Using Ora TDP to duplicate database

2003-01-12 Thread Bernie M
Hi I am running Oracle on AIX 4.3.3 with TSM Server V4, Release 2, Level 2.2 Oracle TDP version I would like to use the RMAN duplicate function to duplicate my production datbase on a different node. I have done this in the past (as recently as 4 months ago) without any problem. Wh

Re: Oracle TDP file space deletion quesiton

2002-08-28 Thread Bernie M
Thanks David, Interestingly there is not much point in keeping the data since to resore would require ebu and an earlier version of Oracle. One of the problems I found going to the newer version, the old backups became useless! Thanks again Boris --- David Longo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > If

Oracle TDP file space deletion quesiton

2002-08-28 Thread Bernie M
Hi all Recently I upgraded from Oracle/ebu/adsm connect to Oracle/rman/TDP to TSM. One thing that I found was that the ebu software stopped working for one reason or other after the upgrade but I still have all the old file spaces associated with the EBU backups. I created new client nodes for my

Re: TDP for Oracle with EBU and AIX

2002-08-08 Thread Bernie M
Hi Brian, One thing I found good was running tdpoconf showenv. I had a few problems getting it going not knowing where the dsm.sys was located but once I did that I sorted out my configurations and everything seems to work except for a problem with my password which should be easy enough to resol

Re: problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2

2002-04-17 Thread Bernie M
e reason, there have been > problems with old driver > and patch levels. > > -Original Message- > From: Bernie M [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2002 2:00 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2 > > > Hi all,

problem after upgrding ADSM to TSM 4.2

2002-04-16 Thread Bernie M
Hi all, I have just upgraded my ADSM server to TSM 4.2 on AIX 4.3.3 and am having problems with the definitions of my drives. Ther is nothing using the drives, I can access them using tapeutil but have the following problems in TSMANR2017I Administrator SERVER_CONSOLE issued command: QUERY DRIVE 3


2002-02-17 Thread Bernie M
Hi, I am looking at upgrading an ADSM 2.? server to TSM 4.2 but am a little concerned that my database backups will stop working. I am using ebu to backup my Oracle 7 databases and have been told that if I go to TSM 4.2 I will also need to purchase the Oracle TDP. My understanging on this is not