Re: I am getting millions back through TargetingIdeas API rather than hundreds. Location set to one city

2018-04-27 Thread Pimmy
Hi Peter, Thank you for replying, I had already checked the values coming back from the Keyword Planner. Those are in the hundreds... not millions. In fact the location I put in does not even have millions of people living in it, more like thousands. That's why I am so puzzled about the disc

I am getting millions back through TargetingIdeas API rather than hundreds. Location set to one city

2018-04-26 Thread Pimmy
Hi Everyone, I am getting millions back for the SEARC_VOLUME rather than the expected hundreds: *Keyword with text 'used ford focus fc42f77b', average monthly search volume 5755414* Am I interpreting the response wrong? Can anyone please help me out? Thanks very much for taking the time to rea