,

I've been regularly patching my Solaris 10 U8 with Liveupgrade and PCA. I had a zone running on the system which I ended up changing its name. Then I wanted to create a new LU ABE and got the following error:

# lustatus

Boot Environment   Is   Active ActiveCanCopy
Name   Complete NowOn Reboot Delete Status
--  -- - -- --
Solaris10U8PCA yes  yesyes   no -
# lucreate -n Solaris10U8PCA01
Checking GRUB menu...
System has findroot enabled GRUB
Analyzing system configuration.
Comparing source boot environment  file systems with the
file system(s) you specified for the new boot environment. Determining
which file systems should be in the new boot environment.
Updating boot environment description database on all BEs.
Updating system configuration files.
Creating configuration for boot environment .
Source boot environment is .
Creating boot environment .
Cloning file systems from boot environment  to create boot environment .
Creating snapshot for  on .
Creating clone for  on .
Setting canmount=noauto for  in zone  on .
zperl: Miscellaneous file system error
Configuration not saved.
ERROR: Unable to set zonepath to  for zone 
Saving existing file  in top level dataset for BE  as //boot/grub/menu.lst.prev.
File  propagation successful
Copied GRUB menu from PBE to ABE
No entry for BE  in GRUB menu
Population of boot environment  successful.
Creation of boot environment  successful.

Although it created the LU environmet, It's got some errors mentioned above. The name of the zone originally was and I changed it to zperl by using zfs rename, and editing zonepath files (index and zperl.xml)

I tried to mount this into a temp directory called /b:

r...@solix# lustatus
Boot Environment   Is   Active ActiveCanCopy
Name   Complete NowOn Reboot Delete Status
--  -- - -- --
Solaris10U8PCA yes  yesyes   no -
Solaris10U8PCA01   yes  no noyes-
r...@solix# lumount Solaris10U8PCA01 /b
ERROR: unable to mount zones:
/b/zonepool/zperl must not be group readable.
/b/zonepool/zperl must not be group executable.
/b/zonepool/zperl must not be world readable.
/b/zonepool/zperl must not be world executable.
could not verify zonepath /b/zonepool/zperl because of the above errors.
zoneadm: zone zperl failed to verify
ERROR: unable to mount zone  in 
ERROR: unmounting partially mounted boot environment file systems
ERROR: No such file or directory: error unmounting ERROR: cannot mount boot environment by name 

Also I have a strange error in df -h as well.
# df -h
Filesystem size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
67G   7.5G56G12%/
/devices 0K 0K 0K 0%/devices
ctfs 0K 0K 0K 0%/system/contract
proc 0K 0K 0K 0%/proc
mnttab   0K 0K 0K 0%/etc/mnttab
swap   1.9G   412K   1.9G 1%/etc/svc/volatile
objfs0K 0K 0K 0%/system/object
sharefs  0K 0K 0K 0%/etc/dfs/sharetab
64G   7.5G56G12%/lib/
fd   0K 0K 0K 0%/dev/fd
swap   1.9G   100K   1.9G 1%/tmp
swap   1.9G32K   1.9G 1%/var/run
rpool/export67G21K56G 1%/export
rpool/export/home   67G18K56G 1%/export/home
rpool   67G43K56G 1%/rpool
zonepool67G21K63G 1%/zonepool
   1.9G   767M   1.1G41%/rmdisk/unnamed_rmdisk
rpool/iscsi_luns67G21K56G 1%/rpool/iscsi_luns
df: cannot statvfs /zonepool/zruby: No such file or directory
67G21K56G 1%/.alt.Solaris10U8PCA01/zoneds

The name of the zone was originally zruby and now it is zperl.

Could you guys please tell me how to get rid of these messages and get the system back to its feet on this so that I can go ahead and patch it?

Best Regards... 
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Re: [zones-discuss] solaris10 branded zone in b127

2009-10-26 Thread Trevor Pretty


That link did not work for me, just takes me to the main page.

This link works:-

Jerry Jelinek wrote:

  Jerry Jelinek wrote:
Yesterday we integrated support for solaris10
branded zones into ON.  In case you're not
watching the putback notifications, the heads-up
message is here:

Sorry, I posted an internal link here.  The external
link is:


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