[Zope] a very simple question

2000-07-21 Thread pbiot

        Sorry for this question, but I want to understand a DTML example which is in the DTML.pdf

The sendmail example oblige to put the different variables on :
- the variables subject and body are supplied from the FeedbackForm
-  the variables support and feedback are supplied from Folder properties 

I don't understand why (the different variables may be defined on the Feedbacksend dtml document no ???)
Another problem is : on my feedback Form I can change the subject and object value, but, when I add an input to change the support value, the parameter on the line command is change, but the mail is send on the default adress. 
The example :

To: Product Support <>
From: Web Feedback Form <>

Thank you for your input!

Figure 14. A sample document that uses the dtml-sendmail tag

We want your input!

Destination :  


Figure 15. A feedback form that collects a subject and body from a user and submits them to the SendFeedback document
shown in figure 14.

Excuse me for my English, but I'm a little french developper without any experience 

[Zope] Inserting Python object in Zope !

2000-07-24 Thread pbiot

I'm a newbie, and I wonder : how could I use a personal Python object in Zope. 
I've a second question : how could I display (in html page) the  results from the Pythons function ?

thanks In advance