
HAProxy 1.3.28 was released on 2016/03/14. It added 15 new commits
after version 1.3.27 which was released more than one year ago.

Please note that this is the very last 1.3 release and that 1.3 is
now marked end-of-life almost 10 years after its first release.
There's nothing really interesting in this version, but since fixes
were available it was better to issue a release so that users can
benefit from them.

There is no more reason for staying on 1.3 now, bugs which will be
discovered in the future will not be fixed. If you need a rock-solid
version and don't need SSL, 1.4 represents a seamless upgrade. If you
need some time to validate a major upgrade, better spot 1.5 (1.6 still
requires frequent updates).

Please find the usual URLs below :
   Site index       : http://www.haproxy.org/
   Discourse        : http://discourse.haproxy.org/
   Sources          : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.3/src/
   Git repository   : http://git.haproxy.org/git/haproxy-1.3.git/
   Git Web browsing : http://git.haproxy.org/?p=haproxy-1.3.git
   Changelog        : http://www.haproxy.org/download/1.3/src/CHANGELOG
   Cyril's HTML doc : http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/

Complete changelog :
  - DOC: usesrc root privileges requirements
  - BUG/MINOR: http: remove stupid HTTP_METH_NONE entry
  - BUG/MINOR: http: Add OPTIONS in supported http methods (found by 
  - CLEANUP: config: make the errorloc/errorfile messages less confusing
  - DOC: Address issue where documentation is excluded due to a gitignore rule.
  - CLEANUP: .gitignore: ignore more test files
  - CLEANUP: .gitignore: finally ignore everything but what is known.
  - CLEANUP: don't ignore debian/ directory if present
  - FIX: small typo in an example using the "Referer" header
  - BUG/MEDIUM: config: count memory limits on 64 bits, not 32
  - BUG/MINOR: acl: don't use record layer in req_ssl_ver
  - BUILD: freebsd: double declaration
  - DOC: add server name at rate-limit sessions example
  - MINOR: cfgparse: warn when uid parameter is not a number
  - MINOR: cfgparse: warn when gid parameter is not a number

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