[Zope-dev] MethodsArgumentsValidation Proposal

2001-11-12 Thread Ivan Raikov


   I've created a proposal on dev.zope.org, regarding methods
argument validation -- an extension to Zope's security framework,
which would allow for validating method arguments, before they are
passed to the actual methods. This will simplify things such as HTML
form validation, etc.  

   You can read the proposal at:

  -Ivan Raikov

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Hookable Parameter Checking

2001-11-12 Thread Ivan Raikov

> Now that's a brilliant idea :-)
> Could you stick that in a Proposal and get it implemented? I'd love to use it...

  Write a proposal -- yes. Get it implemented -- I'll try :-)

> Ah, but surely the hookable method you propose could be used to doing any
> filtering required. This'd be my idea:
>  param1 = kw.get('param1','')
>  param1 = coerce(param1,'html',tags=self.allowed_tags)
>  return ((),{'param1':param1})

   Hm, I've never thought of using coerce for that purpose; I've
always thought it's used only for math operations... Anyway, when I
proposed the filter methods, I meant that we can still use the hook
mechanism, but provide a number of pre-defined, stock methods that
people can use (kinda like the __coerce__ methods from your example). 

> I just have a feeling that it might make your app crawl though :-(

  Hey, I never said it'll be fast 8-) But seriously, while I don't
know how fast would Python filtering be, if there are any performance
issues, I think a primitive HTML parser written in C can take care of
most of them.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Stripogram or similar in core

2001-10-29 Thread Ivan Raikov

   So, in this validation framework, do you envision having a
parameter-validating routine being invoked whenever a publicly-exposed
method is called by DTML methods, or did you want to focus on mere
HTML form validation/stripping?

  I'm asking because I've had situations when I've needed the
ability to restrict access to methods based on the values of their
parameters -- that's a little more fine-grained than the current
security machinery allows. I've always thought that it might be nice
to provide a hook for each method in a Zope class (similar to
declarative security statements), and to use this hook to validate the
parameters, according to the needs of the user.

  For string parameters, perhaps we can also have the ability to
specify a "filter" -- something like a search and replace statement,
with Sed-like syntax.

"Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That depends where you do the checking, yes html validation in just a form
> is not as secure as checking at the application level. What I am suggesting
> is adding the HTML validation framework into the core of Zope so people can
> add checking to any level of their application as they wish. Making a
> standard interface to this gives a the developer chance to put the checking
> in at the level they choose.

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Problems with permissionsOfRole in Zope 2.3.x

2001-10-09 Thread Ivan Raikov


I have a Folder-like object, which inherits ObjectManager and
PropertyManager, in addition to the acquisition and persistence
classes, and inside I have an instance of class which is a direct
descendant of  SimpleItem.

In the SimpleItem-like object, I have a method, let's call it
'test', which is protected by permission 'TestItem' (via a declarative
security statement). In addition, the entire object is covered by
permission 'Access TestItem', and the parent folder-like object is
covered by permission 'Access Test'. Both of the access permissions
are visible to the anonymous user.

  A sample implementation of those classes can be found at:


  Suppose now I create an instance of the Test folder, and inside
I put a user folder and a TestItem instance. I also create a role,
'TestRole' which is comprised of the 'TestItem' permission. Then I
create a user which has only 'TestRole'.

 Next, I log in as this user, and I attempt to access the method
'test' in my TestItem instance. This attempt succeeds, so I'm
presuming the Zope authentication machinery has successfully
determined the roles and permissions of this user, and the permissions
on the method I'm trying to access.

Now let's try to access method 'permissions'. Defined in the
folder-like class Test, this method uses permissionsOfRole to display
all permissions given to a certain user. What it should show upon
invocation is the permission 'TestItem' since this is the only
permission our user has been given, but instead is doesn't show
anything, because permissionsOfRole returns an empty set of

On the other hand, if one is to create a DTML form that invokes
permissionsOfRole (or uses the one in manage_access), the correct
permissions are displayed. Can anyone venture to guess where's the
problem here?

Ivan Raikov

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Zope-dev] Vulnerability: attacking can get file list and directory

2001-09-24 Thread Ivan Raikov

   Why not use logrotate, similarly to how you handle the Apache
logs? Or set a cron job to clear the logs, if you don't like logrotate...


> On a high-traffic site, wouldn't the log get really big, really quickly with
> tracebacks?  It is also nice to have the tracebacks in the browser window
> for debugging... 

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] Custom Login

2001-09-24 Thread Ivan Raikov


   Recently, I had to replace ZPublisher's default
authentication scheme, as part of a product I'm working on. I am aware
of the existence of LoginManager, exUserFolder, etc., but in this case
I needed to have a custom login screen at root level, i.e. completely
get rid of the basic HTTP authentication and browser popup window.

So I replaced some of the HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse methods in
order to present the user an HTML form whenever an 'Unauthorized'
exception is raised.

While I'm sure such an issue has arisen hundreds of times, somehow
I was unable to find a product or a How-To that specifically addresses
it, which means either I don't know how to browse the Web, or nobody
has bothered to document their knowledge in the area.

So I went ahead and created a simple Zope product that, upon
installing, makes the necessary changes in HTTPRequest and
HTTPResponse (HotFix style), so that cookie-based, HTML form login
replaces the default one.

For the curious, the product can be found at

In regards to this product, I've been pondering some questions
that I'd like to be answered by knowledgeable people, if 

   1. Is there a product that makes the changes I described,
  and where can I find it?

   2. Does anyone think it's a good idea to provide some kind
  of a standardized API for replacing ZPublisher's

   3. If a user attempts to access a resource,  and is denied
  access, my modified HTTPResponse simply redirects to the
  login form, without bothering to record the URL the user
  originally tried to access (which can be a bad or a good
  thing, I suppose). Is there any way for an HTTPResponse
  instance to find out the URL of its HTTPRequest?

   4. Not entirely related to this topic, but I noticed that
  the ChannelPipe class, used for communication between
  ZServer and ZPublisher, serves only one object instance
  at a time. What would be some practical difficulties in
  changing this class to serve multiple HTTPResponse

Finally, after noticing the ongoing discussion about the error
HTML contents produced by ZPublisher upon an exception, I'd like to point
out that it's extremely trivial to replace HTTPResponse._error_html
and provide either custom behavior (e.g. sending email to the
administrator), or custom HTML code, whether loaded from a file or
hardcoded. Is anyone interested in me writing a How-To on this topic?
The product I described above, already does that, so it would be
rather easy for me to put together some documentation, provided that
nobody has bothered to write any. Let me know...

   Ivan Raikov


Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZServerSSL trouble

2000-05-31 Thread Ivan Raikov


I just installed ZServerSSL, but when I try to access the https server,
I get the following:

Traceback (innermost last):
File "/home/ivan/src/Zope-2.1.6-src/z2s.py", line 681, in ?
File "/home/ivan/src/Zope-2.1.6-src/ZServer/medusa/asyncore.py", line 
115, in loop
poll_fun (timeout)
File "/home/ivan/src/Zope-2.1.6-src/ZServer/medusa/asyncore.py", line 
62, in poll
(r,w,e) = select.select (r,w,e, timeout)
ValueError: filedescriptor out of range in select()

I don't know enough about Zope innards, so I was wondering if someone
can explain when such a situation can occur. I also noticed that the
lists (or tuples) r and w get their values from an object called
`socket_map', so I'd like to know what the purpose of this object is,
and where it is initialized.

Ivan Raikov

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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 http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope )