Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Aroldo Ribeiro dos Santos (aroldo-net) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Wallace Rosa (wallaros) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
arlindo batista xavier filho (arlindo-h) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Pablo Diego Moço (pablodm89) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Carlos Tavares (carlostavaresjr-q) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership
has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leandro Vital (leandrovital) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Roberto Leite de Moraes Rodrigues (roberto-rodrigues) wants to be a
member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated
team, so that membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline
or leave it as proposed by following the link below
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Paulo Henrique (icpauloti) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jeías Mangabeira Dantas (jeiasdantas) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Vinicius Romeiro (m-vinicius) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Caio Rearte (caiorearte) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by the user from Approved to
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Daniel Martins (mrmillionyear) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
josue alessandro (josuealessandro) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2014-01-05.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Henrique Aparecido Lavezzo (henlavezzo) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leandro Toledo de Souza (leandrotoledodesouza) renewed their own
membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
cyberthrone (alfierimorillo) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Entendendo o blog do Ubuntu-BR-SP
Author name: Sérgio Benjamim
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~sergio-br2-y
Date: 2012-12-21 12:59:20+00:00
Message-ID: <50d45d28.4
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Olá Lista!!
Author name: Vinicius Vieira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~vinicius3cta
Date: 2012-12-20 17:10:30+00:00
A message has been posted to the
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo (ayrton)
from Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ygor Benhami (ygorbenhami) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo (ayrton) from
Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Professor Pardal (professorpardal-tec) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo
(ayrton) from Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Thiago Martins dos Santos Silva (thiagomusique)
in the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton
Araujo (ayrton) from Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ricardo (ricardoeogrande) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo (ayrton) from
Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Josival Alves dos Santos (valwicked) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo
(ayrton) from Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Maciel Portugal de Omena (zg43-webmaster) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Ayrton Araujo
(ayrton) from Proposed to Approved.
Ayrton Araujo said:
Ao pedido de Marta
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Sergio Benjamim (sergio-br2) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Fábio Nogueira (fnogueira)
from Proposed to Approved.
Fábio Nogueira said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Fabio do Espirito Santo Machado (fatake6) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Sergio Benjamim (sergio-br2) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ricardo (ricardoeogrande) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Maciel Portugal de Omena (zg43-webmaster) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ygor Benhami (ygorbenhami) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Solicitação de participação
Author name: Vinicius Vieira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~vinicius3cta
Date: 2012-12-05 19:03:15+00:00
A message has been
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Vinicius Vieira (vinicius3cta) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Luiz Fernando da Silva (folksilva) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-12-08.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
ACL (aclucki) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-11-28.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
TUXMALUX (tuxmalux) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-11-29.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of paulo.ubuntu (paulo-ubuntu-gmail) in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Josival Alves dos Santos (valwicked) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Professor Pardal (professorpardal-tec) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Thiago Martins dos Santos Silva (thiagomusique) wants to be a member of
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of GILSON AMORIM (gilson) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Albino Biasutti Neto (bino28) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcos de Lima (jogador2) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Rai Biason Toffoletto (raibtoffoletto) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Andrei Oliveira (andrevis) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Roger Eduardo P. de Almeida (roger-eduardo) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Henrique Escobar Hornos (henrique-hornos) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of psamuel (persaudsamuel) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario
(kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario said:
Seja bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Thiago Henrique Tecedor (thiago-tecedor) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka
Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendari
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Francisco_Anderson (franciscoanderson) in the
team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka
Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendari
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Henrique C. Duarte (henriquecd) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka
Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Adriana Miyazaki de Moura (miya) in the team
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka
Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Ana Maria Fleury Curado Martins (anaplantinha)
in the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel
Zaidan aka Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaid
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of Alisson Silva (alissonsm) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario
(kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario said:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of ANNDRE (anndre-gaspar) in the team Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario
(kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Legendario said:
Seja bem
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership status of André Luís Barletta Jurizato (andrejurizato) in
the team Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) was changed by Kemel Zaidan
aka Legendario (kemelzaidan) from Proposed to Approved.
Kemel Zaidan aka Lege
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Cleiton da Silva Negreiros (cleiton-negreiros) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Youssif Ghantous Filho (youssif) in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Francisco_Anderson (franciscoanderson) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alvaro Leal (Effenberg0x0) (effenberg0x0) renewed their own membership
in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-11-06.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Greyson Farias (greyson-farias) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-11-05.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
kretcheu (kretcheu) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-11-01.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of biduzido (bidu) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-
sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselhobrasi
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Thiago Avelino (avelino0) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of TiagoCruz (tiagocruz) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchpad.net/~conselho
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of canderson (christiano-anderson) in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Antônio Ayres (LedStyle) (ledstyle) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Adriana Miyazaki de Moura (miya) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Thiago Henrique Tecedor (thiago-tecedor) wants to be a member of Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that
membership has to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as
proposed by following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Leonardo Silva Amaral (leleobhz) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-22.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Edson Lima (ubuntucampinas) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-20.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Antonio Sampaio (antls) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-19.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Carlos Henrique Penteado (cpenteado) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-19.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Barba (rodrigoalviani) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-19.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcus Vinicius Brandão Soares (mvbsoares) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fabio Lima (fabiocorujao) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-06.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Henrique C. Duarte (henriquecd) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has
to be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Anderson Casimiro (duodraco) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
kleber pereira (kleber-lookline) renewed their own membership in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-01.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Fa Conti (faconti) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-10-01.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: I can't believe you helped me save over $300 on this Rolex Sport
Author name: grayeul
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~bob-robisonranch
Date: 2012-09-26 07:48:07.4
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
kktanaka (kktanaka) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil -
SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-09-30.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Sidnei Alves de Souza (sidnei-reboot) renewed their own membership in
the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-09-23.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Ubuntu Brasil - SP has a new message requiring your approval.
Subject: Solicitação de CDs
Author name: christian menezes pereira
Author url: https://launchpad.net/~christianmenezes89
Date: 2012-09-18 16:18:15+00:00
Message-ID: <1347985095.18
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
psamuel (persaudsamuel) wants to be a member of Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp), but this is a moderated team, so that membership has to
be approved. You can approve, decline or leave it as proposed by
following the link below.
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alex Teixeira (alltry) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-09-15.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Domingos Teruel (mingomax) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-09-13.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Sebastião Luiz Guerra (sebastiao-luiz-guerra) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Luiz Canuto (luiz-canuto) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Jonas Costa (jonasnc2000) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP
(ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of lucas matos dos santos (lucaskslitoral) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Leonardo Aparecido Siqueira da Silva (leo6566) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of MAURICIO CAVALCANTE MACHADO (mauricio-machado) in the
Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Richard Sanderson Duarte Gomes
(richardsandersondgomes) in the Ubuntu Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team
has expired.
The Launchpad team
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Marcelo Ribeiro de Almeida (neonrj) in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
The membership of Alexsandro Cesario (alexcesario) in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team has expired.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
William Ranvaud (wiranvaud) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-08-23.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Alex Costa (alexcosta67) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-08-23.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Zandre Bran (zandrebran) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu
Brasil - SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-08-23.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list:
Hello Conselho Ubuntu Brasil,
Marcus Diniz (mdiniz) renewed their own membership in the Ubuntu Brasil
- SP (ubuntu-br-sp) team until 2013-08-23.
The Launchpad team
Mailing list: https://launchp
401 - 500 de 673 matches
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