Flocks of Horned Larks east of King Ferry Winery, Center rd.
Gray Ghost harrier downhill from Long Pt Winery, off NY Rt 90.
C Geese everywhere.
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
On and around Saxton Road off Indian Field Road north west of Genoa, I enjoyed
seeing at least 65 Horned Larks & 7 Snow Buntings foraging on & in roads by big
Sunnyside Dairy.
Probably after road salt & droppings from large farm trucks that went by.
Then saw roughly 300 European Starlings around
Saw 50 Horned Larks foraging in grass beside pavement at ~48 Emmons Rd Lansing,
east of Rt 34-B.
FOY for me!
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
~25 at 3245-3275 Bruton Rd, Scipio Center. East of NY RT 34.
Foraging in rather short, thick grass growing in corn stubble-field, north side
of this dirt road.
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Yesterday I was birding for Audubon New York’s fundraising Birdathon, and I had
a fantastic day sighting or hearing 74 species.
Geneva, home- AM: FOY house wren
Seneca Meadows Landfill: blue grosbeak, white-crowned sparrow
Montezuma NWR wildlife drive: American bittern, least sandp
16 along with 1 beautiful Snow Bunting, on Center rd btw Rt 34-B & Mahaney rd
in S Cayuga Cnty.
First of year for me for both species!
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
About 6 far out in plowed field on Powers Rd. Off Lake Ridge Rd. ~1/2 mile from
intersection, north side of Powers.
Cayuga County
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Sorry - wrong road!! - Around noon there were many (not good at counting)
horned larks and snow buntings on Buck HIll Road between Aiken Rd. and Rt. 79,
on the road, and on both sides. (Town of Enfield, Tompkins Co. on the east side
of the road, Town of Hector, Schuyler Co. on the west).
Around noon there were many (not good at counting) horned larks and snow
buntings on Black Oak Road between Aiken Rd. and Rt. 79, on the road, and on
both sides. (Town of Enfield, Tompkins Co. on the east side of the road, Town
of Hector, Schuyler Co. on the west).
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://ww
14 HORNED LARKS Scofield Rd towards Pleasant Valley Rd. Lansing.
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
Nice mixed flock, about 50 birds on Cook Rd. west of Indian Field Rd, genoa,
north of NY Rt 90.
Were in corn stubble with what looks like Winter Wheat rows growing up, & by
Very spooked by motor vehicles.
Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
I wonder how much last winter affected insects. It was hard on me.
Glenn Wilson
Endicott, NY
On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:39 AM, John and Sue Gregoire wrote:
We'll join that observation and sentiment. Lynda, we were just commenting on how
"safe" it is to walk barefoot -not at al
Linda wrote:
> And gas should cost $100 per gallon.
That would certainly put a crimp in our frivolous birding activity! :-)
For anyone whose birding habit is already costing too much at the pump, I'd
like to recommend backyard beekeeping; it's truly a wonderful hobby.
Ecological degradation i
I agree with sentiments offered..
Here is something refreshing regarding honey bees I recently chanced
On Sun, Jul 6, 2014 at 8:39 AM, John and Sue Gregoire
> We'll join that observation and sentiment. Lynda, we were just commenting
> on how
> "safe
We'll join that observation and sentiment. Lynda, we were just commenting on how
"safe" it is to walk barefoot -not at all a good thing.
We've studied all this to death and it's past time for action. Does anyone know
where the academic leadership is on this (these) issues? Continually amazed
My garden which I've designed for bees & butterflies is also relatively and
sadly quiet.
Stephanie Greenwood
Sent from my iPad
> On Jul 6, 2014, at 8:04 AM, Linda Orkin wrote:
> Thanks for these observations Fritzie. I care. I'm there with you. It's a
> tragedy. And now we are on the cusp
Thanks for these observations Fritzie. I care. I'm there with you. It's a
tragedy. And now we are on the cusp of another horrible pesticide related to
Agent Orange being approved. Along with new agent orange ready GMO companion
plants. I, too, have silently blooming white clover in my yard. I wa
Three horned larks were standing on Dublin Hill Rd. (east of Aurora)
between Rte. 34 B & Black St. which goes north as a continuation of
Indian Field Rd..
Here in Union Springs we saw 2 soaring ospreys over our house & one on
the NYSEG Transfer Station nest on No. One Rd. across the field from
On Groton City Road, where farmers have been spreading manure, there are
loads of Horned Larks. Also, a nice, large, roundish hawk up in a tree
with it's back to me. Did not have a red tail. I was too late for work
(again) to wait for it too move for identification. Also saw a Northern
Harrier whi
The Center Road mentioned in my previous post is next to the Treleaven
Winery (King Ferry address) and is off Lake Road, just before it reaches
Rte. 90.
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
There was a flock of HORNED LARKS on Center Road this morning. We first
saw them flying and circling around, then observed them doing their ground
scampering and hopping about. They were fun to watch, especially since
neither Marianne nor I have had lark sightings this winter. Center Road
has tr
South of Auburn on Silver Street Rd. near the Fleming/Scipio Townline Rd.: two
apparently separate flocks of Horned Larks (roughly 10 in each) were scavenging
whatever is available at the roadside scraped up by recent plows; also an
unidentified sparrow among them (small, like a Savannah Sparrow
A half dozen Horned Larks followed the snow to Cayuga View Rd in TBurg this
afternoon. Previously, with zero snow, there had been zero HLarks. The wind
blows across the corn fields and leaves little lark tidbits on the shoulders of
the road.
Bill McAneny, tburg
Cayugabirds-L List Info:
This afternoon John & I were slowly driving along a section of Waldron Rd. east
of Union Springs when we scared 5 horned larks from the center of the graveled
The field alongside had been sprayed with slurry last wk. & then plowed so the
larks had "good pickins'"! An adjacent field is pl
There were several flocks of Horned Larks flying and landing in the fields on
Lake Rd. just below the Long
Point Winery near Rt.. 90 south of Aurora. In addition there was a flock of
Wild Turkeys, approximately 20,
grazing near the construction area adjacent to the north end of Lake Rd. and
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