[Zope-dev] Zope Tests: 8 OK, 1 Failed

2006-11-12 Thread Zope Tests Summarizer
Summary of messages to the zope-tests list.
Period Sat Nov 11 11:00:00 2006 UTC to Sun Nov 12 11:00:00 2006 UTC.
There were 9 messages: 9 from Zope Unit Tests.

Test failures

Subject: FAILED (failures=2) : Zope-2.8 Python-2.4.4 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:33:45 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006544.html

Tests passed OK

Subject: OK : Zope-2.6 Python-2.1.3 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:26:15 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006539.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.6 Python-2.3.6 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:27:45 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006540.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.7 Python-2.3.6 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:29:15 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006541.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.7 Python-2.4.4 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:30:45 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006542.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.8 Python-2.3.6 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:32:15 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006543.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.9 Python-2.4.4 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:35:16 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006545.html

Subject: OK : Zope-2.10 Python-2.4.4 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:36:46 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006546.html

Subject: OK : Zope-trunk Python-2.4.4 : Linux
From: Zope Unit Tests
Date: Sat Nov 11 21:38:16 EST 2006
URL: http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope-tests/2006-November/006547.html

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Re: [Zope-dev] Re: Windows Installer Nice-to-have

2006-11-12 Thread Christian Theune

Philipp von Weitershausen wrote:
 Chris Withers wrote:
 I don't know how easy this is to do, but one thing that would be 
 _really_ nice would be to use an existing compatible python install 
 rather than Zope splatting it's own in regardless.
 That's what Zope 3 does (it's a standard distutils installer). It makes 
 it hard to install several Zope 3 versions at the same time. Or perhaps 
 that's just because it install itself into site-packages?

That's more like it. But as you mentioned, a compiled Zope is dependent
on some binary compiled modules that want a compatible Python, so
bringing it's own might be reasonable.

 Anyway, I would rather see the Zope installer to be self-contained wrt 
 Python. In fact, I also wish that the Zope 2 and 3 installers were the 
 same so that we'd only have to maintain and support one installation 
 scheme. I don't particularly care about the paths. I think the 
 politically correct destination is Program Files, though it is quite 
 annoying for the shell due to the space.

Only in the English language. In German there's no space. :P


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Re: [Zope] View classes based on Page Templates in Zope2

2006-11-12 Thread Jens Vagelpohl

Hash: SHA1

On 12 Nov 2006, at 13:12, Peter Bengtsson wrote:

What options do we have for this in Zope2?
If Five is the answer, what options do we have without Five?

Five is the best answer. Why would you not want to use it?


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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 12. November 2006 08:47:25 -0800 Hafeliel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize that this post might cause a bit of anxiety,
and so I apologize for that in advance.  However,
despite all the blood, sweat, and tears that we've all
poured into Zope over the years, Zope has yet to make
a signifigant market penetration.

If you could, please take a moment to surf on over to

This wiki contains a lot of nonsense and wrong facts and it is really not
worth to discuss anything about Zope changes outside the standard Zope
community channels.


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Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Perry Smith
On Nov 12, 2006, at 10:47 AM, Hafeliel wrote:I realize that this post might cause a bit of anxiety,and so I apologize for that in advance.  However,despite all the blood, sweat, and tears that we've allpoured into Zope over the years, Zope has yet to makea signifigant market penetration.If you could, please take a moment to surf on over tohttp://zopereplacement.wikidot.com/As you probably guessed, that's a wiki set up todiscuss where we went right, where we went wrong, andwhat we could do to make a product that industry ismore apt to embrace.What do you guys honestly think?  Is this a good idea? Bad?I created an account but I can not add any text -- or, I suppose I should say that "I can't figure out how to add text".  edit gives me "you must be a member"... I have an account and I'm logged in...So, I will add my reply here.About this note: I hesitate sending it to this mailing list.  I'm sure it will cause a few bad feelings.  It would me if I was on the other side.  I honestly do not want to.  If I do offend you, please let me know.About me: On a scale of 0 to 10 of Zope experience, I'm about a 2 -- maybe.  I've done one trivial "Contact Management" Zope 3 application.  I've managed to get zwiki inside Plone running on Zope 2.  I've read two books on Zope 3.  Thats about it.Images: if you want simple adding data to images, go to Adobe and search for their standardized method.  They have a standardized method of adding attributes to any document.  You can define and add your own attributes.  Its based on rtf.Zope Replacement: it seems a bit premature to me to be asking for a replacement.  Why not extend what is there?  I've not seen it "fail" any place that required a reject of the founding principles.Apache Module: I'd question that.  It is so trivial to put Zope 3 behind apache that I don't see the advantage of forcing people to use Apache.  As an Apache module, I would have to compile it for my system.  If I'm on a Mac, that is not easy to do.  I've gone out and replaced all of my Apache stuff so its not so hard for me at this point but, generally, forcing people into compiling code AND using Apache seems really bad to me.  Another reason NOT to do this is development.  I can develop Zope on my laptop.  If it was Apache based, I'd have to crank up an apache server.  Not a huge deal but why force me to do that?Language: At this point, python seems to have advantages to php.  I've used Perl since the dark ages but find Python  nicer.  I don't really know why though so please don't ask me to explain.ZCML: I agree with Zope 3's principles of creating ZCML.  It is hard for me to use.  I don't think that is a Zope issue.  I wish it was easier.Documentation: I would still like to have a separate Zope 3 reference book.  Something that can be printed.  Something that is "complete" (contains everything in the default zope 3 download).Suggestion 1 for Zope 3: Make a more obvious, clean separation between Zope 2 and Zope 3 on the web sites.  Have separate web sites for example.  Personally, I would orphan Zope 2.  Whatever works on Zope 3, I would keep.  Whatever does not, I would "archive".  Bring over things from Zope 2 to Zope 3 as time permits but make the cut and let Zope 2 drift into history.  It may be that 99.999% of Zope 2 works in Zope 3.  I have no idea.  But my impression as a new beginner is that most (i.e. all) of it does not.Suggestion 2 for Zope 3: document document document... I understand everyone is busy and everything is changing fast.  But, I find it really hard to break into the Zope 3 environment.  And, it may be that this is really why Zope 3 is not picking up more users faster.  I don't know.Super Cool Things about Zope 3:  1) TAL's: I did PHP without TALs last year.  It quickly became obvious to me that something else was needed.  My approach was the opposite: I wrote everything in PHP and had tiny PHP things to spit out the tags and attributes.  Not very viable since you can not use normal HTML editors to create and design your pages.  TAL's solves all those problems.  Who ever came up with that idea deserves a Nobel Prize.2) The Zope Database: The fact I can just subclass Persistence and all that magic happens for me in the background is great.  And, looking and watching from the email conversations, it appears as if there is a growth path from trivial storage to full blown database backend support.3) Python based.4) Very modular and component design. I hope this helps more than it hurts.Perry SmithEase Software, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]http://www.easesoftware.comLow cost SATA Products for IBMs p5, pSeries, and RS/6000 AIX systems___
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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Hafeliel
--- Andrew Milton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm having a hard time working out what your problem
 If anything, the Zope developers have given us too
 much. In an attempt to protect us from ourselves,
 they have severly limited what we can do.

That's my fault.  I can see a problem and I get so
focused on how to fix it, that I don't spend adequate
time making sure everyone's on the same page that I

 That's not something I've ever heard of being an
 issue before. The fact is you can subclass just
 about anything in Zope, and publish just about any
 other type of object.
 Perhaps if we knew what you were limited by, the
 discussion would go a lot smoother.

Okiedoke.  Let's take some typical problems that I've
encountered in the last couple of years with Zope, and
I'll walk you through my thought processes.  Perhaps
that will help you see the frustration that I think a
typical programmer feels with Zope.

[1] Suppose I've got a gallery of images and I want to
organize these so that the user can see the most
recent additions to the gallery.  I can access an
image pretty easily, for example:

grumpy = getattr(container, grumpy.jpg)

The edit view of grumpy.jpg shows me the Last Modified
time, so I know this information must be stored
somewhere.  I check the docs for methods I can call on
class Image and its ancestors, File,
ObjectManagerItem, and PropertyManager, but I still
don't see anything about the Last Modified time.

Now I try to investigate it by poking around in
Python.  I write some code to look at any properties
that might have been saved for me, but not documented:

return grumpy.propertyIds()

['title', 'content_type', 'height', 'width']

No good.  Perhaps there is a member that I need to
call, but someone overlooked it in the documentation:

return dir(grumpy)

Error Type: NameError
Error Value: global name 'dir' is not defined

Hrmmm.  No good.  For some reason, my basic diagnostic
tool has been disabled to protect me from something. 
I don't suppose I could find this information myself?

return repr(grumpy.__class__.__dict__)

Line 2: __dict__ is an invalid attribute name
because it starts with _.

Okie... perhaps if I prod more subtly?

return repr(getattr(getattr(grumpy, __class__),

Error Type: Unauthorized
Error Value: You are not allowed to access '__class__'
in this context

[2] A user wants to buy a print of an image in the
gallery.  He's a new user, so I get account
information and add it to my user list.  Now I want to
log him in from a visually appealing web form.  I know
this is possible, because I've seen other applications
do this.

However, I can't find any mention of this in the docs.

[3] I'm writing a program to give web access to a
program that is normally controlled with a
command-line interface.  To let the web user do all
the things you could do from a CLI, I will want to
call various programs, look at the contents of various
files, etc.

It's my server, and I know there will be no malicious
code added, but yet, Zope stops me at every turn in an
effort to protect me from myself.  There are
mechanisms where I can create portals to code in
actual files that can access these things, but by the
time I'm done, I've written so many of them, that Zope
hasn't really made my life any easier at all.

[4] I have some full-resolution images that I want to
allow people to download if they have paid the license
fees.  Very few companies actually do this, so I'm
content to add users manually and upload the images
that they want manually.

I create directories for the users and try to give
only them permissions to view the files in there.  To
be frank, this is a chocolate mess.  How do I give
them the folders?  How do I give them the files?  The
docs are no help so I temporarily make the user an
admin (the haven't been told the password yet, so I
feel safe) and I take ownership for them, then I
change them back to regular users.

This still doesn't work.  Zope is convinced that they
own the files, but for some reason it still wants them
to authenticate.

I walk away frustrated and angry.

[5] I have a neat idea for a Zope product so I start
coding it up.  I find some bits and pieces on the web
and try installing them, only to find that parts of my
product have a name collision with parts of their

I could go on, but hopefully I am making my point
clear enough now.  I'm not looking for the answers to
these problem.  I am trying to express how a typical
user feels when working with Zope.  They walk away
with two general notions:

[1] The documentation is not complete.

[2] Zope is actively trying to stop me from
succeeding, or finding an alternative solution.

 Some of your discussions shows a distinct lack of
 knowledge of how Zope works, so your problem seems
 to be, you don't understand Zope,

Agreed.  I know that Zope can do these things, but the
documentation doesn't want to give up Zope's secrets.
In most cases, such a problem would be only an

Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Andrew Milton
+---[ Hafeliel ]--
| --- Andrew Milton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  I'm having a hard time working out what your problem
|  is.
|  If anything, the Zope developers have given us too
|  much. In an attempt to protect us from ourselves,
|  they have severly limited what we can do.

| Please don't be mean.  I've been a programmer since
| 1979.

I've been cutting code since '76, what's your point? Or are you just pissing
for distance?

| I've done a lot of things in this last 27
| years.  If I can't make a tool dance and sing within
| two years of picking it up, then the chances are that
| the tool itself isn't measuring up.  If there is
| something specific you want to address, please do.

If you haven't worked out how to do any of the things you mentioned
in two years, I don't think it matters what system you use.

I absolutely cannot believe you haven't worked out how to log someone in from
a web form in two years of using Zope (especially given there's at least one
specialised product, and a whole bunch of generic ones that do this out of
the box for you). This single point alone would lead me to believe you're 
some porky pies (to be nice about it).

For someone who's been around for 27 years, I'd have expected you to have at
least once looked at the code... (if only to find out how the ZMI was sorting
on date), if you can't find any explicit documentation.

Andrew Milton
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Andrew Milton
+---[ Hafeliel ]--
| Exactly.  The whole point of a tool is to make it easy
| to get from point A to point B.  PHP presumes that the
| code is to be trusted and doesn't stand in the way. 
| Zope presumes that the code is suspect and is
| desperate to keep me from getting to point B.  The end
| result is that I end up not using what Zope can do
| because I do not want to deal with the roadblocks it
| puts up.

You are only 'restricted' when you enter your code through-the-web. On-Disk 
python code has no restrictions whatsoever. This includes both Products and
External Methods.

This is *well* documented.

Andrew Milton
Zope maillist  -  Zope@zope.org
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[Zope] Re: View classes based on Page Templates in Zope2

2006-11-12 Thread Philipp von Weitershausen

Peter Bengtsson wrote:

Something I like about Zope3 is the View classes.
What I like about it especially is that it's a brilliant place for 
putting in little extra silly python methods that are specific to your 
template rather than the object class. Eg.

class ViewProduct(BrowserPage):
def showPrice(self, product):
return £%.2f % product.getPrice()

What options do we have for this in Zope2?
If Five is the answer, what options do we have without Five?

Has anybody written a convenient class like this? Perhaps based in 
PageTemplateFile or something?

from Products.Five.browser.pagetemplatefile import ViewPageTemplateFile

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[Zope] i18n tags in XML file using Page Templates

2006-11-12 Thread Daniel de la Cuesta


I am 
want to return an XMLfile with i18n tags using a page 


?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? 
value i18n:translate=""My value/value/language

When I 
use the i18n taginside the page template I get a compilation error. The 
problem is exactly
in the 
line where the i18n tag is.

I have tried to include the i18n tal 
namespace but the problem persists.

How can I 
generate the XML inside the page template using i18n 


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Re: [Zope] Zope Alternative

2006-11-12 Thread Paul Winkler
On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 05:54:35PM -0600, Perry Smith wrote:
 Also... I don't watch this email with an eagle eye, but why haven't  
 you just asked?  These guys are terrific at answering questions and  
 pointers.  Watch:
 What module should I look at to help track down where the attributes  
 of an image are coming from?

this is inherited from the Persistent class in ZODB.
You're looking for bobobase_modification_time,
for hysterical raisins.  

Note however that it's updated on *any* transaction commit that touches
the object in question, which often isn't granular enough for apps that
care about things like mod time.  If you want something else, CMF has
examples of doing the DublinCore date stuff.  IIRC Philip's book has
examples of doing dublin core in the zope 3 style.
Happy to prove this particular point ;-)


Paul Winkler
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Re: [Zope] i18n tags in XML file using Page Templates

2006-11-12 Thread Andreas Jung

--On 13. November 2006 00:48:22 +0100 Daniel de la Cuesta [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi everybody,

I am want to return an XML file with i18n tags using a page template.

For example:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
language xmlns:tal=http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal;
value i18n:translate=My value/value

When I use the i18n tag inside the page template I get a compilation

It would really help if you could include the complete *error message*.


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