The ListAdapter's max value of the 'position' parameter of its getView(...)
method is determined by the ListAdatper's getCount() method. It will never
be larger than the value returned by getCount():
0 <= position < getCount()
I have never seen position being larger or equal than getCount(
I am calling notifyDataSetChanged().
If I override it in my adapter, to add a log trace, this does get hit and
the trace happens . . .
> *// just overriding notifyDataSetChanged() to instrument it
> @Overridepublic void notifyDataSetChanged() {
The value returned by AdapterView.getCount is cached.
It's also updated after you've called notifyDataSetChanged:
There's a lot of proprietary code in the adapter; I'll see if I can whittle
it down to something simple but meanwhile I'd like to pursue the listview's
strange getCount result. Because that's a separate question from the
getView()'s position value (maybe) I've started a separate thread focus
That is hard to figure out without you posting the code of your adapter and
how you create an instance of your adapter. It is probably a subtle bug...
On Friday, May 16, 2014 2:34:19 PM UTC-4, plnelson wrote:
> Sorry - should be lv.get*Count*.
> And yes, I am calling notifyDataSetChanged.
Sorry - should be lv.get*Count*.
And yes, I am calling notifyDataSetChanged.
I've also tried calling the ListView's *invalidate()* method, with no
change in the behavior.
Since posting this I've written a whole separate version of the program
where I initially display 12 items ( listItems
There is no method 'getView' on a ListView class. And i expect i wouldn't
return a number
However, you do define a *static *field called *listItems*. Do you update
the *listItems *field directly without notifying the your *BaseAdapter*? If
so, this could be the problem. Notify the *BaseAdap
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