RE: HELP I'm drowning in a sea of encoding.

2006-05-22 Thread Ian Skinner
Can't think of any... you could be extra safe and be sure your database is set to the same encoding. I'll try and remember that. In this case there is no database involved; the app uses simple xml files. -- Ian Skinner Web Programmer BloodSource Sacramento, CA

Re: HELP I'm drowning in a sea of encoding.

2006-05-21 Thread Denny Valliant
> > Any advanced warnings of potential 'gotchas' would be most appreciated. Can't think of any... you could be extra safe and be sure your database is set to the same encoding. Then it's just a matter of remembering to set the type everywhere. You can put the setEncoding() in the

RE: HELP I'm drowning in a sea of encoding.

2006-05-19 Thread Ian Skinner
Ok, I've made my first attempt and it seems to be working well. I've added a cfprocessingdirective and cfcontent tags to the beginning of my file.";> As well as the Content-Type meta tag in the html head section. Then in the form pr

RE: HELP I'm drowning in a sea of encoding.

2006-05-19 Thread Ian Skinner
I am finally back to working on this task. Ok 1st off tinyMCE isn't the most i18n friendly editor, it's a soup of different encodings. What encoding are you using? Are these chars making it out of tinyMCE ok? I believe they are, when I dump the form on the action page, the characters are the

Re: HELP I'm drowning in a sea of encoding.

2006-05-12 Thread Paul Hastings
Ian Skinner wrote: > I have a small CMS type form. I have used the tinyMCE wysiwyg widget to allow ok 1st off tinyMCE isn't the most i18n friendly editor, it's a soup of different encodings. what encoding are you using? are these chars making it out of tinyMCE ok? > I can not seem to get th