I have a pair of Cisco ASR1001 routers, both running 15.1(3)S2
(UNIVERSALK9_NPE-M). Both are configured similarly, their role is as BGP edge
device on a service provider network.
Netflow exports are configured on both routers, but only working on one. The
relevant, simple configuration i
Andy Davidson wrote:
> Seemingly without a config change, there are some sessions which refuse to
> establish, because of a bgp notification :
> %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: received from neighbor XXX 2/3 (BGP identifier wrong)
> 4 bytes XXX
> The router-id has not been changed - it was us
Minzhi (Catherine) Wu wrote:
> Seems it is a Cisco bug,
> ..following error message: %BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: sent to neighbor 1::1 passive
> 2/3 (BGP identifier wrong) 4 bytes 0103 Conditions...Workaround: Enter
> the clear ip bgp command. *CSCsy29534...
> 06 Oct 2009 -
> www.cisco.com/en/US
I have a Cisco 6509 with SUP720-3BXL. It has over a hundred bgp peers
configured, two full tables, 4 ibgp, several peerings at an IXP.
Seemingly without a config change, there are some sessions which refuse to
establish, because of a bgp notification :
%BGP-3-NOTIFICATION: received from nei
s about
aggregate flows to your target peers.
There are open source and commercial tools which can do this. Poke me
off list if you need specific info.
Best wishes,
Regards, Andy Davidson +44 (0)20 7993 1700 www.netsumo.com
NetSumo Specialist networks consultancy
On 5 Dec 2007, at 17:33, Marc Haber wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 05, 2007 at 12:06:54PM -0500, Eric Van Tol wrote:
>> I could be wrong, but I believe that the PIX/ASA configuration can
>> be seen via the internal web server. It's encrypted via SSL, so a
>> wget should work, if it's compiled with SSL