Thank you Jason,
I have done the hard reset of the tracker database. I can now easily right
hand click and see the properties of the files. I do get the error
"GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.Tracker1.SparqlError.Internal: Error opening
database" but I am assuming that this is because I have done the
Hello Jason,
Sorry for lack of reply. Been away from my computer.
I can confirm that I do have a lot of photos in RAW format about 25Mb each.
However once I have finished with the images I then move them to a external
hard drive.
I will hopefully run the commands tonight.
On Fri,
re:2134): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA journal_mode
= WAL;'
Tracker-Message: Setting page size to 8192
Tracker-Message: Setting cache size to 250
(tracker-store:2134): Tracker-DEBUG: Preparing query: 'PRAGMA
-- END
Tracker-Message: Registering D-Bus service...
(tracker-store:12587): Tracker-CRITICAL **: D-Bus service
name:'org.freedesktop.Tracker1' is already taken, perhaps the daemon is
already running?
Trace/breakpoint trap
-- END tracker-control -
The issue will occur on any particular type of file. I have created a video
recording me replicating the bug using just a JPG.
On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 5:36 AM, Jason Crain
> Control: tags -1 + moreinfo
> On Sun, May 07, 2017 at 12:41:46
5 matches
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