[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED] - reason

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi folks. I found the following mistakes. The parameter host must not be the real IP-Address of the host. In my configuration it was host = That is wrong. The try with host = brought the same error. Only host = localhost works fine. Additional

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error - [ SOLVED]

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide. No I changed the host parameter back to and did the good old System restart and now the error message won't come but I run in another problem But for this I will start a new thread. Br Robert From: Robert Kromoser Sent: Donnerstag, 26. Mai 2011 09:17 To:

[Bacula-users] FW: bacula-web error

2011-05-26 Thread Robert Kromoser
Hi Davide. A change of the host parameter to has the same effect with the same error message. Here the mysql variant: [root@CBCK0001 ~]# mysql -u bacula -h -p Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id i