Runmacro.exe doesn't perform

2009-06-19 Thread Andreas Munch
mpt) I get no resultning file placed in the desired directory. Notice that it works fine in my ARS 6.3 enviroment. I get a message from then command-prompt saying: "env is not set". Any idea to why this is??? Kindes regards Andreas Munch ___

SUBSTRC using 3rd parameter

2009-04-07 Thread Andreas Munch
Hey everyone ARS 6.03.00 MSSQL 2005 Problem: Actually this proberbly is a novice question, but... I'm trying to remove the "."'s from the ARS Version information, pushing it to a Form containing users client version. This version information comes as a string eg. "6.03.00" or "7.1.00". For co